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Monday, 21 August 2023

Kept in the Shadows


Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I was writing a post titled,”Sexual Ecstasy v Collective Consciousness Ecstasy, a post I am now not going to finish due to the realisation that I have to be far more direct in my approach on this issue. We need to realise more than ever that there is no good verses evil, light verses dark, this is a fallacy we need to all become aware of before going on with anything else.

You can relate dark and light energy to whatever you want to relate it to.

No matter what you relate this energy to, in the presence of light dark energy is like an ant combating against a steamroller, there is no real competition or opposition and this dark energy is quite aware of this, this is why this dark energy is trying everything it can do to keep us in the shadows of becoming aware of this.

I realised that when people in power become less and less answerable to common law or even answerable to anyone, they become more inhumane, insentient, a state of the absence of feelings, consciousness and animation. The more of this dark energy you become, the less of conscious one becomes.

Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation

Are these people in this dark state really aware of their present state, predicament, situation? Are they aware that the steamroller is of the light energy in face of the ant that is the dark energy? Do they desire to know this or of anybody else becoming aware of this? The answer is no to all these three questions. The only state where dark energy is equal to light energy is in states of darkness or states of consciousness this dark energy controls and manipulates. You can't war with an opposing party in a state where light energy prevails, for there is no opposing energy to begin with in this state. Look how long humans have been warring for. Look at how NATO is doing everything in their power to prolong the Ukraine/Russian war!! If NATO was of this light energy in any sense, this war would not have started in the first place, it couldn't.

Within human consciousness there has always been a sense of good against evil, light energy opposing dark energy, supported by ancient writings that enforce this belief. It is not that they are wrong, it is that they are not completely right. They are right in that within a consciousness that is controlled and manipulated by dark energy, this dark energy will always oppose the lights energy existence, in the process creating an environment conducive to the dark opposing the light and visa-versa, however, if we look at a state where the light energy is predominate, there are no opposing parties to begin with.

If this light energy is not of opposing energy forces, of course the ant in opposition to the light will be rolled over, not due to the light being in opposition to the dark but due to the dark being in opposition to the light. If this light energy acted as the steamroller in the present human reality, all that is of this dark energy would be steamrolled over, as if this dark energy did not exist to begin with. In fact in the presence of this light energy this dark energy does not exist, it is this simple. Is this dark energy aware of this, and makes sure no other energy under it's influence is aware of this? The answer is obvious.

So the obvious question is, why is not this light energy intervening in human affairs?

This is but my own conjecture, it comes back to my post I am not going to share, try taking away all the desires, lusts and ecstasies created by this dark energy, way too many people would oppose this to begin with. Why? Because they are kept ignorant to the ecstasies created by light energy. Again, equate light energy ecstasies to dark energy ecstasies, the ant just does not measure up to the steamroller, in other words the ecstasies created by dark energy do not measure up to the ecstasies light energies create. In the presence of the light energy, it is if the dark energy does not exist, as of the steamroller and the ant.

Also, this light energy is not into deliberately steamrolling over other energy forms, this light energy will avoid this at all cost, unless the dark energy is persistent in it's own opposition. If the ant thinks it can take on a steamroller due to it's own ignorance, this is purely up to the ant.

Is this dark energy becoming more and more persistent in the face of light energy?

Due to the degree of ignorance of this dark energy, this is a really dangerous game the dark energy is playing, the only thing going for this dark energy is that so many people under the influence of the dark energy just don't want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies. Why? Because they are kept in the dark to all these desires, lusts and ecstasies that are created by this dark energy to begin with.

Are people made aware of this? Yes.

Do they want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies, even when made aware of such things? No, not by the looks of it.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, as you shouldn't, all what one can do is keep expressing their own awareness as they should be allowed to do, of course this is about to change quite dramatically in countries like Australia. It is coming to a point where you will not be allowed to even express an awareness of this dark energy in any sense. Again, this is a very dangerous game the dark energy is playing at present, it could backfire on this dark energy in a really big way, in spite of people's fixation to dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies.

Many people could end up like the ant in defiance of the steamroller in the end, but what will be will be.

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