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Monday, 6 July 2020

Freedom from Letting Go

Mathew Naismith

So how do you simply let go of things that are no longer of your reality?

In reality, it is your ego that is letting go. Your ego simply learns or becomes conditioned to letting go of what is harmful to itself and even the soul. In reality, at present our egos are conditioned to hanging on, even to the bitter end. This occurs a lot in personal relationships and in business, where you try to hang onto the material. In a lot of people's personal relationship, the primarily attachments are based on the material, be it monitory or lustfully, of course there are a number of relationships that go a lot deeper than this, in the process negating material attachments.

In recent months, Tom Hanks the actor has been linked to paedophilia, even to the point of satanist paedophilia. Another actor my ego adored is Kevin Spacey, who has had three known complaints in relation to indecent sexual orientated behaviour. These three complainants are now mysteriously deceased!! My ego was in shock but mysteriously my ego had very little problems in letting go of these materiel attachments, as I found out, very different to other people's reactions.

This is inline with presenting a clarity of truth in relation to vaccines, covid-19 and proceeding lock-downs, 5G, etc, where clarity of truth for me allowed my ego to become aware, unlike what is experienced through obscurity of truth. For a prime example, how many western atheists would accept that the universe could have well been created by a far more aware and wiser consciousness than human consciousness? To stay an atheist, a high degree of bias has to be implemented in this case, in the process creating or becoming conditioned to the obscurity of truth. Let's be honest, if an atheist knew this they would either have to stop being an atheist or obscure the truth. I should say that a more aware and wiser consciousness may or may not be labelled a God, this is within each persons perceptions.

If you have not guessed it, clarity of truth is all about awareness where obscurity of truth is all about a deliberate induced unawareness (ignorant) state of consciousnesses therefore reality.

Yes, it is understandably quite difficult for the ego to let go of attachments when of obscurity of truth, but when the ego is conditioned to clarity of truth, the ego letting go of attachments becomes a lot easier. The reason for this is that the ego becomes less bias. The less bias an ego becomes, the more of clarity of truth the ego becomes. Yes, this means the more bias the ego becomes, the more of obscurity of truth the ego becomes. In a sense, there are no lies, only clarity and obscurity of truth. In the absence of clarity of truth, there is only obscurity of truth. Think on this, what part of you is learning or become of clarity or obscurity of truth? Your ego. Once the ego becomes conditioned to less bias, the more of clarity of truth the ego becomes. Are biases of direct lies? No, biases are simply of obscurity of truth where clarity of truth in absent.

What a test, in testing my egos attachments and associated biases in relation to Tom Hanks and Kevin Spacey. The clarity of truth of my ego stood up to the obscurity of truth, where my ego could have simply obscured the truth quite easily as it seemed to have for a number of people's egos in denial. For me, spirituality is all about awareness, not an unawareness to serve my ego of obscurity inline with my egos biases.

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