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Showing posts with label critical mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label critical mass. Show all posts

Friday, 2 October 2020

Critical Mass

Written by Mathew Naismith

Critical mass; putting in the least amount of energy in to create a high level of self-sustainable energy creating a huge amount of energy. Financially; putting the least amount of capital in to create an economically profitable venture creating even more capital. Spiritually it is the same.

Firstly, you must realise that time is not a form of energy, time is simply a perception created by environments governed by time, day and night, birth and death, starting points and ending points of the transformation of energy from one point to the other. This aside, praying, chanting, meditating, etc, is of a least amount of energy, not the time taken which is not of energy, that can create a huge amount of self-sustainable energy. The universe is a prime example of what critical mass can create.

At present a huge amount of energy is being expended to hopefully create a self-sustainable reality of vast profits and gains. This brings us to chain reaction, where a stable reaction of energy is created to bring about a sustainable energy flow that is not just self-sustaining but puts out vast amounts of energy. Now, imagine if this chain reaction of energy is unstable. At anytime you have to input vast amounts of energy like this, is when the chain reaction between energies becomes unstable. Financial gains takes huge amounts of energy to first become viable. Once this viability is reached, creating further capital to reinvest from this initial capital becomes self-sustainable, but this energy is always unstable due to the initial energy expended.

All I can say is we have learnt very little from spiritual teachings and even from the creation of the universe. Imagine how small the consciousness is behind the small amounts of energy that created the universe!! Consciousness itself is minuscule which is what makes this consciousness so, if you like, powerful. I like to state creative rather than powerful because power is related to control. There is nothing controlling about this minuscule consciousness of vast creativeness, however, there are, if you like, laws that govern how energy is going to react. Using huge amounts of energy to create a sustainable energy flow takes a huge amount of control. This is the point, spirituality is not about taking control but simply to inform on how to use energy as a whole in a non-controlling way. Critical mass used in a creative non-controlling way can create huge amounts of self-sustainable energy. Used in a destructive controlling way, yes, a self-sustainable energy flow can be created but for a very short time before it becomes unstable and over-reactive. You should by now be able relate to this state of over-reactiveness, especially at present. So to stabilise this energy, we use even more capital investment of energy!!

How much energy is expended in staying positive? So why does being and staying positive take so much energy? Staying positive is simply in opposition to negatives, the more negatives that are around us, the more energy it takes to stay positive, often resulting in an over-reactive energy flow. If you have to expend so much energy to keep the energy stable, will this kind of energy flow really ever become truly stable, especially without pouring even more energy into it? It has to be self-sustainable, this means positive can never be in opposition to negatives. When you make the best of what is instead of the worse, there is no real negatives in opposition to your positives. Of course if you make the worse of what is, there is always negatives that we have to expend even more energy to stay positive.

Make no mistake, I am often drawn into expending energy like this to some extent when I become so involved, the trick is to be aware of your expenditure of energy. Yes, it looks like a person who pray, chants, meditates a lot is wasting energy as in the time taken in this state of consciousness, but time itself is not energy. Yes, even in these states energy can be abused/misused when using these techniques to gain control. Really, just let it go and remember, the smallest amount of energy used is often the most creative.