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Thursday, 29 February 2024

IONS Sciences

 Written by Mathew Naismith

IONS, Institute Of Noetic Sciences, an organisation I have not participated in for some years now.

 IONS Consciousness Transformation Model

“We believe that the more we learn about this complex and mysterious process, the more successful we’ll be in helping individuals, communities, and institutions to cultivate the paradigm shifts that are needed today. To that end and for over a decade, IONS researchers engaged in a series of studies that included analysis of individual narratives of personal transformations; focus groups with teachers of transformative processes; in-depth interviews with 60 representatives of ancient and modern wisdom traditions; surveys of over 2000 people who had experienced their own transformations; and longitudinal studies of people engaged in transformative practices. “

What I am going to do is analyse this transformation model diagram in my own way, focusing primarily on the arrows going off of the main arrow or main course of action. Note that the following is not necessarily IONS analysis of this diagram model. Take note; for anyone who is unable to read English in the diagram, I will only mention the English language in the diagram that is relevant to this post.

The main course of conscious transformation action, depicted as the main arrow, shows steps beginning from Noetic experiences, the start of conscious experiences, to the collective transformation, when we all become as one collective rather than divided individuals. The arrows going off of the main course of action are of individuality, courses that create individualistic realities that are based on what is desired rather than what is needed for the collective to thrive and progress consciously. Often these diversions, that are shown by small arrows, represent self-interest that often inhibit further conscious development.

Note: I have numbered what I call diversions from the main course of action from 1 to 5.


1: Deny the experience; that is of a collective transformation for a more accepted and a consciously conditioned self-interest narrative. Ask yourself, are many of us conditioned to a self-interest narrative, therefore deny anything not of this course?

2: Continual seeking; often for what will serve our self-interests.

3: Practice often becomes end rather than means; which means that anyone of self-interest will only seek an end, not a collective means.

4: Becomes all about me; which says it all in relation to self-interest, what I can get out of life to serve me rather than the we as a collective.

5: Forget “We to Me”; which further reinforces the self-interest narrative and conscious conditioning.

So many distractions on our journey towards the ultimate collective transformation, a consciousness that has no end to it, an eternal consciousness.

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