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Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Subjectivity on Steroids


Written by Mathew Naismith

Have you ever wondered why I seem to be the only one getting this or seeing this? It can seem a lonely place in a world progressively controlled and created by a subjective mentality for a mentality of objectivity. The world is presently controlled by people of a subjective mentality, lust and desires for instance can only exist within a subjective reality.

Subjective: Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias.

The lust for control, material wealth and flesh, which is of biases, is primarily of a subjective reality, be it that realities like this are created from being of subjective observation, not just of subjective participation. The common people or cattle under the influence of this subjective reality are conditioned to being of a subjective mentality only, while very few people are allowed to be subjective observers. Apart from this, the intolerance of the objective mind existing within a created subjective reality is becoming more and more noticeable. Notice how many objective observers were being persecuted and even killed before, during and after the covid pandemic, predominantly medical professionals who spoke out against crimes against humanity!!

I will at this point try to explain the differences between subjective participation and observation, but also objective participation and observation to get a better perspective here.

Subjective Participation; is a state of consciousness that only participates within a reality, in a state where observation of participating is absent. I thought Joe Biden opening up the US borders in a time of a catastrophic pandemic would have woken people up to what was really going on, it didn't. Why? Because most people were coerced to only subjectively participate, in the process negating any objective participation, especially objective observation. Anyone of objective observation was imminently dealt with, cancelled in some way to the point of killing them. No, the subjective participator will not be able to see any of this as the subjective observer will desire not to see this.

Subjective Observer; is a state of consciousness that one is observant of participation and observation which includes the subjective observation of objective observers and participators. The subjective observer is the most abusive state one can experience, the majority of abuse in the world is caused by subjective observers lusts and desires. The subjective participator is also abusive but not to the same extent or scale of abuse.

Objective: A state of mind not distorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.

Objective Participation; is a state of consciousness that only participates within a reality, in a state where observation of participating is absent. It is a state of passive consciousness but of the absence of wisdom. There are a number of spiritual practices that condition a consciousness to a passive created environment rather than a subjective created environment of abuse however, as history shows us, not all of what is spiritual is of the objective mentality. The subjective observer knows how to undermine what is suppose to be of objective participation, this is very different in regards to the objective observer.

Objective Observer; is a state of consciousness that one is observant of participation and observation which includes the objective observation of subjective observation and participation. Within this state wisdom is formed within consciousness, for only can a consciousness of objective observation become wise. It is a state where observation is of the absence of biases which also means lusts and desires. How many people in the west desire that Russia is pure evil and abusive and NATO, UN, WEF and WHO are not?

Yes, it is within a subjective reality that reality becomes the most distorted and abusive and yes, it is within an objective reality that reality becomes less distorted and abusive. It is within this reality wisdom flourishes.

A post I recently responded to,” When a wild animal in the wildness calls out a warning, the other animals and humans don't ignore the warning as their natural instincts are still intact. When another human tries to warn his kind, they laugh and call them a conspiracy theorist as their natural instincts have been rendered useless.”

My reply as follow:

“Very good point.

Now how do you render natural instincts like this useless? You coerce the populous into a state of subjective participation, where the mind is modified/distorted by people of excessive bias and prejudices.

Subjective: Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias.

What creates wisdom within a society/people of the absence of biases and prejudices? Objective observation.

Objective: Undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.

Now look at how many people are unable to see or even comprehend observable phenomena these days!! The normalising of paedophilia by authorities is a prime example as was many things that occurred during the pandemic and covid vaccines roll out.”

The inability to observe or even comprehend observable phenomena will only lead to further abuse/war and humanity as whole being subjugated, reducing almost all of humanity to a state of subjective participation only. The present Ukraine and Israeli wars are prime examples of this. As I have stated many times before, this rock and stick throwing is of a Neanderthal mentality, now look at how many people are in support of this, a prime example of subjective participation on steroids where observable phenomena is mostly obscured.

Thursday, 26 October 2023

A Never Ending Story

 Note: I have been stopped by Google from inserting any more images or other external and internal media, sorry for that. 

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had to delete three paragraphs to this post, had trouble formulating so I started from scratch.

Take two, as they say on movie sets.

I was recently talking to a friend of mine that also listens to their environment more than they speak or participate, we both agreed that so many people we listened to seem to be going around and around in circles at present. You need to be careful with this though due to subtle differences in what seems to be repetitive participation, in saying this, in a lot of cases this seems to be the case, where repetitive participation in the absence of subtle differences is obvious.

The present environment seems to be of a never ending story of repetitive participation, wars are a prime example of this, however, in observation there are subtle differences especially in regards to the present wars at hand. Imagine for a moment if Putin killed as many civilians as Israel has. Actually, this difference is not subtle, it is like the covid pandemic was said to be as bad as the Spanish flu, when country boarders were opened!! This is in line with police kettling protesters at the time of a catastrophic pandemic. There is no way they would have done this during the SF, like subtly outlawing proven covid therapeutic treatments as they did in Queensland Australia. Look at how the authorities subtly ignored COVAX-19 that did not kill or harm animals or humans in the trials, and was only a two shot inoculation and did not use risky mRNA technology.

