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Showing posts with label CLM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLM. Show all posts

Monday, 29 June 2020

Children Lives Matter

Written by Mathew Naismith

Can you help a consciousness knowingly not wanting to help itself from a state of known degradation? Well, being a part of this kind of consciousness gives everyone a right and probably a responsibility to try to influence a consciousness away from further degradation. Look at the truly wise and aware in human history, they didn't just sit within their own space and do nothing.

Yes, to someone like me, children's lives matter, no matter what colour skin they are of and yes, more than black lives matter. Thousands of children go missing every year, and thousands of children are simply used as a currency or contraband. We are not just talking about one or even ten people who may or may not be known criminals being persecuted here because of their social stature, we are talking about thousands of people being enslaved and abused at an incredible rate.

Here we are destructively and aggressively tearing down statues of people who fought against slavery, while leaving statues that represent not just slavery but satanist slavery of a people of a certain social stature, children. Yes, we allow the most vulnerable people within society become the most abused, persecuted and enslaved without seemingly lifting a single finger, and we are even leaving these statues that represent this kind of satanist paedophilia representation in place. I can actually see more of these statues going up, and we are protesting and rioting over what!! How lost can a consciousness become within it's own creation before awakening to what it has created?

Should a group calling themselves children's lives matter receive social, governmental and multinational support in the same league as black lives matter? Are we protesting en mass around the world to the abuse, persecution and enslavement of the most vulnerable people of society? Has a single person donated 100 million dollars to this cause like black lives matter, or even started up a group concerned about the abuse, persecution and enslavement of the most vulnerable people of society, the children of that society?

Can you help a consciousness knowingly not wanting to help itself from a state of known degradation?

“Without the health and protection of it's children, a consciousness will always stay unhealthy and insecure within itself.”~Mathew G~

The point is, can you save a consciousness lost within it's own creation, a consciousnesses that is knowingly allowing its future health and security to be abused, persecuted and enslaved at an alarming rate?

In reality, you may not in the end be able to save a consciousness of known degradation and self-mutilation, but is anything going to be lost by trying to do so? As of many wise and aware in human history, there is a lot to be learnt and achieved in trying to save a consciousness from it's own creation.