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Showing posts with label lost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lost. Show all posts

Friday, 6 January 2023

Change is on the Horizon


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is indisputable that a change of great significance is on the horizon, but what kind of change?

You have a great push for communism/fascism which is of masculine energy on steroids, no different to autocratic systems of old, this is in line with we are, in a real sense, still in full support of throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Ukraine is a prime example of this. We also have a spirituality that is into building upon it's own personal security zone, building upon it's own desired created reality while denouncing all else, even the plain obvious truth, negative. To denounce all other realities not of your own reality negative is of a dark masculine energy.

As I wrote recently. “This is interesting but sad that a personal catastrophe had to occur for a couple of our friends to wake up, now they are telling us what we first tried to tell them in relation to the lockdowns and covid vaccines. They are now not listening to MSM.

Yes, it would seem that a lot of us need a personal catastrophe to wake up, and it would seem so does the collective human consciousness.”

Because my wife and I listened to real life health professionals, not bought and paid for one's, we were put into the negative category. Only the masculine energy on steroids puts everything not of it's own reality in a negative category. The feminine energy that is not governed by a masculine energy on steroids does not do this. The masculine energy on steroids is simply a consciousness lost within it's own desired lustful reality. How does one often become lost? Distortion, where everything within the reality one becomes lost in looks the same when it's not, like in a forest or desert, or, all you have within an environment is desired realities. To create a desired reality you have to denounce all other realities opposing the reality that is desired, a depiction of a masculine energy on steroids at play.

To someone like me, the most evil entity is simply a depiction of a distorted consciousness, a consciousness lost within it's own reality. I have to feel for something this lost, of course the last thing a distorted consciousness wants you to feel is feel for it being so lost within it's own created distorted reality. This consciousness does not want you to look at it as being lost, in fact it wants you to hate it, to fear it. Some members of my own family were and still are quite abusive, I just can't hate them for being so lost, even though I was left with permanent scars from their abuse. This is interesting, they firmly believe I hate them, they have to because otherwise their desired reality comes crumbling down. Do multinationals want their reality to come crumbling down? In a time of great change, this lost consciousness will do everything to retain it's distorted reality by distorting reality even more so.

So the fact that we are presently experiencing even more distortion of reality, is a sign that this lost consciousness is being challenged, exposed for being lost within it's own distorted reality, which by the way it wants every other consciousness to be lost in.

As Bill Gates stated, “We only have a small window of opportunity here.”

The window of opportunity to distort all of reality in line with their own desired reality is indeed very small. This dark masculine energy on steroids is indeed being exposed for being lost within it's own distorted desired reality, but of course it has even deceived itself to not being lost within it's own distorted reality, as this consciousness would of course do. This distorted consciousness only has a small window of opportunity, it's success totally relies on not being exposed for what it really is, simply a consciousness lost within it's own created distorted reality.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

No to Persecution, Altogether


Written by Mathew Naismith

People like me don't desire to persecute and even have people who have committed crimes against humanity prosecuted, there is no point to this except for personal gratification. Why not?

Firstly, the desire to persecute and prosecute other people is in line with committing crimes against humanity, both are based on personal gratification to start with. Secondly, personal gratification expressed on this level is a sign of an imbalanced psyche, and the more the psyche becomes imbalanced, the more distorted the psyche becomes, to the point of distorting consciousness therefore reality. It is understandable that consciousness (psyche) can often become lost within a distorted reality, lost within it's own creation. How do you get personnel gratification from persecuting a consciousness or psyche that has become lost within it's own creation?

To me, I could not exist within a reality that is more based on personal gratification if I wanted to, lets be honest, the present created human reality is primary based in personal gratification in just about every way these days. No matter how inhumane people become, they don't deserve to be persecuted or prosecuted for simply being lost within an imbalanced therefore distorted reality, even when it is of their own making. Again, the why not is to do with not being primarily governed by personal gratification, but also knowing that something lost does not deserve to be persecuted or prosecuted for simply being lost.

So does this mean that Ukrainian soldiers mistreating Russian prisoners in the most heinous way should not be prosecuted for war crimes, as with how children are being sold on the internet by high end clothing companies?

Are we, at present, able to prosecute people who have committed crimes against humanity in the absence of personal gratification, especially when a consciousness and psyche are conditioned to personal gratification?

So you can see why I say no to persecution, while saying yes to accountability, where people that have committed crimes against humanity are found accountable for their crimes for distorting reality even more. Again, how do you persecute a consciousness or psyche lost within it's own creation, especially in the absence of personal gratification, without expressing some kind of personal or even group gratification? Group gratification distorts reality even more so. Extremist groups, such as ANTIFA and the KKK, and political ideologies, such as communism and fascism, are of group gratification as is the New World Order or the World Economic Forum. Look at how religion and atheism become extremist, where they base religion or atheism on group gratification therefore persecution. Look for the desire to persecute to see the degree of extremism.

Human consciousness and psyche is simply not in the right mind, or more precisely of a balanced mind, to be able to persecute or prosecute anyone of a different personal or group gratification without distorting reality even more so. So in all, I say no to persecution, where persecution is the same as prosecution which we are seeing a lot of at present in the world.

As is said, the meek shall inherit the Earth. Being primarily governed by personal and group gratification is indeed of meekness. Being submissive to personal and group gratification is indeed of the meek, as meek is of submissiveness, but of any consciousness of this degree of submissiveness, time is indeed short lived as of the inheritance. Now look back in human history to see how long personal and group gratification have ruled humanity. I would say that personal and group gratification inheritance is nearly over.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Children Lives Matter

Written by Mathew Naismith

Can you help a consciousness knowingly not wanting to help itself from a state of known degradation? Well, being a part of this kind of consciousness gives everyone a right and probably a responsibility to try to influence a consciousness away from further degradation. Look at the truly wise and aware in human history, they didn't just sit within their own space and do nothing.

Yes, to someone like me, children's lives matter, no matter what colour skin they are of and yes, more than black lives matter. Thousands of children go missing every year, and thousands of children are simply used as a currency or contraband. We are not just talking about one or even ten people who may or may not be known criminals being persecuted here because of their social stature, we are talking about thousands of people being enslaved and abused at an incredible rate.

Here we are destructively and aggressively tearing down statues of people who fought against slavery, while leaving statues that represent not just slavery but satanist slavery of a people of a certain social stature, children. Yes, we allow the most vulnerable people within society become the most abused, persecuted and enslaved without seemingly lifting a single finger, and we are even leaving these statues that represent this kind of satanist paedophilia representation in place. I can actually see more of these statues going up, and we are protesting and rioting over what!! How lost can a consciousness become within it's own creation before awakening to what it has created?

Should a group calling themselves children's lives matter receive social, governmental and multinational support in the same league as black lives matter? Are we protesting en mass around the world to the abuse, persecution and enslavement of the most vulnerable people of society? Has a single person donated 100 million dollars to this cause like black lives matter, or even started up a group concerned about the abuse, persecution and enslavement of the most vulnerable people of society, the children of that society?

Can you help a consciousness knowingly not wanting to help itself from a state of known degradation?

“Without the health and protection of it's children, a consciousness will always stay unhealthy and insecure within itself.”~Mathew G~

The point is, can you save a consciousness lost within it's own creation, a consciousnesses that is knowingly allowing its future health and security to be abused, persecuted and enslaved at an alarming rate?

In reality, you may not in the end be able to save a consciousness of known degradation and self-mutilation, but is anything going to be lost by trying to do so? As of many wise and aware in human history, there is a lot to be learnt and achieved in trying to save a consciousness from it's own creation.