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Wednesday, 17 June 2020

All Living Things Matter

                                                  Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I am, a person who was brought up in an environment of extremist ideological atheism, where literature pertaining to religion/spiritually was strictly outlawed. Within this extremist ideological environment, the soul didn’t even exist. Gosh, knowing what I know now in how western atheistic ideologies could have lead to me never considering the existence of a soul is astonishing.   

Atheist science biased through atheistic ideologies and doctrines could not explain the experiences I had in my life, especially when I didn’t experience these experiences on my own. Yes, I had these experiences but I needed these experiences confirmed, but in the absence of atheistic or religious/spiritual biases. I would have to say that most of my research was in the absence of bias as mush as any human could be.

Like so many people, I can go into states of observation in the absence of participation, I can also observe my own participation. Yes, I can also go into a state of participation in the absence of observation which I have been doing since the covid-19 debacle and proceeding lockdowns. Within this time of participation, I have recently observed that human consciousness has change significantly since I last observed human consciousness. You may think I mean for the worse but I don’t, in actuality I have never observed human consciousness being so aware and together, even in past lives.

Yes, on the physical plain human consciousness has become even more divided and not just due to the lockdowns. Black lives matter, which refers to a certain coloured skin separate to other kinds of skin, especially white, however, all lives matter has also taken precedence in a lot of people’s lives as well. All lives matter doesn’t make reference to a certain skin colour, within this there is no separation. Even better still, like my wife and I, a few people have stated all living things matter.

Black lives matter actually makes references to the endless suffering from the past, where all lives matter makes references to learning from the past. All living things matter just goes even further still in learning from the past.

Non-physical related consciousness actually influenced the human physical side of consciousness to go from black lives matter to all lives matter and even to all living things matter. When a non-physical conscious state manifests a reality in physical form, it is done through stages. Think of it like the stages of a new born to adulthood, this growth is all accomplished through stages, the same with consciousness when manifested in physical form. Yes, in a non-physical reality there is no need of stages but there is in a physical reality, for starters, a non-physical reality is not determined by time. This alone makes a huge difference between the two distinctly different realities.

All this means is that a certain percentage of human consciousness is now learning from it’s past instead of suffering from it’s past.

If most of humanity truly believed that we all have a soul, and that if we abuse our own soul and other souls in life and this reflects on our own soul in the after life, would we abuse each others souls? If we truly believed this, we couldn’t do what many of us are doing today. What black lives matter has evolved from is the abuse of souls, in other words black lives matter is a derivative of abuse, an abuse many of us desire not to let go of for whatever reason, be it whatever the colour of the skin is. All lives matter actually goes on from an abusive consciousness to the healing of an abused consciousness. All living things matter goes further in healing all of what is, which includes the Earth itself.

Look at it this way, so many politicians are putting the health of the country therefore its people last on the list. If the country is not healthy, the people of that country, that environment, will also be unhealthy in some way. If the Earth is healthy, how will this reflect on all other living things?

So why are politicians putting the country and it’s people last on the list of importance? If they truly believed that souls exist, they wouldn’t abuse other souls like this. They obviously don’t believe that souls exist otherwise they would put the country and its people first on the list. To go even further, put the Earth itself first on the list, for all living things matter.

I will go even further with this, all of what energy is matters. While recently in observation, energy as a whole was simply coming together as one. Why? Once you take away abuse of souls and energy as a whole, all of what seemed separate before comes together as one. What is so amazing is this energy is coming together with the inclusion of human conscious energy, in other words human consciousness is starting to become part of energy as a whole once again as it lets go of perceived separation, therefore abusive ways, of souls and energy as a whole.

The separation between black and white is simply perceived as is our own human conscious separation from energy as a whole. If you like, separation from God as the perception of God is a good example of a true form of oneness in my mind.

Supplement: This does not make sense. So you enforce violence by the enforcement of violence, a great deal of violence, to forcefully denounce violence through whatever means!!

We are still suffering from the past and not learning from the past. A reality built upon violence will only be once again conditioned to violence. It is like conditioning society the paedophilia being the norm, and then on to Satanist paedophilia being the norm. This is already the norm in certain sectors of society today by the way.

Will we ever learn not to abuse energy? An abused energy will only create one type of reality, and we call ourselves intelligent. Stay away from all groups who are built and based upon hate, a hate of anything.

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