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Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 June 2024

The Spiritual Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

I will keep this very simple so this may seem a little boring for some people to read. I will firstly touch on what is called the zone in sports for a very good reason.

Athletes most often tell of a period where one experiences a heighten sense of awareness, time transformation, effortless motion, unconsciousness and an extreme sense of concentration or focus. During this extreme sense of focus, similar to meditating or alike, the surrounding environment seems to not exist, this of course depends on how much of the environment around you you can extract your mind from.

Now awareness and experiencing an unconsciousness state seem to contradict each other. They don't actually. Our subconscious most often is more aware of the environment around us than our conscious mind is, mainly due to the conscious mind participating in the environment, where the conscious mind is distracted by the surrounding environment. It would seem the more an athlete extracts their conscious mind from the surrounding environment, the more heighten their athletic abilities become. I should say that the subconscious mind can also be in a state where it also becomes distracted by the surrounding environment, this is where various spiritual practices can assist in extracting our subconscious from various environmental distractions.

I would myself state that the conscious mind is the participator in the surrounding environment and the subconscious mind is the observer of the environment. This to me is of balanced mind set where if the subconsciousness also becomes primarily the participator, this is of an imbalanced mind set, a mind set that creates realities of numerous imbalances.

Imagine a state of consciousness where you extract your mind subconsciously and consciously from ego lusts and desires, even to the point in extracting oneself from ego created realities period!! Now imagine the zone you would experience in this state where you extract yourself from ego created realities period!!

What makes playing in the zone for athletes so rewarding is the experience of pure pleasure or ecstasy, so what do people experience in the spiritual zone? What you experience in the spiritual zone depends on the degree one extracts themselves from the surrounding environment, especially from an ego created reality. Our conscious mind is apart of the surrounding environment as our physical selves are, this means that I don't think we are suppose to extract ourselves from the surrounding environment altogether while of and created by the surrounding environment. However, imagine a reality, our present environment, being predominantly influenced by a mind set not primarily influenced by the ego as it is at present!! You would actually create a heaven like state of mind therefore reality, a zone of pure utter bliss.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

So Sad To Witness, As We All Are

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is so sad is how movements are being hijacked today, like woke the and spiritual movement. If you went back into the 60's you would not recognise the woke movement back then to today, the same is with spirituality. We were not all about labelling everything not of our own vibrations negative and toxic, everything not of our own reality was simply another reality that to us seemed less in touch. Today, less in touch is replaced with a consciousness lost within it's own creation, nothing more, nothing less. When something like movements become more than what they were initially, it is a good sign of something being distorted to suite what is desired or to suite some kind of narrative.

Recently, I had an obvious transgender woke person laugh at everything I stated and posted about the obvious rise in and acceptance of paedophilia. Look at how right wing Ukrainians are raping children in the Donbass region, not only that, posting it on the net, showing them laughing while raping these children, children of a region of Ukraine that just wanted to part from the rest of far right wing Ukraine since 2014, for obvious reasons.

So how are movements hijacked like this, and how are so many people encouraged/coerced to support such inhumanities? The answer is psychological trigger points.

It is easier than most of us think to trigger a populous into being apart of human violations and of certain other groups being violated. Look at how so many people accepted medical apartheid, where people not covid vaccinated had their rights completely violated to the point of persecution. Look at how fascist Herman Goring in the mid 1900's boasted about manipulating the populous into yet another world war by simply using trigger points, mainly fear and national pride. The use of the trigger national pride is working on the emotions of people, this trigger is often used in unison with the trigger fear, now look at how fear and national pride was used during the pandemic!!

Yes, it is so easy to get people to do and think things they would have never thought of doing before being triggered. A lot of Germans in 1900's stated the same thing. Yes, a populous can be conditioned to the point they are no longer doing things and thinking without being triggered. It is like hypnosis, where a trigger is used to put something into a hypnotic state and bring them out of a hypnotic state. Within this state, people can be made to do anything, as often seen on stage with people being hypnotised. In regards to a mass populous being induced into this state, they call this mass formation psychosis, where, in a real sense, people are not thinking for themselves.

“Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue.”

What do psychological trigger points do to people? They make people focus on one small point or issue, like Russia is evil and Ukraine is some kind of hero nation. Imagine if Russia formed a NATO style takeover of countries, the west would have started WWIII years ago, has Russia!!

Yes, I am saddened that the woke and spiritual movement has been hijacked, understandably so. Look at how the colours and practices of the western 60's spiritual movement has been hijacked, misused, in the process resulting in the growth and acceptance of paedophilia in the west. As predicted, only the few will see through the facade.

Facade: A showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Collective Karma


How people
treat you
is their
how you 
is yours

                                                         Written by Mathew Naismith

In my own words.

Quite interesting and something I have myself lived by all my adult life, identifying what is and is not of spiritual virtues in the absence of bias or preconceptions. It comes down to you love those whose karma you are a participant of no matter what. A am myself at present a participant due to the karma of the human collective consciousness. At no time should I judge what is and is not negative or positive, it is simply karma that needs to be allowed to play out, most importantly with people like me participating within the playing out of a collective karma. Yes, it may seem to so many in judgement of negatives and positives that any participation is negative and not spiritual, in truth though, not to participate in the healing of a collective karma is less spiritual and more materiel. Yes, often the spiritual is looked at being of a material possession, a positive, you either possess or you don't according to the controlling ego.

Once the spiritual is judged, this is the moment the spiritual becomes a possession!!

