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Showing posts with label collective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collective. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 February 2024

IONS Sciences

 Written by Mathew Naismith

IONS, Institute Of Noetic Sciences, an organisation I have not participated in for some years now.

 IONS Consciousness Transformation Model

“We believe that the more we learn about this complex and mysterious process, the more successful we’ll be in helping individuals, communities, and institutions to cultivate the paradigm shifts that are needed today. To that end and for over a decade, IONS researchers engaged in a series of studies that included analysis of individual narratives of personal transformations; focus groups with teachers of transformative processes; in-depth interviews with 60 representatives of ancient and modern wisdom traditions; surveys of over 2000 people who had experienced their own transformations; and longitudinal studies of people engaged in transformative practices. “

What I am going to do is analyse this transformation model diagram in my own way, focusing primarily on the arrows going off of the main arrow or main course of action. Note that the following is not necessarily IONS analysis of this diagram model. Take note; for anyone who is unable to read English in the diagram, I will only mention the English language in the diagram that is relevant to this post.

The main course of conscious transformation action, depicted as the main arrow, shows steps beginning from Noetic experiences, the start of conscious experiences, to the collective transformation, when we all become as one collective rather than divided individuals. The arrows going off of the main course of action are of individuality, courses that create individualistic realities that are based on what is desired rather than what is needed for the collective to thrive and progress consciously. Often these diversions, that are shown by small arrows, represent self-interest that often inhibit further conscious development.

Note: I have numbered what I call diversions from the main course of action from 1 to 5.


1: Deny the experience; that is of a collective transformation for a more accepted and a consciously conditioned self-interest narrative. Ask yourself, are many of us conditioned to a self-interest narrative, therefore deny anything not of this course?

2: Continual seeking; often for what will serve our self-interests.

3: Practice often becomes end rather than means; which means that anyone of self-interest will only seek an end, not a collective means.

4: Becomes all about me; which says it all in relation to self-interest, what I can get out of life to serve me rather than the we as a collective.

5: Forget “We to Me”; which further reinforces the self-interest narrative and conscious conditioning.

So many distractions on our journey towards the ultimate collective transformation, a consciousness that has no end to it, an eternal consciousness.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Helping Each Other, As a Collective

Written by Mathew Naismith

I can think of no great wise and aware soul in human history that simply sat within their own safe havens and let things occur around them, in actuality the opposite occurred. I think Buddha and Jesus in the west are prime examples of this, even though Jesus and Buddha are of eastern origin. Look within your own culture honestly and you will see that no great wise and aware soul simply sat in their own safe havens.

Are we waiting for some great saviour to save us again, or, sit within our own safe havens of love, light and positiveness while completely ignoring the obvious? The true wise and aware are not waiting for a saviour or simply sit within their own safe havens to stay positive, they observe what is often deemed negative in a completely different way. People like me don't look at our present environment as being separate to ourselves, or simply negative therefore something to avoid, we see it as simply something like a consciousness lost within its own creation.

Hate groups are formed by participating in the separation of energy, for example, positive from negative, black from white. Within the participation of such separation, hate, ostracising, disdain, etc, are naturally created, however, through the observation of energy a union of energy occurs, not a separation. The reason for this lies in that when one is participating in relation to energy, a desired outcome is proffered. When in observation of energy, even when observing your own participation, you become more honestly truthful in relation to energy. If all you are doing is ignoring the negatives to become positive, this is not a sign of observation but purely of participation in the absence of any true observation, in all honest truth. And in all honesty, participation in the absence of unbiased observation is of desired truths, not honest truths.

So what have we created or manifested sitting within our own personal safe havens today? This is while we are still looking at negatives as something separate to ourselves, and of course something to be ignored and scorned.  Will we ever start learning from our past instead of suffering from it!!

At present, I am unable to blog a post about exposing hate groups. Yes, I can create a blog but the blog is virtually invisible as it is deemed to be hatful. As I don't know when honest truth become disdainful, I don't know when awareness become hatful!!

