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Sunday 30 June 2024

The Spiritual Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

I will keep this very simple so this may seem a little boring for some people to read. I will firstly touch on what is called the zone in sports for a very good reason.

Athletes most often tell of a period where one experiences a heighten sense of awareness, time transformation, effortless motion, unconsciousness and an extreme sense of concentration or focus. During this extreme sense of focus, similar to meditating or alike, the surrounding environment seems to not exist, this of course depends on how much of the environment around you you can extract your mind from.

Now awareness and experiencing an unconsciousness state seem to contradict each other. They don't actually. Our subconscious most often is more aware of the environment around us than our conscious mind is, mainly due to the conscious mind participating in the environment, where the conscious mind is distracted by the surrounding environment. It would seem the more an athlete extracts their conscious mind from the surrounding environment, the more heighten their athletic abilities become. I should say that the subconscious mind can also be in a state where it also becomes distracted by the surrounding environment, this is where various spiritual practices can assist in extracting our subconscious from various environmental distractions.

I would myself state that the conscious mind is the participator in the surrounding environment and the subconscious mind is the observer of the environment. This to me is of balanced mind set where if the subconsciousness also becomes primarily the participator, this is of an imbalanced mind set, a mind set that creates realities of numerous imbalances.

Imagine a state of consciousness where you extract your mind subconsciously and consciously from ego lusts and desires, even to the point in extracting oneself from ego created realities period!! Now imagine the zone you would experience in this state where you extract yourself from ego created realities period!!

What makes playing in the zone for athletes so rewarding is the experience of pure pleasure or ecstasy, so what do people experience in the spiritual zone? What you experience in the spiritual zone depends on the degree one extracts themselves from the surrounding environment, especially from an ego created reality. Our conscious mind is apart of the surrounding environment as our physical selves are, this means that I don't think we are suppose to extract ourselves from the surrounding environment altogether while of and created by the surrounding environment. However, imagine a reality, our present environment, being predominantly influenced by a mind set not primarily influenced by the ego as it is at present!! You would actually create a heaven like state of mind therefore reality, a zone of pure utter bliss.

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