Friday, 2 October 2020

Critical Mass

Written by Mathew Naismith

Critical mass; putting in the least amount of energy in to create a high level of self-sustainable energy creating a huge amount of energy. Financially; putting the least amount of capital in to create an economically profitable venture creating even more capital. Spiritually it is the same.

Firstly, you must realise that time is not a form of energy, time is simply a perception created by environments governed by time, day and night, birth and death, starting points and ending points of the transformation of energy from one point to the other. This aside, praying, chanting, meditating, etc, is of a least amount of energy, not the time taken which is not of energy, that can create a huge amount of self-sustainable energy. The universe is a prime example of what critical mass can create.

At present a huge amount of energy is being expended to hopefully create a self-sustainable reality of vast profits and gains. This brings us to chain reaction, where a stable reaction of energy is created to bring about a sustainable energy flow that is not just self-sustaining but puts out vast amounts of energy. Now, imagine if this chain reaction of energy is unstable. At anytime you have to input vast amounts of energy like this, is when the chain reaction between energies becomes unstable. Financial gains takes huge amounts of energy to first become viable. Once this viability is reached, creating further capital to reinvest from this initial capital becomes self-sustainable, but this energy is always unstable due to the initial energy expended.

All I can say is we have learnt very little from spiritual teachings and even from the creation of the universe. Imagine how small the consciousness is behind the small amounts of energy that created the universe!! Consciousness itself is minuscule which is what makes this consciousness so, if you like, powerful. I like to state creative rather than powerful because power is related to control. There is nothing controlling about this minuscule consciousness of vast creativeness, however, there are, if you like, laws that govern how energy is going to react. Using huge amounts of energy to create a sustainable energy flow takes a huge amount of control. This is the point, spirituality is not about taking control but simply to inform on how to use energy as a whole in a non-controlling way. Critical mass used in a creative non-controlling way can create huge amounts of self-sustainable energy. Used in a destructive controlling way, yes, a self-sustainable energy flow can be created but for a very short time before it becomes unstable and over-reactive. You should by now be able relate to this state of over-reactiveness, especially at present. So to stabilise this energy, we use even more capital investment of energy!!

How much energy is expended in staying positive? So why does being and staying positive take so much energy? Staying positive is simply in opposition to negatives, the more negatives that are around us, the more energy it takes to stay positive, often resulting in an over-reactive energy flow. If you have to expend so much energy to keep the energy stable, will this kind of energy flow really ever become truly stable, especially without pouring even more energy into it? It has to be self-sustainable, this means positive can never be in opposition to negatives. When you make the best of what is instead of the worse, there is no real negatives in opposition to your positives. Of course if you make the worse of what is, there is always negatives that we have to expend even more energy to stay positive.

Make no mistake, I am often drawn into expending energy like this to some extent when I become so involved, the trick is to be aware of your expenditure of energy. Yes, it looks like a person who pray, chants, meditates a lot is wasting energy as in the time taken in this state of consciousness, but time itself is not energy. Yes, even in these states energy can be abused/misused when using these techniques to gain control. Really, just let it go and remember, the smallest amount of energy used is often the most creative.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

A Reemerging Spiritual Revolution

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the Americas before European invasion, the first nation people of the Americas lived in a sterile environment in the absence of numerous European diseases. With the arrival of European contaminates creating a contaminated European stile environment, millions of first nation people died. Alas, today in the absence of modern day medicine and so-called vaccine cures, first nation people are still present within the Americas. As of flu vaccine shots, which hasn’t stopped more people dying of influenza each year, no new vaccine will be an ultimate cure either.

Think on this, what was the first nation’s ultimate cure of millions more first nation people dying? It wasn’t modern medicine or some kind of vaccine cure which don’t exist in relation to viral repository ailments, it was the first nations natural immunity to European contaminated environments. Now, are lockdowns or shutdowns going to enhance natural immunity processes taking place or greatly hinder this natural process taking place?  Yes by all means take precautions but not at the expense of our natural immune system developing its own cures that are real cures, unlike viral vaccine cures that are not real cures, simply of preventative measures.

I once found myself in an environment that is more known today as a deep dark state, a conscious state of fear. Within this state certain entities thrive or feed off of fear. My own ego simply succumbed to this environment of fear for a time. The turning point for me was when 9 entities all at once tried to totally overwhelm my ego with fear; all I could do was laugh at them. At this moment my ego no longer had control over me, it was this simple, for only the ego in control can create and exist within a fearful environment of fearing itself. There are spiritual people that exist within these environments based on fear without themselves being of this fear, this means not fearing fear or even of fearing being fearful themselves, for all that can experience fear is the ego in control. When the ego is no longer in control, one is able to exist within any environment of fear free of fear themselves, in the process neutralising fear within themselves.

Why is there so much more fear today? How many spiritually aware people fear fearing? How many spiritually aware people today avoid fearful environments? Shutting down like this is simply going to do what to our egos immunity in regards to fear, especially in the long term? How many people today fear being negative or of experiencing toxic vibrations?  All this fear of the ego in control has simply created what we have today, a collective consciousness and subsequent reality purely base on fear. Now honestly look at who or what type of consciousness is feeding off of this fear!! 

There are numerous spiritual teachings that help guide the ego away from fear and of fearing being fearful. I have allowed my ego to fear and to experience fear based realities, for within this process an immunity in relation to fear is created. Make no mistake, fear is our most pandemic virus man could ever create, and all we are doing at present is feeding this virus based on fear exactly what it needs to exist.

My advice is, stop listening to the people whose egos immune system has no real cure for fear, for they have not themselves become immune to fear through natural processes.         