Now, if you are abused by a hatful group of people, even if it's Nazis, you can't talk about it on the net because it is deemed hatful to Nazis. So if you now want to talk about the atrocities of the Nazis during WWII, it will now have to be deemed to be hatful by the present regime trying to control the whole world. However, this is while the same exact regime, not just allows but supports another well known hate group dominating another people, the Palestinians, they distastefully hate with a vengeance. Imagine for a moment being invaded by a people who notably hate you with a vengeance. Yes, but this is alright as long as we are safe, right!!

So in our safe havens we are manifesting for a better existence, while it is obvious this kind of manifesting is creating a monster. No wise and aware consciousness is going to help another consciousness that has no intentions in helping itself, in truth, quite the opposite, what would be the point?

The great wise and aware of human history have shown us how to interact with energy, either it be negative and positive, black and white, not negative or positive, black or white. What have we chosen to do instead? Manifest a monster, a regime that will control everything we are, in service to its own desires, not to the real needs of the collective.

Make no mistake, like Buddha and Jesus who didn't just sit within their own personal safe havens, you too can be within any environment and stay true to yourself and in complete harmony. Just because you are involved, doesn't mean you become what you are involved in. It has everything to do with the way you interact and use energy. By just sitting their within your own personal love, light and positiveness, is an abuse of energy by manifesting a monster that is simply about its own desires. Of course if these desires coincide with your own, to serve the desires of a few, all the better for you but not the collective.

We are conditioned at present to separate one from the other to serve our own personal desires, but we can also condition ourselves to unite energy as a whole to serve the collective, the choice is indeed ours. No great wise and aware soul will try to help us if we don't start honestly and truthfully helping ourselves. To manifest such a monster is not a sign we are trying to help ourselves, especially when we are completely ignoring the truly wise and aware of our time in how to interact with energy as a whole, not in parts.

So why do people like me try to help the collective, if the truly wise and aware won't help us until we begin to help ourselves?  In relation to wisdom and awareness, people like me are average, in other words probably more of a participator than an observer of energy, which is obviously our choice also.........    

Sunday, 4 February 2018

A Journey to Behold

Written by Mathew Naismith

I feel like a charlatan at present. Having posted over two thousand posts on topics like letting go in one sense or another, I still have an attachment to a journey I have no passion to belong to for I have my own journey to follow. I am not talking about a path as in our own personal paths that we follow through the collective human journey; I am talking about a journey that my path has lead me down to.
My family individual paths are following the present human journey, a journey conditioned to one order trying to dominate each path being followed. This means that all paths must follow the present dominating journey or perish, however, my path is leading me down a different journey, a journey where a particular order doesn't dominate all other paths lead.

The Roman Empire, the Napoleon Empire and the world order of Adolph Hitler's fascism, are of world orders; the human collective consciousness has been conditioned over thousands of years to the dominance of an order over all individual paths. All paths are to serve the order or perish, this is apparent today as a one world order once again tries to dominate over all other orders and paths lead.

Confucius died disheartened in China because he was unable to influence his countries journey to a great degree, his countries journey was of course following what China was conditioned to on a collective human scale. I would say Jesus was also disappointed at his attempt to influence the collective human consciousness as well, as of anyone with a true sense of love and compassion would for the collective consciousness.

You could say people like this tried to change the collective conscious journey rather than just simply influence the collective human conscious journey. The influence wasn't done in a way that inferred force, deception, lying and brutality under one order, so it wasn't to change the collective journey but to influence it in a way to be more moderate within its order.

A one world order will denounce or, if applicable, totally ignore anything it's proclaimed as being negative, especially if it's of toxic vibrations. It's of course understandable that a one world order will feel that other orders are of bad toxic vibration, these people will literally feel bad vibrations from other orders it sees as a threat or has disdain for.

Do you see where I am coming from in relation to new age spirituality? It's of the same order it's trying to extricate itself from so it denounces anything not of its order as what? Toxic, bad vibrations and so on it goes. Yes, while being of another journey collectively, we will feel that the present journey is negative and even toxic to our new order, the trick is to not treat a break away human collective journey as being an order. As species have evolved from other species over millions of years, I believe a new consciousness will evolve from the present human consciousness, this can't be obtained if we are still of the old order or of any order to be precise.

