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Showing posts with label elemental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elemental. Show all posts

Friday, 24 November 2017

Our Primordial Elemental State

Written by Mathew Naismith

When we talk about anything primordial, we mostly have a perception of an element or an existence that is ancient. Spiritually, the spirit within all things is primordial in nature as this primary element is perceived as the beginning of all things and is within all things. Physically, energy is the primal element within all things, so when we spiritually have a desire or a need to be of a higher self, we in-effect (in reality) desire or need to be of our primordial elemental being, our true being.

Scientifically, energy is the primal substance within all things, nothing can exist without energy, however, spiritually, energy is replaced by the spirit within all things, the essential substance or energy flow within all things. In my mind, when we talk about energy and spirit, we are talking about the same thing; they are not separate entities or elements.

We are also talking about a primordial elemental state, not a new state but a primordial elemental state. Many of us spiritually in-effect has a desire to go back to this state, a state of pure energy void of separation between energy flows. Before I go on, I think it's important to know what I mean when I say primordial.                          

Primordial; an ancient elemental or primary substance of all things, the essential or basic substance of all things, in other words a primary substance that everything stems from. Spiritually, this seen as the spirit within all things or the higher or inner self, the God within. Physically, primordial elements are seen as, for example, carbon, hydrogen and helium, in saying this, a 3rd dimensional sphere is also primordial in nature within time.

In actuality, anything of a 3rd dimensional sphere is not primordial when compared to the spirit within all things or energy as a whole when perceived through a time. Time gives the perception of primordial elements and existences, this means the new is of a 3rd dimensional sphere. The perception of anything new is 3rd dimensional and therefore of time. What is so new about going back (regressing), not forward (progressing), to our primordial elemental state?

This is the problem with perceiving in time, going back to our original state is perceived as a regression when it's a progression from a state of chaos. Chaos in this instance means energy that is separate to each other therefore energy reacts different to each other.

In actuality there is no regression or progression in timelessness, there is also nothing new. The perception of new is simply a 3rd dimensional perception based on time, that something is older or newer than another therefore separate to each other through time. However, there is simply no such separation through the perceptions of timelessness.

Timelessness simply means a state where there is no separation of energy flows, spiritually; this means there is only spirit void of the separation brought about by the soul for instance. How does energy become a different elemental substance? Simply through separation, very simular to our soul. You could in this instance say that all energy has a soul; this is probably why many people say that everything is of consciousness. Soul simply refers to an immortal or infinite state of being, not just within humans but everything. The soul also denotes separation or is conducive to the perception of separation of energies or spirits. Considering that you can't destroy energy, only change it, this makes sense.

In-effect, you can't separate the spirit within all things, this is simply a perception brought about by time. This also means energy as a whole is inseparable, only through time can energy be perceived as separated.

So in time, is energy or the spirit within all things truly separated?

Within time, it is obvious that the existence of different energies exist, they are indeed separated, very much like new age to old or middle age spirituality or consciousness, there is on obvious difference. However, the indifference is within energy itself or the spirit within all things, it's all connected by a primordial element within time, it's all of energy or spirit. Yes, within time there is an obvious separation of elements but at the same time there isn't. I am a white person, this is different to a dark person but there is no true separation for we are all human. The perception of separation is simply based on time, a finite factor when we are also of an infinite factor, timelessness, where nothing is separated.

Within time, the perception of our primordial state is to me an important element to become reconnected to, of course there is no true separation therefore anything to reconnect to, just a perception of within time.....