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Journey of an Eastern Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

A spiritual teacher is asked to do a presentation on what the teacher is about to a small group of people, they accept. When the time comes, they greet everyone who comes through the door and once this is done, they then place themselves in front of the people and immediately queries, "What are you all doing here?" There is no answer because the people are perplexed by the teachers query.

The spiritual teacher then states, "You are here because you did not listen to your eastern mind, a mind of non-materialism, thought, wisdom and non-controlling ways. You are here because of your western minds material imperfections, distractions and controlling ways."

To the spiritual teacher, there is no question of the eastern mind being positive, right, good, etc, and the western mind being negative, wrong, bad, etc. As of always, and quite naturally too to the western mind, there is an obvious positive and negative in relation to the western and eastern mind. Now, why were the people sitting in front of the spiritual teacher to start with, expecting guidance and answers to life?

A predominant western minded person goes into a jungle alive with carnivorous beasties (beasts). Fear will either save this person or cause the death of the person. Now, an enlightened person of the absence of material imperfections, distractions and controlling ways enters the jungle. The carnivorous beasties react in a totally different way. Instead of being ferocious towards the enlightened person, they react playfully and acceptingly. This is actually occurring with certain people at present, where there interactions with wild carnivorous animals are at the point of being playful. You don't have to be enlightened to experience this, just of the absence of material imperfections, distractions and controlling ways.

The spiritual teacher then poses a question," Am I positive because I am the teacher and you are negative because you are the students fixated to material imperfections, distractions and controlling ways? I am not separate from you as I am not separate from creation as a whole. Whatever is of creation, we are of no matter what the western ego mind desires to only be of. The different being, no matter how much we are connected to all of creation, I am also the teacher as well as the student only because I have also learnt to listen to the eastern mind as well as the western mind."

You will notice that certain spiritual teachers will make note to taking control, especially of the mind. If the teacher mentions to the western mind to tame the mind instead of controlling the mind, what is going to occur, especially when the western mind is known to be all about taking control rather than releasing oneself of control?

It is wise when approaching the western mind, to be expressive of what the western mind comprehends to then understand. However, there are teachers who only approach a mind not dominated by the western mind. The mind approached doesn't have to be predominantly eastern but certainly not predominately controlled by the westernised mind. You will never sway a predominant western mind all about control rather than releasing control to comprehend taming the mind to start with, for only the eastern mind in all of us relates to taming the mind rather than controlling the mind. In saying this, at times while trying to influence the western mind to tame the mind, the eastern mind becomes more dominant, this is because the eastern mind, while not being of control but of releasing control, becomes more influential on the mind itself through recognition of taming the mind.

I actually approach the western mind by pointing out the difference between the eastern and western mind, one is of control, the other of taming. The problem with this to the western mind is, honesty is often not the best policy, this is why many teachers will mention taking control of the mind instead of taming the mind. I should point out here that I am not a spiritual teacher.

The spiritual teacher then goes on to express, "As you are different to all else, doesn't mean you are separate to all else. This also means all else not of your positive is negative, just a different expression of yourself. You can deny that the environment around you is not of you but all this proves is that your western mind is in control. Tame the western mind with eastern minded influences, within this, all that seemed to be negative to your own positive dissipates. The western mind loves perceptions of negatives and positives for this gives the western mind more power and control over our mind and our environment, or so is deceptively perceived by the western mind in control over our minds." 

Note: At no time did I read or listen to what is mentioned above in relation to a spiritual teachers presentation, this is wholly my own thoughts of a spiritual teachers starting presentation. 

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Being Spiritual

Written by Mathew Naismith

There can be quite a big difference to what is perceived to be spiritual between the eastern and western mind. To the eastern mind, spirituality isn't primarily based on love, harmony and being positive where the western mind often bases New Age spirituality on love, harmony and being positive. Often in this case the perception of God doesn't figure for a lot of people, even though the perception of God is of a pure state of oneness. Love and harmony are simply a derivative of being spiritually connected. This love and harmony is also embraced by easterners but knowing that spirituality is not limited to just a few aspects as love and harmony.   

To the eastern spiritualist, spirituality isn't limited to certain aspects but is of all aspects, even of the aspects we don't desire to include in spirituality. Hinduism and Taoism are prime examples of this where the balance of negative and positive are apart of being spiritual, leading to a more aware and wiser state of being. It is not a separation of negative and positive, unlike in western spirituality, it is the culmination of negative and positive. To understand this, a truly connected spiritually aware person does not desire being positive over being negative for positive and negative work in unison as one. What does the western mind do instead? Separates the negatives from the positives and calls this spiritual!!    

I once came across a person who was crippled up, they were experiencing extreme discomfort and pain. I have never come across anyone so spiritually connected. Look at it this way, how many people experience their most enlightening moments in life while experience trauma, a so-called negative to the western mind? Trauma and pain can either be learnt from or suffered from, very much like humans learning from history rather than suffering from history. Of course this does take wisdom to do this which we have, in the modern age, replaced wisdom with what we desire.    

Try to remember, the western mind in all of us can be excessively critical, this includes critically judging what is and isn't spiritual to the western mind.

When you get to a state where you can ask any question and get an immediate correct answer, you know you are on your way to being spiritually connected. When you no longer need to ask questions to get an answer, you are spiritually connected. Only in this state do you then realise that the questions we asked were not formulating the answer to the questions, for the answers to what ever questions we asked always existed!!             

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Improving Upon Our Weaknesses

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote the following to further explain where I was coming from in relation to my last post, Human Existence - A Balancing Act

"Indeed my friend, we are one despite our differences in culture and mind. Because I am not into what is good and bad, wrong and right, negative and positive, unlike the western mind in control, there are no negative or positive tags in relation to the western and eastern mind. As I will explain in my next post, both the western and eastern mind has a vital part to play in life for they are apart of life."


