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Showing posts with label agnosticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agnosticism. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Back in the Comfort Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are some fundamental differences between atheism and theism/agnosticism/oneness psychology as I will explain. My own sense of oneness is of a different psychology to atheism for a very good reason.     

Gee whiz, what a discomforting experience to experience. Yes, I am back from experiencing something exceptionally distorted and discomforting but on the other hand also very aware building or enlightening. If you wonder why you get that creepy feeling up the spine being a spiritually aware person who is aware and probably empathic, this is why. To be simply in the absence of fear in any environment, this is what truly being fearless really is. Unbeknownst to these people, they had no hope in instilling fear in me or recruiting me. Yes, they tried a number of times to recruit me in their ranks as well.

Yes, atheists are on a big pilgrimage or recruiting drive. I say pilgrimage because quite a number of atheists are on a road to a world of total atheistic domination, of course along the way they must try to recruit more people to accomplish this world domination. Of course this takes a fair amount of atheistic preaching, deceitfulness and trickery. It would seem one of their exceptionally dogmatic doctrines quite clearly states, “If you are not a theist, you must then be an atheist.” Their stance on this seemed dogmatic to an extreme, but there is something a little strange in the psyche implemented here as I will explain.

Under the unbiased definitions of atheism, you have the doctrines of the belief that there are no deities, or, a disbelief that there is no deities. The new atheist doctrine states, which isn’t in the dictionary I use, is atheism is a lack of belief in the existence of deities. This is supposed to be the new up to date atheist doctrine of today, which to me is simply of deception. Why?

Agnosticism: “A person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist)”, also, “Someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.”

Atheism is strictly of the commitment that the existence of deities don’t exist and can never exist, however, the agnostics stance isn’t of commitment at all in relation to the existence of deities. No joke, it was stated by a very active member of this group that you are then classed an agnostic atheist, under the present atheistic doctrines of course. In all honesty, so many atheists used agnostic principles when their commitment and dogmas where exceptionally evidently atheistic to someone like me.

There is also another difference between agnostics and even theists/spiritually aware people. Atheism, through science, is psychologically governed by facts where agnostics and spiritually aware people as a whole try to be governed by truth. As I have shown in my previous posts, facts can actually distort reality and truth. Add the fact that fraud is obviously a problem in today’s science, going by facts alone using science alone isn’t of wisdom but complete blind faith, as I found out as they didn’t know about the fraud within today’s science. The possibility that they didn’t want to know is probably more probable with some atheists. Yes, in my mind so many seemed to be also of deliberate self-deception.

Extract: Agnosticism; is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. Another definition provided is the view that "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist."
Atheism: Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists.

I find it strange psychology and reasoning that you have to be either an atheist, agnostic atheist or an atheist agnostic, or, a theist agnostic or an agnostic theist. Of course simply being an agnostic didn’t come into this kind of psychology by the looks of it. Truly, I didn’t know there were so many difference sects of atheism and there is even more. For someone into oneness, were you have a quality of seeing everything as one, such as energy instead of separated energy entities, this kind of psychology and reasoning is beyond me. Or if you like, behind me.

Oneness; can be described as being One with God, or One with nature or being One with all Life…. but these are only words pointing to the Truth…. they are not the Truth. Oneness closes the gap between the observer and the observed, between a person and God, between a person and nature, between a person and Life.

You could say that facts also point to the truth as well. In theory, facts are supposed to point to truth when in actuality facts can often distort the truth. DNA didn’t exist until the facts proved DNA existed, even when DNA existed way before the facts determined DNA to have existed!! So the universe couldn’t have existed before the facts proved the existence of the universe!! Facts, like the perception of oneness, can point to the truth, but of course not necessarily.

So is oneness governed by the same principles as facts when pointing towards truth?

Through general science, energy is separated into separate entities, where oneness simply sees all energy being as one no matter how different they are to each other. Within the perception of oneness, everything is connected and acts as one entity even though we as humans are unable to detect this. Just because we are unable to detect this, therefore being of facts, doesn’t mean it’s not true but it does to someone whose psyche is totally reliant on facts!!  I would not myself feel comfortable reasoning like this, in all honesty to me, it is not proper practical reasoning pointing towards facts in the absence of truth.

As it is, atheists, through science, are of facts where spirituality and agnostics, which includes oneness, is more pointing towards the truth being the primary source of awareness, not facts. The difference to someone like me is obvious. Don’t make the mistake though, that atheism is a separate entity to spirituality and oneness, what would atheists have to disbelieve if it wasn’t for spiritually and oneness!!