Kettling: Used by police to tightly contain demonstrators in small separated areas.

Subtle: Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse.

What seems to be subtle and even not subtle to people like me is quite difficult for other people to grasp mentally. If I was to choose sides between Ukraine/NATO and Russia as of Israel and Palestine, the rest of the middle east, I would be in participation, not in observation, and would miss subtle differences and even not so subtle differences. The trick is to be an objective observer, as to be a subjective participator or observer will distort reality even more so, in the process result in even more abuse being carried out upon each other, a never ending story it would seem.

I thought Humanity would have become bored with this kind of never ending story that is the same old story being orchestrated over and over again, but there not. Why? Because of the subtle and not so subtle differences with the never ending story. If main stream media told everyone to turn on Israel, most people would do it, even though at present MSM is telling people to turn on Palestine. All what subjective participation and even observation creates is a lie, a distortion in mentality therefore reality. As I wrote recently, “Every step we take into the lie, is a step further in taking the humanity out of humanity, in all honesty.” Look at how children are now going to be conditioned to be sexualised therefore conditioned to be abused by adults as soon as they are born. Look at how the police and other authorities are sitting back allowing this to occur, in fact are pushing it. This could only occur in a state where the mentality has become excessively distorted, resulting in a distorted therefore abusive reality.

So it would seem I am telling the same old story, mentioning the same old things as I have done in many other posts, except for the subtle and not so subtle differences!!

Have you noticed how objective observers can't keep people interested in what they are saying these days, even when they make subtle and not so subtle changes to their story unlike subjective participators and observers? You would think that most people are conditioned to only excepting what the subjective mentality story is about no matter how repetitive it is, like how the authorities are in the process of conditioning children to being sexually exploited, in the process normalising paedophilia!! Yes, you can normalise subjective thinking in the same way, in the process making objective participation and observation a social abnormality.

So our choice is a never ending story based on subjective participation and observation or objective participation and observation, except for a lot of people this choice has been taken from them, probably for good. I should say that a never ending story based on objective participation and observation is not of distortion nor of going around and around in a never ending cycle of abuse.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Spirituality; of Uniformity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spirituality to people like me is of Uniformity, where the absence or lack of a distorted consciousness therefore reality is evident. The further a consciousness is distorted, the less of spiritual uniformity the said consciousness becomes, a good example of this is like when religion and/or church come before God. Another example is when, allegedly, for Freemasons to go up a senior level, they have to abduct, abuse and no doubt also kill a child. This fits with a lot of current events. Considering that Freemasons are in authoritative positions in just about everything to do with authority, including police, politics, unions, health, defence force, etc, no wonder human consciousness is so abusive, divided and distorted, especially at present, if this one singular allegation is true.

Being of spiritual uniformity makes it quite daunting sitting by and observing a consciousness, therefore reality, becoming more and more abusive and divided therefore distorted, however!!

When you consider that capitalism is as autocratic as communism or fascism, be it that the almighty dollar determines or dictates every facet of our being, you realise how distorted human consciousness has become. How could a consciousness in a real sense separate and even think that capitalism is the opposite of communism or fascism? The price fixing of energy from the word go is evident for starters. Seen as energy influences every facet of our being, every facet of our being is determined by economic price fixing. Look at today's science, where profits come before science on almost every level. Does profits before science rewinds you of religion and/or church coming before God? Now look at how long this has been occurring for!!

I would not call myself an advocate of spiritual uniformity, more like a simple follower of uniformity of every facet of my being. The more and more the world is evidently becoming abusive and divided therefore distorted, the more I realise that my own consciousness is of this spiritual uniformity, being aware that spiritual uniformity is simply a state of mind body and soul of the absence or lack of what makes human consciousness abusive and divided therefore distorted.

Is humanity dividing into what is of uniformity and what is distorted, one part of human consciousness evolving into an ascended state of consciousness in the face of excessive distortion?

Considering that uniformity means everything is regular and unvarying in relation to what is of a true reality, as opposed to realities based on what is desired and lusted for, untrue realities created by distorting reality, and realising that humanity has lived like this for so long, it is understandable that a huge opposing shift from uniformity was needed to awaken a consciousness to a state of uniformity. It is like how the pandemic has awaken quite a number of people to how corrupt the current system is and has been for quite a number of years. Look at how the US congress is going to further fund a 100 billion rock and stick throwing in Ukraine!! Only in a reality that is excessively distorted could this possibly occur in. You realise this the more and more of this uniformity you become of.

Yes, without a doubt it is daunting and frustrating observing a world become more and more distorted in every sense, while also realising this could lead to a huge awakening for humanity as a whole if we embrace this small window of opportunity. I look at it as being fortunate to have this opportunity for humanity to evolve into something far less abusive and divided therefore distorted.