"Look at this way, the western mind most often desires to separate the physical/materiel world from the spiritual, only desiring to be of the spiritual or material world. The eastern mind doesn't do this as it is of oneness, a oneness that sees a connection between the material and spiritual world in the absence of separation and division.

The western spiritual mind often determines that the material world is unbecoming as the western mind is quite critical within its judgement. The eastern mind isn't critical within its judgement but simply observant of what can be improved. As it is stated, the western mind will build upon its strengths while the eastern mind improves upon its weaknesses. One creates balance, the other an imbalance!!"

In all honesty, how many western minded spiritual people do you know desire to separate the spiritual world from the material world? I really don't think being spiritual is to do with separating one from the other more, in truth quite the opposite. The sense of oneness to start with is the realisation that everything is connected and of one. Yes, it is difficult while becoming spiritually aware that the desire to feel more in harmony, secure and loving, is more desirable over and above anything else that doesn't fulfil these desires but we must avoid this occurring. The desire to dispel everything in some way that isn't of what we desire to feel is quite strong.

Let's be honest here, the western mind is going to have a far harder time of becoming spiritually aware than the eastern mind, this is why it is wise to get to know your eastern mind. The western mind is perfect for getting to know the material world as the tools created to do so by the western mind is unlimited, as the eastern mind is perfect for getting to know the spiritual world.

Yes, as of the eastern mind, the western mind has its place, problems only occur when the western mind takes over from the eastern mind in all of us. Considering that the western mind is of taking control, and the eastern mind is of releasing ourselves of control, it is by no mistake that a predominant western mind will take control of what the eastern mind controls. The funny thing is, the eastern mind never works by taking control but of releasing itself from control, within this action, the human self is released from its various limitations that control creates.

Control means to take power to direct or determine; to determine a result in accordance with the control expressed thus limiting all expressions to certain variables or values.

As the western mind will no doubt take offence to what I am stating here, the eastern mind won't, even when stating that the western mind is better at knowing about the material world than the eastern mind. The eastern mind simply sees this as something that needs to be worked on, not just something to express disdain towards unlike the western mind that is a lot easier to offend than the eastern mind. What is the western minds strength? Knowing about the material world. Where is the world at, at present in relation to the eastern and western mind? The world is obviously predominantly expressive of the western mind. What ability does the western mind focus on the most? Its strengths while even deliberately ignoring its weaknesses, at times at any cost!! A good example of this is the environment we are destroying, the very thing humans rely on for their existence. Yes, the Chinese are destroying their own environment as well, only because they are predominately expressive of  the western mind to compete in a western minded controlled world.

So what is a western dominated world focusing on the most? Its strengths, which is control, power, material wealth and global dominance, etc, also, anything and everything that doesn't pertain or is relevant to its strengths. This is why westernised spirituality, even when based on eastern spirituality, is often used to take more control and gain more power while in the material world. The western spiritual mind simply primarily focuses on the spiritual is in relation to taking more control, not what eastern spirituality is about, releasing ourselves from control.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

 “As spiritual searchers we need to become freer and freer of the attachment to our own smallness in which we get occupied with me-me-me. Pondering on large ideas or standing in front of things which remind us of a vast scale can free us from acquisitiveness and competitiveness and from our likes and dislikes. If we sit with an increasing stillness of the body, and attune our mind to the sky or to the ocean or to the myriad stars at night, or any other indicators of vastness, the mind gradually stills and the heart is filled with quiet joy. Also recalling our own experiences in which we acted generously or with compassion for the simple delight of it without expectation of any gain can give us more confidence in the existence of a deeper goodness from which we may deviate. (39)”  – Ravi Ravindra

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.” Rumi

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need." Tao Te Ching

Sunday, 24 February 2019

To Be Spiritual in Essence

Written by Mathew Naismith

"Essence is a deep word: it drives our souls and is the engine which our spirit revolves around. Essence transcends each of our stories and follows us no matter which forms we may take. To see and accept the essence of another is to have power in how you work and flow with another. To embrace your style is to never work against yourself. Essence can have other meanings, but for a human being, this definition of style is one that will take you far."

A part of our own spiritual essence is to observe, at times without participating in what we observe, and accept the essence of other people, animals and the environment as a whole. Spiritual essence is about observing the connection with other essences with the environment as a whole. How many spiritual people feel this essence where non-spiritual people don't? Being spiritual is really to do with your own spiritual essence and the connection this has with all other essences within the environment. Yes, the perception of a God also gives us this spiritual connection that all is connected even when perceived to be separate. Sorry, but the perception of God is not disdainful to me in anyway. 

A lot of spiritually aware people think we should simply observe as this is a more spiritual. To accept that everything has a connection is spiritual, this means accepting being a participator as well, for there is no observation without something to observe and visa-versa!!

How many spiritually aware people desire to separate themselves from the present participation, the present reality?  A lot of people but you need to understand that our own spiritual essence is not comfortable being this out of balance, in fact the more of the spiritual essence we become, the less we desire to feel out of balance with the rest of our environments spiritual essences.

Yes, as we become more of the spiritual essence, we desire to feel more balanced with our environment, not less balanced. However, you come to a point where you also observe, in the absence of desire, that accepting the present reality as it is, is just as spiritual if not more spiritual no matter how imbalanced it is. Once our desires (ego) no longer control us, we are free to observe and participate in all of what creation is for what it is, not what we desire it to be. This simply means any true spiritual person can exist in any environment. Many of us today are a good depiction of this.

