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Tuesday, 24 September 2024

The Grand Temple of Human Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was not going to write about this topic but it would seem that I am now encouraged to. I am not making reference to a physical representation of a religious temple, but a grand temple that it would seem was once a major part of human consciousness.

What encouraged me to write about this topic was a recurring dream, a dream that exposed the true entity behind the loss of this grand temple. To lead human consciousness away from this grand temple you would think that this entity was within itself of some kind of grand stature of great significance, quite the opposite is true.

On a personal level, not too recently my dreams told me of a hidden hostility which I eventually exposed which then turned into treachery and deceit, as it often does, which my dream told me of as well. This exposer can also occur on a global scale.

Within this dream, I usually did not have to deal with the worker ants, but what I call security guards or soldier ants, ants (people) that protect and reinforce the grand entity of great sinister intent and abuse. After this, I then face the grand master consciousness of great sinister intent and abuse, which is often very daunting but not recently. There was no soldier ants, only worker ants, and this grand master consciousness was insignificant and of no great stature.

To cover up this insignificance, this consciousness uses and abuses any energy it has enticed within it's field of influence, which in humanities case means the majority of people who were and are coxed and tricked into no longer being under the influence of this grand temple of human consciousness. By the way, this temple does not have to be rebuilt as it was never destroyed, humanity as a whole simply walked away from this temple of true great stature and benevolence.

Years ago when confronted with these quite sinister security guards, soldier ants, all I did was laugh at them. This is why, which I didn't quite comprehend back then when I was young, that this energy is actually of great insignificance, the only significance and stature it has is obtained from other energy sources it can coax within it's own field of influence. Look at how multinationals often obtain their energy/wealth. They would be quite insignificant in stature and wealth in the absence of other energy forms to obtain energy from, very much like what I experienced in my dream just recently.

So what is this grand temple of true great stature and benevolence, unlike it's supposed opposite?

I can't tell you as each and every one of us has their own perception of what this grand temple is represented by, what I can tell you is that this grand temple is of the absence of sinister intent and abuse, period. It is of the absence of which makes this temple so grand, an energy source or consciousness of significant self-perpetuating energy, unlike it's supposed opposite.

It will be interesting how this dream progresses from here. The last part of the dream showed a person being elated going on a train ride they have never experienced before themselves.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

Written by Mathew Naismith

Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.

People like me are into learning from history and not suffering from history, which means knowing one's history so we don't repeat therefore suffer from history over and over again. This includes personal history as well as global history. Who wants to repeat the same mistakes over and over again on a personal level, as we seem to be doing on a global level?

While once again looking into global history, there seems to be too many similarities between the final solution Nazi death camps of WWII and the resent pandemic, lock downs and preceding inoculations.

1: The Nazi fear campaigning was obvious, very much in line with the tactics used in the recent pandemic. The Nazi salute was all about putting your hand up in agreement to war and inhumanities, like putting your hand up to be and being inoculated.

2: The Nazi concentration camps are in line with the lock downs, where people did starve to death during the lock downs, like concentration camps, and were latter beaten or persecuted in many other ways for not being inoculated, likened to being gassed but in most cases resulting in a much slower death.

3: The Nazi gas chambers are in line with the pandemic inoculations, where you were promised freedom from lock downs and mandates if you were inoculated, similar to Nazi promised resettlement.

Like with the Nazi regime, under the lock downs numerous laws were introduced as well as changes to various laws that took even more of our freedom away. Look at the Nazi censoring and book burning, very much in line with today's censoring and banning of books and various other forms of literature, books and literature that don't support the present regimes narratives, just like under Nazi domination.

There are too many similarities to mention, in fact to mention them all would be to right a book in literal terms. A book titled, “Corona False Alarm”, was one of these books. Yes, the German doctors who wrote this book were first isolated from their immediate society to then be persecuted, similar to what occurred to dissidents under Nazism, the difference being, the world is the present regimes concentration camp, as proven during the lock downs.

You would think that in third world countries, that were not massed inoculated, that the excess death rate would be much higher than in countries like Britain, Canada and the US, far more than a 40% excess death rate!! Look at how the creators of mRNA vaccines where rewarded with a higher rank/status, being rewarded a Nobel prize, likened with Nazis who were rewarded a higher rank who became more inhumane. It is by mistake that people like this would be rewarded for greatly assisting in a higher excess death rate under a regime too similar to a Nazi or Marxist regime, where often millions end up dying, like in regards to the excessive excess deaths in the most heavily inoculated regions of the world!!

I think the recent heavy handed ways of the present NWO, New World Order, regime has woken a lot of people up to what they have been governed by for some time now.

However, any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.

Thursday, 5 September 2024


Written by Mathew Naismith

When we look around the man made world, everything that has been created was created from the consciousness of man. Yes, the same controlling mentality that is still virtually into throwing rocks and sticks at each other, like Neanderthals did. As of today, Neanderthals could see a gain or profit in this kind of mentality. What if I stated that everything that man creates, including his mentality, has come from a more vastly prominent consciousness. Of course a lot of this consciousness has been distorted or disfigured, now imagine a consciousness that is not disfigured, an energy in balance with itself and all other energies!!

Imagine a creation that has not been created from a distorted consciousness, a consciousness that has been acquired from this vast prominent consciousness, probably the same consciousness/energy that created the universe.

When I observe the man made environment around me, in all honesty all I observe is a consciousness of immense disfigurement, a creation disfigured from immeasurable intense distortions of consciousness/energy.

A lot of people are aware of this, of the difference between a reality created from immeasurable intense distortions to a reality created from the absence of these distortions and disfigurements. Being aware of these differences is simply of having the realisation of realities of the absence of distortions and disfigurements of consciousness/energy therefore creation. Enlightenment is simply of the absence of what stops us from becoming enlightened. Yes, it is this simple.

It is really bemusing observing so many people doing everything they can to hinder this kind of enlightenment, in the process distorting and disfiguring human consciousness beyond recognition. There are suppose to be over 140 genders in Western countries. The deliberate distortion and disfigurement of human consciousness theretofore their creation is obvious.

So why would so many people go down this path of distorting and disfiguring human consciousness even more? Again, it is of the absence of, the absence of being aware of a consciousness/energy that is not distorted and disfigured. In other words aware of a reality that has not been distorted and disfigured beyond recognition. A lot of people just don't want to become aware, to become this enlightened, but if they did they would not want to go back to distorting and disfiguring human consciousness/energy, I guarantee this.

When I look at how the big bang theory is no longer a valid theory due to galaxies existing in the centre of the universe, and that Darwin's theory of evolution is put into serious question due to discoveries of various monolithic advanced races, you realise how distorted human consciousness is. If human consciousness is this distorted and disfigured, so is it's creation and understandably so.