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Monday 12 February 2024

Honesty Within One's Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is simply of my own reflection.

As I wrote recently.

“I am so glad I do the research I do, yes, even if it costs me friends and acquaintances.

It is not that I don't value friendship, it is just that I value honesty more than I do friendship, especially when the truth is based on honesty. Yes, I do have friends that value my honesty within my truth as I do theirs, even when we are not of each others or living within each others truth or reality.

Yes, I do become critical of people's reality that are of the truth expressed in the absence of honesty. To be honest in your expressions with your friends and acquaintances, one must first be honest with themselves, this seems to be becoming a rare trait in people these days.”

“No one is more hated than he who speak the truth.”


Truth told in the absence of honesty is simply a distortion of reality, and the more the truth is told in the absence of honesty, the more one's reality becomes distorted.

Mathew G (me)

In observation of the west, which seems to be severely undermined internally as well as externally, the absence of honesty as well as integrity and wisdom seems to be taking it's toll. It is like observing the inaction's that are going on in the west, inaction's simply being of the absence of actions. The absence of or lacking of honesty, integrity and wisdom are like inaction's. When we only focus on the actions, which seems to be deliberately orchestrated, the inaction's that we are not focusing on distort reality even more so, more than the actions. An example of this. Putin wants a peaceful resolution in regards to Ukraine, but the Wests inaction's to a peaceful resolution is obvious. I think NATO's ever expansion, which is an action, is not to create peace, quite the opposite it would seem. Notice the absence of any peace keeping force in Ukraine and the West bank and Gaza!! Look at the distortion this absence has created!!

Is the western hemisphere of the western mind more focused on actions than inaction's, as it is known that the western mind will focus more on the foreground than the background as opposed to the eastern hemisphere mind? Both western and eastern hemisphere mind sets has it's own truth, which often creates a reality based on what is desired rather than what is of actual reality. This is not of a lie, it is simply of the absence of self-honesty.

So what creates honesty within the truth we tell?

“For only in the absence of bias is there real truth”. This statement of mine says it all, honesty is created in the absence of biases. Where is all the present energy going, like wealth, power and control? Presently to this western NWO, New World Order, agenda. This energy is not being distributed throughout humanity, it is being channelled to a bias entity, the NWO. Yes, this NWO is notably excessively biased therefore of the absence of honesty altogether. Notice that reality for a lot of people in the west is presently distorted, by no mistake? It seems this NWO wants to kill off 95% of the worlds population, which does not include their own NWO top people!!

Once a society is of the absence of honesty, integrity and wisdom, a distorted reality will surely follow. The distortion within this NWO seems to be massive, why anyone would want to be this distorted within themselves is beyond me. Yes, there are many material gains and pleasures to be had distorting reality/energy but in all honesty, imagine a world that could be created by not distorting reality, distorting energy period to suite one's own biases!! A world of the absence of distorted energy flows........

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