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Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Purest Form of Conscious Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

Nothing comes close to this form of energy, an energy that pure that anything within this energies environment is instantly transformed.

A lot of people who abuse energy brutely in physical reality can even be transformed within this pure form of energy (PFCE), in all honest truth, the most abusive energy in existence is receptive to this energy. Many people may think that the sinister nature of various people in the world is close to the most sinister consciousness in existence. What is ever sinister in this physical reality, is 1000 times more sinister in a conscious reality way beyond anything sinister in this physical reality. What this means is that people who think they are going to be at the top of the pile of this sinister consciousness, are actually going to be at the bottom of the pile. And yes, this is eternal unlike the temporary or finite in relation to physical reality. Their souls are in for a huge shock.

So could this pure form of energy go into the most sinister conscious energy in existence and transform it?

The more correct question is, can the most sinister form of energy go into this pure form of energy and transform this energy? The answer is empathically no, for ignorance cannot exist within the same environment as awareness, but awareness, as we are seeing at present, can exist within the same environment as ignorance. Well, sort of.

This sinister consciousness is always at war with it's opposite, but the opposite is never at war with sinister consciousness, it doesn't have to be to dispel sinister consciousness. As it is, the more ignorant a consciousness becomes, the more sinister it becomes. The opposite is true too. The more aware a consciousness becomes, the more of this pure form of conscious energy consciousness becomes. Awareness often humbles itself to ignorance, but ignorance never humbles itself to awareness, it is simply unable to for this sinister consciousness is unable to exist within the same environment as this pure consciousness energy.

Pure conscious energy is simply an energy that is not tainted by ignorance, as sister conscious energy is tainted by ignorance. So you can see why this sinister consciousness has to keep a consciousness in ignorance. Anyone who has delved into the misinformation of governments and main media around the world in recent times, will realise the extent of this ignorance, this sinister consciousness in the world. It is exceptionally prevalent because most people are kept unaware to serve something they have little awareness of. Even by keeping quiet you are serving this sinister consciousness. You are told to stay away from the negatives to manifest a positive reality of light and love. If you are aware of what is presently going on, you will realise this has worked for creating a more darker sinister reality. If a more purer form of conscious energy was expressed, nothing sinister could exist or at least you would see a diminishing of this dark energy but quite the opposite is presently occurring.

Try to remember, the more aware you become, the more of this pure form of conscious energy you become. If you were a part of this pure energy, no amount of negative energy could stop you from becoming aware even while surrounded by this dark energy. This sinister dark energy is simply an energy of pure ignorance, it cannot exist within a reality of awareness, especially within a consciousness of the purest form of conscious energy.

I should add that people like myself are focused more on the health of the soul, the infinite, rather than the human self, the finite. It is a collective consciousnesses at work trying to guide lost souls, after experiencing trauma, to the light. The light being awareness instead of ignorance, the dark. This is why people like me have to stay aware even at cost to the finite self. Just being aware of , for example, the plight of sexually and Satanist abused children, helps these souls find the light. When a traumatised person like this dies, they feel separated from everything, very alone and vulnerable. Within this state, even these souls can end up in a very sinister reality. No, you don't have to be sinister yourself to end up in this state often refereed to as hell by a lot of people, all your soul has to do is feel lost and separated. All we have to do is be aware of their plight and show an understanding of their plight, within this these souls feel whole again, it is this simple.

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