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Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Oh For the Glory of Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am a oneness kind of bloke, not just in relation to other people or even animals but oneness with existence as a whole. The best way for me to describe this so that other people understand it, it is all interconnected energy no matter what that energy is. As I should be, I am always interested at what keeps separating this energy. Think on it, the hippy era was one of the biggest eras of love and light, did this make much of a difference and why other love and light eras will end up changing nothing in relation to inhumanity? Let's be honest, not much has improved for the better for all this love and light, if anything it is worse but why? Love and light is of togetherness, it has nothing to do with anti-social disorders, quite the opposite.

Oneness is not about separating dark from light, negative from positive, etc, sadly, this most often occurs. Sociopathic tendencies is not just to do with not being sociable but spiritually speaking, anti-social to energy as a whole. I really do mean it, anti-social behaviour to energy as a whole!!

What is occurring in the world at present? Sociopathic comes to mind, a known disorder, remember the word disorder, that is of anti-social behaviour. Sociopath, antisocial personality disorder. What is occurring right at this moment in time? Would you equate it to antisocial activities, the new normal created from disorder? It gets even more interesting, try to remember, only in ignorance can we be so abusive and destructive/disorderly.

Atheism and the occult with sociopathic personality structures. You should be able to see this by now in society. Yes, inhumanity is being exposed within humanity but so is humanity within humanity!! Humanity is definitely coming to the fore.

Secularism must be the most misunderstood and mangled ism in the American political lexicon. Commentators on the right and the left routinely equate it with Stalinism, Nazism and Socialism, among other dreaded isms.

Obviously, the article above is not altogether correct concerning the present circumstances. Secularism, a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. If you look at what is being so abusively expressed by a number of atheist groups at present, Stalinism, Nazism and Socialism is certainly being openly expressed. This is not of an interconnection to energy as a whole.

When you dig even deeper you will realise that groups like BLM, ANTIFA, satanist paedophilia, atheist occultism, etc, have one thing in common, extremist atheism. We are not talking about main stream atheism here, we are talking about an occultist atheism that even atheists should denounce. Yes, I know a number of atheists recognise that this is occurring, some atheists turning away from atheism to agnosticism. Be it of a belief or disbelief, one not need to be of this inhumanity of obvious abuse and destruction.

Oh indeed, it is of enlightening times.........


  1. Hello again. I just read these last 3 posts. Thanks again they all make sense to me. I really hope we go all the way, and create a new system. Most of what you speak of, I have felt through experience. It's hard to put into words for me usually. Do you have any advise on what to do? Such as sharing info? It seems when I share something I find the flaw in the info I shared. I want to be part of it all but it seems that most stuff out there is only feeding the beast but is this just what is necessary?

    1. Ah yes, feeding the beast, feeding the ego, same analogy.

      When people talk about their gifts, this is of feeding the ego. When people talk about their experiences, especially in the absence of speaking of their gifts, this is not feeding the ego. I try to help people feeding their ego but this is often repelled, as of not too recently. The ego is repulsed at anything of not feeding it's ego, it has to feed it's ego otherwise it is repelled.

      Learn to express yourself without having to feel good about what you are writing, in other words don't write to what the ego desires in regards to your own ego and to other peoples ego. Look around you honestly, observe the spiritual aware people who play up to the ego and try to avoid this within yourself.

      The problem with most people is they expect to feel good. Life is not about feeling good or bad, it is simply about life as it is in it's raw form.
