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Sunday, 22 January 2023

Truth and a Balanced Society

Written by Mathew Naismith

The truth shall set us free, in turn create a balanced society one can only dream of.

As much as the truth can be discomforting, without a doubt truth binds society by creating an environment absent of lies and disinformation. Do lies and disinformation divide society and family units? Lies and disinformation notably divide society by creating an imbalanced environment, an environment often notably absent of truths and accurate information.

I can not think of a more divided society in the west, which infers or confirms the degree of lies and disinformation that is present within such an environment. The environment speaks for itself, meaning, the truth is in the structure of the environment. A well balanced structured environment would represent or naturally create a society of unity, not a society of division. Governments would not be trying to divide society but unite society. A good example of dividing society is the introduction of an apartheid system, be it of racial or medical apartheid. An apartheid system just does not work or can not be introduced within a balanced society, where society is united, not divided.

So you want to know were to look for lies and disinformation, how to tell a lie or reliable information from lies and disinformation.

Well, today we are in luck, for you need to look no further than the source of the created apartheid system and the supporters of an apartheid system, such as governments and MSM. Even if you simply agree with any kind of an apartheid system, you are most likely in an environment conducive to lies and deception and division. In this case become receptive or vulnerable to lies and deception and even conditioned to such an environment.

So is a balanced united society of a balance between lies and truths?

You can not have a united society where lies are present, in any sense, this is why a united society is so elusive. A lie within itself is to divide itself from the truth, the lie in the first place is of division to start with. Yes, a lie of division is to also desire a specific desired reality than that of an actual reality that we don't desire. I don't desire a reality that we are of a society accepting of an apartheid system but in reality we are as presently proven. This truth is mightily uncomfortable at times, but only in an environment conducive to lies and disinformation.

So do lies and disinformation always create an apartheid system, like when whites and blacks were segregated in South Africa under the Afrikaans?

Funny, the link here between apartheid systems, lies and disinformation is in the presence of an authoritarian or autocratic system, by no surprise. An accepted apartheid system does not create lies and disinformation, it is the lies and disinformation that creates an apartheid system, an environment of lies and disinformation most often created by authoritarian or autocratic systems, as proven.

Authoritarian or autocratic systems are not just linked to communism or fascism but capitalist systems as well, were one part of society is notably treated differently by authorities from other parts of society. You also have one part of society dominating the other, while in an apartheid, way looking socially down at them as a separate part of society to themselves, the rich parted from the poor in every sense. Authoritarian or autocratic systems create lies and disinformation that then creates an apartheid system.

You should by now see why we are so divided in the west, especially at present, authoritarian or autocratic systems create lies and disinformation to then create an apartheid system. You can't have an apartheid system without lies and disinformation that seem to be always created by authoritarian or autocratic systems, the true source of division and imbalance.

So how do we bring about a well balanced united society under the control of an authoritarian or autocratic system?

Tell the truth, even if that truth feels uncomfortable.

Don't try to live within your own created desired environment, while in an apartheid way, separate yourself from all other realities you don't desire exist.

You can't expel authoritarian or autocratic systems without first exposing their lies and disinformation. In regards to the related introduced apartheid system, living in truth will expose an apartheid system for what it is, knowing that apartheid systems are created and supported by lies and disinformation.

Just be aware and express the truth for what it is, not for what you only desire to be true.........

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