Yes, it is possible that western perceptions like love and light are of a different path while following the same human collective journey, in actuality this seems to be the case but I don't think it's meant to be.

The more unconditionally loving we become, the more accepting we become, our acceptance should be more unconditional not less. There is simply more conditions in what we don't and do accept, considering that to truly love one must be accepting, being less accepting isn't truly love, it's a desire. Try loving something you don't accept, within this unacceptance there is a huge amount of conditions. How many conditions are their to a world order? This is why there is no true love within a one world order, only desire. Yes, many of us simply desire a new human journey which will only continue us on the present journey unbeknownst to us.

I accept my family's journey as being their journey and not mine; this is the same on a collective human scale, within this I can truly love what I am parting from. Yes, the present human journey feels simply not of my own, should this really mean it's toxic or even negative like a world order? You will find what you truly love hard to detach or extricate yourself from, as it should be if we are truly becoming a part of a new consciousness.

You should love what you are detaching yourself from, this is simply not occurring. You must love it for what it is, not what you desire it to be in accordance with your own order. The journey to behold is simply not of an order, it's far more accepting than that...... 

Friday, 21 April 2017

The Human Journey

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wasn't going to write this post but some strange things occurred, it is obvious I was meant to write and share this post.

I wrote something recently in relation to our individual path and the human collective journey and shared it, I then received some interesting replies as shown below. I felt I needed to further elaborate on this but I then changed my mind. As soon as I changed my mind, visions of the spiritual love expressed today and the love expressed in the sixties came to me, I soon realised that the love in the sixties was a lot more unconditional than the love expressed today in spirituality. I will explain myself further using the hundredth monkey theory strangely enough.

Each person has an individual path to follow

But also a collective human journey to follow

The paths are different but the journey is the same

For a collective change to occur

Which is more important

The path of the individual ego

Or the journey of humility?

A collective change is simply not about the individual

~Mathew G~

It's a team effort creating our communities as well as realities.

My Reply
Indeed +Michael Hopkins. A lot of the collective effort makes up our individual paths, religion/spirituality and materialism are but two examples of this.

I think we make the mistake in focusing on the individual self too much when our own paths are mostly determined or created by the collective team effort. Everything that starts at home as individuals is determined by the collective in some way. Too many people think it's the other way around, I suppose that is the controlling ego for you.

It's interesting why people like me are not popular, it is also very sad. We are simply about the collective journey over and above the individual path, this will always be deplorable to an ego in control, including my own ego.

The feeling of love and the kind of love felt is a personal experience, no one person feels love exactly the same but of course the ego will state otherwise. Love is of the individual self therefore of the ego, love is not a collective expression but this love can influence collective expressions through individual expressions. This of course brings us to the hundredth monkey theory where one monkey's expressions are soon expressed by many monkeys.  The question is, can individual expressions have an impact on the collective consciousness?      

Love and peace in the sixties was certainly a turning point, love was free and unconditional and peace prevailed over this kind of expressional love. How many loving people protested against war in the sixties? How many loving people protest against war today? War is simply too negative so it's ignored, this is but one example of insurmountable judged negative of today's love that is suppose to be more unconditional!!

Take the hundredth monkey theory. Today expressions of love would look at the dirty potato as being negative and subsequently ignored because it's dirty therefore negative. War was dirty in the sixties, like the potato to the monkey, but war was not judged as being negative therefore avoided at all cost, it was dealt with face on void of fear. Being truly unconditionally loving in the sixties brought about a momentary change, how is a love with insurmountable conditions today going to bring about an everlasting change, especially when the potato is judged as negative (dirty) therefore avoided at all cost?

Simply, the individual self is put above the collective these days, we believe change starts from the individual and goes out, so what do we do, totally ignore the collective because we have judged it negative (dirty).

In relation to the hundredth monkey theory; it wasn't an individual effort that brought change, it was a collective effort that brought change for without the interactions of the other monkeys, washing the dirt (negativity) off of the potato wouldn't have become a collective expression.