In my early teenage years, I had a choice to either become more of an observer or become more of a participator. Even though I had to endure discomfort from a chronic injury from six rears of age, I chose to be more of a participator than an observer. The trick in this is the ability to observe your own participation but also accept simply being a participator at times. I allowed my participation to be free of my own observations thus allowing me more freedom to express myself as a participator. To be honest, even if we know it or not, a lot of us are doing just this, allowing our own participation to express itself without the influence of observation from any source.

I don't find it strange that while we are being observed by the authorities within our participation, a lot of us react differently to if we weren't being observed. Why do multinationals do as they please? Because they have a perception they are not being observed as they have no authority above them observing them. They would indeed change the way they participate when observed by a higher authority, this is why many of them stay ignorant to any other higher authority observing them!! Actually, a lot of people do this, stay ignorant to any other higher authority or consciousness observing their own participation.

Of course if you are spiritual in essence, it seems no amount of observation will change the way you participate in life. Actually, knowing you are being observed influences you to become more of the spiritual essence within all things. However, you will find when you come to a point of spiritual growth, you will accept participating while not under the influence of observation just as much as accepting being influenced by observation. It is amazing how people react when they truly believe that God, a higher authority, is observing there participation. This of course changes when the Church or sect becomes the higher authority!!     

Hard to imagine isn't it, that a person of true spiritual essence accepts participating as much as observing? This is only hard to imagine because many of us desire to be and feel a desire of being spiritual in essence only, in all honesty, desires and feelings have nothing to do with spiritual essence. A truly spiritual person will not desire to be in any one state over and above other states no matter what they feel or desire. Of course feelings and desires are of participation which is as accepted as being totally egoless!!

In a reality of imbalances, you will desire to feel balanced; this is so natural for a person spiritual in essence. Once you connect, not only with your own spiritual essence but with the spiritual essence of your entire environment, you will see the balance within the environment. It is like looking at the small picture, your own spiritual essence, as opposed to looking at the big picture, the spiritual essence within all things.

Should we accept the imbalances that are created in the absence of perceiving that we are not being observed by a higher authority? Let's be honest, why are multinationals so expressive of imbalances? They perceive they are not being observed for only in knowing we are being observed do we express more balance. How many criminals act more in a balanced way within their present environment when being observed? How many religious people, who believe in God, act differently when God is the higher authority, not the churches or sects? If you don't accept being part of this imbalance, it is most likely you are a part of bringing human reality back into balance with the rest of the environment. To bring natural balance back in human reality, we must also accept being non-accepting of being imbalanced as well, a true sense of acceptance.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

A Touch of Guru 2

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine if somehow your positiveness was taken away from you. Most people couldn't mentally, spiritually and physically cope with this because they rely on being positive to live life. Now, what would happen if a spiritual Guru had their positiveness taken away from them? Absolutely nothing in their life would change, probably because a Guru doesn't rely or have any kind of attachment to what is and isn't positive and negative in their life. Imagine how harmonious this would be, were our lives are not determined by any factor pertaining to attachments and desires.

I need to now insert the following exchange I had with someone in relation to my last post, "A Touch of Guru." 

What I notice. while not taking any particular view to heart, is today's non spiritual person seems grounded in post modernist thought, while dismissing a natural view of spiritual people throughout history who were much more grounded with a natural reality...and all the questions that entails. 

For instance, Yeshua ben Yosef is not who is presented in today's belief. Furthermore, the Christian tradition itself was a natural movement, not a religious diatribe of dos and don'ts.

My Reply
You seem to be so true to yourself it is nearly unbelievable. To be true to yourself is to observe the world through as little bias as possible, all else is an untrue depiction of yourself and the world around you. A touch of Guru.....

As I am presently writing, take away positiveness from most people, they would crumble. Take away positiveness from a true Guru, nothing would change in there life. I have a funny feeling you comprehend this, not many people would or would want to. Take away positiveness from a false Guru or most western spiritually aware people, they would too crumble, if not more so than non-spiritual people.

Sadly, when ideologies, isms, concepts and beliefs become a fixation, something we have attached our psyche to for security and support, we lose the true nature of these ideologies and isms,

I am often impressed by your psyche because you explain yourself very well, especially on this topic. If you don't mind, I would like to use your reply here in my next post. I won't make any personal reference to you if this makes you feel more comfortable with this.


It is amazing. Ever since I have been mentioning the difference between Eastern and Western thinking, a certain cultural people have stopped interacting with me on quite a huge scale. This is while other cultural people, even other Western cultures, of the world have remained steady. Within their own actions, they have unknowingly proven the points made about the Western mind being easily offended. As it is said, the Western mind is easily offended, even to the point that if you are not praising the western mind, you are attacking it. This is like if you are not positive, you must be negative, the Eastern mind in all of us doesn't think like this.

Extract: Those who make certain words offensive do so because there is something to be gained. For many, to feel offended is to feel important, validated.

It is quite interesting that a predominantly Westernised mind doesn't see itself also being of the Eastern mind. In the West, it is often thought if you are not positive, you are negative, offensive. In the East, you have obvious depictions of yin and yang or like in Hinduism, the importance of a harmonious interaction between the male and female within everything. Of course harmony is constructive while disharmony is destructive but even destruction has its place.

