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Sunday, 19 July 2020

The Resurrection of Humanity

Written by Mathew Naismith

The darker it gets, the lighter the light shines. In other words, in a reality of ignorance (dark), consciousnesses becomes more aware of awareness (light) as light shines the best where ignorance resides.

What makes humans human, is it it's physical stature or it's consciousness? Physically, if an alien from a far off galaxy came to Earth and had the physical stature of a human being, they are therefore classified as being human!!

Human form obviously does not classify one being human, however, the consciousness of the being does if it is of humanity and of human form.

Humanity = The quality of being humane. The quality of being human.

Inhumanity = The quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others. An act of atrocious cruelty.

The quality of humanity is of being a humane human, where consciousness is of humane human virtues. Inhumanity of course relates to a different consciousness, even though this consciousness resides in human form. Often this kind of consciousness residing in human form will depict that all men are inherently evil,where we are born evil. This is likened to one of the atheists doctrines that we are all born atheistic, while totally ignoring cognition, the psychological result of perception, learning and reasoning. In other words ignoring learned behaviour where we learn to be believe and disbelieve.

There is a distinct similarity between conscious perceptions that man is inherently evil and we are all born atheistic, both perceptions ignore a real reality for a desired reality to start with. Is this why today's science seems to be based on profiteering science instead of real science, where with real science profits comes after science and is not governed by profits like profiteering science? Is this why there is so much fraud in today's science!!

The resurrection of humanity is actually to do with being aware of the difference of consciousnesses between a consciousness of humanity and inhumanity. This is likened to a wolf wearing a sheep's clothing (fleece), where the form depicts a sheep but the consciousness under the fleece depicts a wolf on the prowl. Just because a form looks and acts like a human, doesn't make it of human consciousness!! The best way to pray on human consciousness is to depict an image of a human while having the consciousness of something of sinister intent, like the wolf. If you look back on human history, human consciousness has been prayed upon so often, this does not make human consciousness sinister, just a victim of a consciousness that is sinister in nature.

This kind of awareness is often depicted as an ascension, where human consciousness becomes of a new heightened awareness where ignorance (darkness) cannot reside. In reality, human consciousness just becomes aware that it is not inherently evil and of humanity while not being of inhumanity. It is impossible for human consciousness to be of a consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness of inhumanity is an entirely different consciousness of sinister intent. Yes, there are many wolfs in sheep clothing in past and present human existence, this consciousness is not human, of humanity by nature.

Resurrection = A revival from inactivity and disuse.

What this means in relation the human consciousness, is that a resurrection of human consciousness (humanity) simply means being more active humanly in the absence of inhumanity. This is not an ascension but simply a realisation of what it really means being human. We need to reclassify what makes us human and inhuman. Just because a person looks like a human, does not necessarily make looking like a human a human of humanity.

This section of the post is not for everyone if you are not into facing this sinister inhuman consciousness down. To come face to face with this consciousness takes a lot of conditioning away from control. It is not that you just don't allow yourself the be controlled, you don't try to take control either. You just are within what is truly of what human consciousness is. Also, I am going to make reference to the antediluvian period, primarily it's consciousness.

A visionary depiction of a human like exceptionally sinister entity feasting upon human flesh in an attic.

The feasting upon human flesh just doesn't represent satanist paedophilia rituals, but a feasting upon human consciousness. As the attic represents, an infiltration of human consciousness, which is being devoured in the representation of the depiction of the human flesh. The obvious sinister entity represents a consciousness infiltrating and devouring human consciousness and actual human flesh. Most people are quite unaware of this but are also unaware of supporting this kind of consciousness. So many people have been coerced and blackmailed in becoming a part of this consciousness.

What if I said to you that human consciousness itself is of a pure sense of consciousness. Most people would laugh at me while looking back in human history.

Lemuria and Atlanta where once of a human consciousness that represented human consciousness in it's purest form. This is a representation of a benign consciousness not infiltrated and feasted upon by an opposing malign consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness that often infiltrates to then feast upon vulnerable consciousness.

So why was this human benign consciousness fallible and vulnerable to malign consciousness?

Are children often fallible and vulnerable to external sources? Human consciousness was simply of infancy, a state of a newly formed fresh growth. How easy is it to damage new plant growth? This was human consciousness. Like with children, some children have to learn the hard way no matter how much guidance you give them, this is today's present human consciousnesses. Look at the guiding wisdom in human history, it has been bountiful, so we can't ever say that human consciousness was not guided away from learning the hard way.

It is noted that Atlantis ended up being infiltrated consciously to then become physically what this infiltrating sinister consciousness represented, very much like what is occurring right now. Because the Lemurian consciousness was of infancy, it was most vulnerable. Yes, Lemurian consciousness was protected but it was obvious that even the Lumerian consciousness, human consciousness, had to also learn the hard way.

Imagine for one moment a consciousness in the absence of inhumanity. I kid you not, this is human consciousness in it's purest form. So what is the difference to then and now? Maturity, but like with people, not everyone grows up or more precisely, becomes wise within their awareness. You could say that a lot of people are still at an adolescent stage, where guidance is often refuted, however, maturity in consciousness is evident. It is this maturity that will hopefully see human consciousness come through it's own created reality of being endlessly feasted upon by inhumanity.

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