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Saturday, 5 September 2020

A New Beginning


Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: I have to sadly do a retraction here in regards to a person I promoted in this post, JC Kay. I found out latter on that her intentions are good but very misguided. JC Kay is about truth but it has to be inline with her own truth, no negotiation, anyone not of this truth is quickly deemed negative and disposed of accordingly. I will go into this a little more in my next post. I tried to help this lass but was unbecomingly, for a self-proclaimed positive person of truth, mistreated. 

Just remembered, had a dream of an injustuce towards me, this fits the bill. My dreams can be very insightful so my own actions are justified which I did question until now. I must have somehow missed soemthing before I promoted JC Kay, sorry people. In saying this, JC Kay might be the right person for you to take notice of.


I had a video presented to me recently, a video of great significance. You don't have to agree with the information in this video, just keep an open mind. The following was my reply to this video I inserted at the end of the post.

I was attacked by nine entities of inhumanity all at once, this was after a long period of attacks from various singular forms of this consciousness while living in a darkish environment. It was interesting how I dispelled them.

What you have stated here is more beautiful than what you think JC Kay.

Interesting, I read in secret documents that on the 20/9/20 a more lethal virus is going to be released, knowing from five different sources now that covid-19 was developed from SAR (CoV1). If this is stopped by a consciousness of humanity, this will be a very big thing but an unknown big thing to many.  

As Trump's gang is doing, the conscientiousness of humanity is playing this conscientiousness of inhumanity that has plagued the human race for so long. The multinationals of inhumanity are simply porn's themselves, not that they would want to know this of course. They are not in control and are quite dispensable to this consciousness of inhumanity unknowingly to them. If they would use and abuse people under them, what do they think this consciousness of pure inhumanity would do to it's underlings?

We are not just citizens of a country or Earth, we are citizens of the universe itself as a whole and beyond. As we see Earth being a world, the universe itself is seen as a world to a far more aware consciousness. The New World Order relates only to Earth being the world, where's the One World Order relates to the universe being a world. We are about to enter into a true humanity of a One World Order. The NWO relates to inhumanity where's the OWO relates to humanity. We won't know it as a OWO for awhile yet.

Okay, with the flat Earth theory. You are actually observing Earth consciously, and yes, the Earth is flat consciously. The aspect of a physical Earth is absent within this state of observation, in the process leaving a consciousness aspect of Earth.

Try to become more of an observer and all this stuff you experience will have less emotional affect on you. Careful with your emotions, the consciousness of inhumanity will feed off of this and even possess your consciousness, even souls have been possessed in this way. If you are into a great deal of love, they know how to use this against you. The biggest threat to them is universal awareness, an awareness of observation often in the absence of participation.

For the children that don't make it, their souls become enlightened, I think you know this.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I got the link to your blog from your comments on the video you are referring to. I have been bingin on your writings. All you say resonates with me so much. I've seen how the world works for many years, it even goes back to my childhood now that I look back. But more recently, 8 years?, I have gone through many bouts of psychic/spiritual attacks. I hope I can return to the beautiful clarity of which I had only for a short time.(or a few times) I'm being pulled apart by so many different perspectives. Thanks again.

    1. Thank you for your time and effort ES.

      The clarity you speak of never leaves you. Look at it this way, once you become aware, how do you then become unaware? Yes, you leave the clarity, the clarity never leaves you, it is important to remember this ES. This is like we leave the God consciousness, the God consciousness never leaves us.

      By the time I was nineteen years old I had a decision to make, of which path to follow. One was a spiritual path of bliss and the other a typical human existence of less bliss, I chose the latter.

      So why would anyone do this?

      It is simple, how could you speak of what you are not experiencing first hand? You need to experience what you are trying to heal or even talk about.

      Once you learn instead of suffer from what you experience, you automatically become a healer in one sense or another. Try to stay away from what I call a black and white mentality of negatives and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, etc. These perception that are often based on biases and desires, distort reality. Believe it or not, a consciousness of inhumanity wants you to separate consciousness like this in the process creating ignorance. This consciousness of inhumanity can only exist within an environment conducive to ignorance. I actually feel sorry for these entities of inhumanity that try to influence us. What repels them the most is not love but awareness, even though great awareness creates a huge envelopment of internal love.

    2. Thank you.this all makes sense to me. I get sucked back in that black and white,good and evil paradigm sometimes. Though I believe I am getting better at navigating it and returning to the non seems I will keep returning to this or that in order to handle it better each time. I really want to be someone who is able helps others,so again thank you for what you do and holding that space open for others willing to enter.

    3. I still today think in black and white at times, it simply proves I am indeed very human which is fine.We are conditioned to this from birth and the influence to keep thinking like this is nealry everywhere. Just be aware and everything will turn out fine ES.