To live in harmony in an earthquake area, you either learn to build better buildings or you move away, thus you have learnt from a negative situation. We often become more enlightened through the negatives than we do the positives, the present state of the world is no different. Of course to learn from the negatives, one must not ignore what the negatives have to teach us while in favour of the positives!! In all honesty, what is the Western mind doing on a huge scale at present? The state of the world simply shows that the Western mind in all of us is simply not learning. The Western mind is even shrugging off thousands of years of life experience; this is like killing off all the old people because they no longer serve any purpose. No matter what the life experience has been, we can learn from it.

This is interesting. If you removed the Western or Eastern mind from the spiritual Guru, you would see a huge difference. Yes, even taking the Western mind away from a spiritual Guru would make a huge difference in their lives, for the Guru is not of one or the other but of all of what is without bias and desire. What makes a Guru a Guru is the harmonious integration of opposite polarities. Try to remember, just because it is an opposite, doesn't mean it is always in opposition. I have lost count how many Westernised minds/people see themselves in opposition to me, it is quite insurmountable, especially from when I started writing about the difference between the Western and Eastern mind. Could you imagine the reaction from the Western mind/people if an Eastern mind/person wrote about the difference between the Western and Eastern mind as I have done!! How offended would have the Western mind/people become then? 

I found the following research by psychologist Steven Heine quite interesting.              

Extract: UBC cultural psychologist Steven Heine discovered profound differences between Western and Eastern minds. A recipe for prejudice, or just the opposite?    

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Being Truly Spiritual

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spiritual to me is a comprehension beyond normal 3rd dimensional aspects, aspects which are defined as being of material body, form or substance. Being spiritual is also the awareness and comprehension that consciousness isn't just of and created by the physical brain.

Is being spiritual extricating oneself from 3rd dimensional aspects thus creating a safe haven from human existence? What did the truly aware and wise do? What did Buddha, Jesus, Confucius, Rumi and so on do in their lives? Seen as I have a good friend who is a Hindu, the following is the Hindu equivalent to the above mentioned. Sama Darshanam (Equal Views) Samana Darshana (Aligned Views) Manava Shastra (Human Science).  

These very wise and aware consciousnesses went out of their safe havens even while and especially while enlightening themselves. What are we doing? Protecting our safe havens from all that can enlighten us!!

Buddha and Jesus sacrificed their human safe havens. If you are not willing to lose what you have gained, you really haven't gained anything. Any fixated attachments we are not willing to sacrifice for the good of all is what we really should be avoiding, not what could be enlightening us.

Look at Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Indian spiritualists for example; they sacrificed their haven to be truly spiritual, wise and aware, what are a lot of western spiritual people doing today? Sacrificing everything else to create and protect their haven, they are not willing, like the wise and aware, to come close to sacrificing their haven for other people. Anything remotely threatening their haven is usually deemed as negative/toxic!!

Being Human: Can we have a human experience without being human? This is like; can we have an experience of being a mother without being a mother of a child? It's the so-called lower qualities (vibrations) that make the higher qualities so high. Could the existence or perception of a God exist if it wasn't for the lower qualities?

On the other hand, experiencing being human doesn't mean we will be of humaneness as being a mother doesn't mean we will be a mother to our child.

To the true wise and aware, there are no lower qualities, just simply less aware consciousness, it's these less aware consciousnesses that create a perception of lower and higher qualities of being human. It really does take a perception of a lower quality to perceive a higher quality.

Consider this, what would a truly wise and aware consciousness desire or even need while in a state of complete contentment? This state is often referred to as a higher realm, vibration or ultimate state of reality by human consciousness. Desire or need within this state has no purpose, it simply doesn't exist. There is also no desire or need to be in this state so this kind of consciousness can find itself in any state at any given time. This kind of consciousness has no need or desire to be in this co-called ultimate state, desiring or even needing to be in this state is human. What makes human consciousness human? Its awareness, every state of consciousness is based on awareness and the wisdom to know how to use that awareness.

God's and Demigod's: We are simply still trying to be demi-gods, how many people in wealth and power today act as they are God's and Goddess's? The Rothschild's are worth over 500 trillion, the God like power and status this wealth has gives them is beyond words, they are able to do as they please as they can buy anyone and anything. Of course if they have no need or desire to buy certain people or countries, these people and countries are often dealt with.

An actual demigod is of divine nature, being that they are descendants of God's and Goddesses, basically, descendants from an aware and wise consciousness beyond most human comprehension. The people in power today are not God's or even true demigod's, they are simply human beings of a basic human consciousness, an awareness not much above other humans in certain areas but a consciousness way below other humans in other areas. The truly aware and wise have no need or desire for wealth, power and control, just to simply serve.

It's basically the age of false demigod's, an age of conditioned ignorance as opposed to an age of true awareness. How many of us are still trying to reach this ultimate state of reality, in other words a demigod status? To do this of course takes one to negate everything that isn't of themselves by judging everything not of their own vibrations as being negative or toxic, something to be avoided instead of assisted. What are the false demigod's in power over the world doing? It's all of a false demigod status.

Only a false demigod will desire or see a need of a higher status or higher quality of being. All I see is that people need to stop trying to be of a demigod status, or of a lower status, and be of what they truly are. Within this simple act, all will reveal itself to what you truly are which is everything without question or exception.

Do we desire to be everything without exception? We only desire to be of what we desire, no more, this is simply a false demigod status, a consciousness of false bearing (standing). We are much more than we could humanly perceive, of course to perceive this takes a consciousness beyond human conscious understanding. Simply don't limit yourself to a demigod status, especially a false one.

This is to me a true depiction of what being truly spiritual is......           

