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Saturday, 6 June 2020

All Lives Matter

Written by Mathew Naismith


I will tell you something, ALL LIVES MATTER, not just one group of lives over another. This is unless you are of the US democratic left wing that is, a left wing politics of obvious division. In Australia, both the left and right wing is of division it would seem. All lives matter be it black or white, rich or poor, atheist or religious/spiritual, all these lives matter and more but they simply don’t it would seem under our present governmental systems.


Take a look at our new rules for attending and playing sports in Australia, nothing less than draconian. Get this though, if you chant all blacks matter, not all lives matter, you can do as you please by law and by the new rules that are infinite in number it would seem.


At no time demonstrate about all lives matter or about mandatory vaccines, 5G and lockdowns, etc, if you do, you have to keep moving and social distancing unlike in black lives matter demonstrations. Yes, it would seem deadly diseases can’t be transmitted while demonstrating in close quarters for black lives matter, mind boggling!!


Do you love how our governments and main media of today are fully enduring division?


As it is, Obama has stated all lives matter as has democrat Nancey Pelosi which seems to contradict what I stated here!!


Playing politics, when don’t politicians say one thing to become popular to then do another? Warring for starters is not about all lives matter nor is the too obvious corruption. If all lives matter, how would corruption exist or thrive under this reality that all lives matter?  Why today would it look like the democrats are behind the riots in the US? You can be arrested and/or fined today in Australia for demonstrating in close quarters that all lives matter, but obviously not for only black lives matter over and above all other colours.


In all, you can’t tell me that covid-19 is not a scam, especially when so many elite have made billions from the covid-19 scam, or as other people put it, corona-phobia. Will they do it again to gain even more riches? As is the same, is the bad health industry worth billions?


So in all honesty, do all lives matter under our present governmental system? All the lives that don’t matter, including black lives matter people, are simply a pawn used for the gain of the very few. To the elite, only a small portion of lives matter, their own, all else is expendable.


  1. No, some lives matter more than others. This victim mentality of giving victim groups more rights than others in reality take the rights away from other groups. We will keep this system of group against group until we reach the point of all live do not mater but the few in power and the bureaucrats and police forces who protect them and enforce their draconian rules.

    All lives matter belong to a more enlightened or evolved human that now inhabits this planet. I suspect it will get very ugly before it gets better. If it gets better. Though, it will never get better unless we believe it will and make it so.

    Do the best you can. Best wishes to you & your.


    1. G'day Mike.

      It shows us that we are still suffering from the past instead of learning from the past to then move on from the past altogether. Are many of us presently aware of this? Not by the looks of it Mike but there is hope as a number of people are now looking at all lives matter and even all living things matter.

      All the best to you and yours,