Friday, 2 February 2018

Acquiring Spiritual Wealth

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I have illustrated in the below image, to desire is to separate oneself from what one doesn't desire, for example, material or spiritual wealth is desired over being poor or non-spiritual. Within this process, we have either knowingly or inadvertently separated ourselves from an undesirable.

What this is saying in regards to spiritual wealth, is we shouldn't desire to take or obtain/acquire spiritual wealth. Yes, material wealth is always taken or obtained/acquired, this is the only way to obtain this kind of wealth, but spiritual wealth should be acquired void of desire. The reason for this lies in that any desire of spiritual wealth negates spiritual wealth within its own actions, this is because spiritual wealth is the culmination of everything, not an anticlimax in regards to everything.

 How is one to experience an anticlimax in regards to spiritual wealth if we have separated everything through our desires?

Spiritual wealth can only be acquired, a true sense of spiritual wealth isn't even obtained, it's simply acquired. Obtaining refers to seeking. To seek one must have a desire in what one is seeking, one can't seek void of desire, seeking is simply desiring. Acquiring spiritual wealth is allowing the wealth to come to you, not you going to it.
To seek out any wealth is exactly like seeking material wealth; it's all based on desire.

So if we meditate or shut ourselves off from all human distractions, like through being a hermit for example, is this not based on a desire to obtain a higher degree of spiritual wealth?

All what one is doing when shutting oneself off from human distractions, is to allow the life force of wealth to come to you, you are not seeking, you are simply allowing this wealth to come to you void of as many desiring distractions as possible. You are also allowing everything to be as one void of separation, this is spiritual wealth. It's not spiritual wealth when taken or obtained through desires.

Human consciousness desires, spiritual consciousness doesn't, for the only wealth that is truly of wealth is spiritual wealth and that comes free of charge to everyone. In a true sense, wealth taken or obtained through desires isn't a true sense of wealth for it is finite in nature; it's limited to the desires desired. The reason for desires being limited is simply due to desires naturally separate one from the other, in turn, limiting ourselves to what we have separated ourselves from.

It came to me recently that multinationals have no true wealth, for all wealth has to be taken or obtained. Imagine not having to take or obtain wealth, having wealth given to you freely through free will. Any wealth obtained through desires isn't given freely or by free will, it's taken or obtained through various means.
Finally getting back to this post again after a couple of days, I have had some interesting times recently which I am thinking of talking about in a video, maybe. As of our dreams that can be three dimensional, the three dimensional mind relates better to a three dimensional videos than to two dimensional writings. It's important to awaken the three dimensional mind to other dimensional aspects, even through three dimensional means. Comprehension and then understanding!!

Getting back to the main topic, so it would seem that we shouldn't desire!!

Not at all, being of human consciousness is of desires; this is one of the traits that make human consciousness human. What I am saying is, moderate our desires so they don't become a major part of our lives so we are able to acquire spiritual wealth. Desires simply erode away our ability to acquire spiritual wealth, the more desires our lives are based on, the less chance of acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth.

Imagine being of love void of having to first feel love!! Of course love isn't just of love; a true sense of love is based on a true sense of acceptance, compassion, a balanced mentality and so on. Love is not the be and end all, this is desire/lust, everything as one is, this is why this state has no labels. The trick is, be love, which basically means observe love void of being predominately a participator of love while being also aware that all participation is based on desire; it's really this simple.....                

While we are predominantly being a participator, acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth will always elude us or be hard to acquire, being that participating is based on desire, it all makes perfect sense. Let go......  

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Your Own Social Acceptance

Written by Mathew Naismith

Personally, I think it's advisable to go along with your own social acceptance mentally and physically. The picture above shows me wearing a thawb/thobe, just because in my culture this kind of dress isn't usually accepted, this doesn't and shouldn't mean I shouldn't wear this kind of dress. It's advisable not to be limited to and by your own culture, all this creates is separative ideologies and concepts therefore realities based on separatism.

Yes, at no time cause distress or show disrespect in one's dress but one, in my mind, should always try to dress to one's own social acceptance. If you go to a black tie event, you wear a black tie. I wore this dress at a market that is one of the biggest markets in our area, at no time did I feel I was being disrespectful or giving people grief. Yes, it was obvious certain people of my own culture were unconfutable and non-accepting of my dress, however, it was they who were giving themselves grief through their limitations in accordance with their own culture, not me.

To atheists of extreme views, all else based on beliefs and faith is socially unacceptable, the same is with religious people of extreme views. In Australia, you're not being a real man in certain social circles if you're not interested in football, go figure!! So the coalition forces are not at war with real men because they don't follow football and wear garments like thawb's and kaftans!!

Spiritually, one must sit, eat, think and be a certain way to be spiritual; at no time can one be conflictive, destructive or violent. Light naturally destroys dark, in a sense an unawareness is quite aggressively replaced by awareness. To the light, it may not seem aggressive but to the dark it couldn't be more aggressive. The Earth and the sun can be exceptionally violent and destructive; we can often find ourselves quite insecure and volatile in a natural world/reality. So because the Earth is violent and destructive therefore cause insecurities to ourselves, the Earth and the whole of the universe isn't spiritual!!

To a lot of spiritually aware, it is socially unacceptable for a spiritually aware person to be violent in any sense. Considering that certain spiritualists in India lash out at people and that in certain Buddhist meditative practices violence is acted out, being limited to certain accepted non-violent spiritual social beliefs isn't true in accordance to nature. It's simply not natural to limit oneself to certain set boundaries within nature, for nature has no limitations. Considering that consciousness as a whole is infinite in nature, it's funny that we are still limiting ourselves to certain set social standards, usually in accordance with the culture we fixate ourselves to.

A lot of people experience their most enlightening times under duress!!

Spiritual pertains to the non-physical, just because the non-physical is expressed in a physical way, doesn't make what is expressed physically non-spiritual as it's never not spiritual, even when the non-physical is expressed physically. Physical expressions simply mean interaction with different forms of energy sources separated by various differences. Just because I separate one energy source into different energy sources, doesn't make these different energy sources not of energy, then why do we think that by expressing the non-physical physically make it non-spiritual, especially if it's violent!! As energy is always energy, no matter how different the energy becomes, the spiritual is always spiritual, there is always a spiritual, a non-physical state, to the physical.

We are having a physical experience; does this mean we are not of our soul? We are never not of our soul no matter how physically expressive we are, in actuality, try having a physical experience void of a soul or the spiritual. Try mentally creating something physically void of thought, one comes before the other and is always of the other. 

We might then think that we are being more spiritual the less physically expressive we are. To people like me, we are being more spiritual being expressive of physicality, not less spiritual. For starters, we are humbling ourselves and we are not allowing our egos to control how humbling we express ourselves physically. Secondly, to be expressive of everything physical, is to be aware of everything physical, in actuality, to be aware of separateness of physicality is to truly be spiritually aware. How truly aware and unlimited, infinite, are we when only aware of what we desire or perceive to only be spiritual?

In all, I simply could not imagine myself being limited physically and mentally to a certain cultural standard, in saying this, being limited to certain set standards like this is also apart of the spiritual journey. I was not accepted by certain people at the market in my dress, however, they too have a right not to be accepting therefore be expressive of their own culture in accordance with their own social acceptance.  

It's not what we think, it's what we don't think that creates the problems we have in life!!      

Monday, 1 January 2018

Spiritual Shining

Written by Mathew Naismith

The magnificence of the world can only be experienced if properly witnessed, all else is but an abstract interpretation of the world........Mathew G

Abstractive: Being abstractive simply means a representation of part of, not a true interpretation or expression of what is as a whole. How can the magnificence of the world be truly experienced if not properly witnessed/observed? An abstractive representation refers to participation rather than observation; this is very much in line with how an abstract artist works. They don't observe in what they paint; they participate in what they paint, in turn, what is represented or expressed is participation rather than observation.

Yes, an abstract artist will observe what they paint, but they will only paint in what they participate in to what they observe. They don't observe in what they paint but paint in participation of what they observe, the observation becomes participation through abstractive representations or expressions. Human consciousness is an abstract artist creating whatever reality that is observed in an abstract way. Abstract = participation rather than observation, you could call this abstractive participation.

So what has abstractive participation got to do with shining spiritually?

Shining; simply refers to being aware to the point of physically expressing awareness void of bias and desire. This means within this state we don't pursue euphoric feelings of love and compassion, we simply allow these feelings to come and go void of trying to hold onto them. If I was to always try to hold and express these feelings, all I would be doing is expressing bias and desire. This is not shining but simply expressing an abstract expression of what is being observed or felt.

Now we might think that pure observation void of participation is shining, this is also simply not the case. Observation void of participation is simply a state void of participation of what is being observed, this kind of state is bias in that participation is absent, usually deliberately so. Also, being the observer is often desired over and above the participator, in actuality in absence of the participator. What is there to observe or become aware of if there is no participation to observe? A pure state of awareness can only be observed if there is also participation.

To be in quietness is the observer. To be in unquietness is the participator. A true form of abstract art is never quiet, however, art that is of the observer and the participator are of, not quietness and unquietness but neutrality, a state that represents observation and participation void of extremes or bias expressions. Bias imbalanced expressions simply create distorted realities, very simular to abstract art. Bias imbalanced expressions are not illusions but distortions; this is why I don't consort to the idea that realities like this one being simply and wholly an illusion.


Spiritual: Reference to the spiritual pertains, not to the sacred or holey but to the non-physical, in actuality, when I make reference to the spiritual, it's never of the sacred or holy.

The perception of sacredness and holiness represents separation, within these kinds of perceptions, we will never be of what we hold as sacred or holey as they will always be separate to us. We are of what we idolise and worship, only in distorted realities is there a perception of separation. Of course distorted realities pertain to a consciousness that is bias therefore of distorted truths. Separation of our sacredness and holiness is simply a distortion of consciousness brought about by distorted truths based on desires, the desire while within a distorted reality, of separate higher consciousnesses to ourselves.

Insecurities: Psychologically, a consciousness that feels entrapped or not of a particular chaotic reality will quite naturally separate itself from the sacred or holy, in turn, creating a distorted view/reality of sacredness and/or holiness. This distortion allows a consciousness in trauma to feel better or even euphoric. It's an in-built defence system within the psyche that automatically activates when a consciousness is in deep trauma or peril. Our own insecurities create numerous distortions within a consciousness, collectively and personally.

Once a consciousness is conditioned to insecurities, the psyche automatically activates a defence mechanism to lesson traumas associated with insecurities. How many new age spiritual people feel insecure/uncomfortable with the present reality? This will of course quite naturally distort consciousness even more, not less. Materialism is the same, it makes us feel happier and /or secure in a world conditioned fear. The trick is to not feel insecure void of separating ourselves from the sacred and /or holy. In my mind, the deemed sacred or holy or materialism should never make us feel more secure, we should already feel secure no matter how distorted the reality we are experiencing is.                                  

Yes, become familiar and aware of the sacred and holy, but not in separation to yourself. All that separation will create is distorted realities based on insecurities. The shining is simply being void of separation and feelings of insecurities.