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Showing posts with label master. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Far Less Separation of Energy

Written by Mathew Niasmith

I do apologise before hand, this is a lengthy post, sorry.

You can't ask too many questions!!

You can Nesther however this may not seem the case for a consciousness conditioned to time. Time, the finite, separates consciousness into numerous parts, in the process creating many more questions than what is really necessary. Why does a consciousness conditioned to the infinite as well ask fewer questions? Because the infinite is far less of motion, like with people who experience deep meditative states, far less questions need to be asked. In certain cases, even before a question can be formulated, the answer materialises.

Motion naturally separates energy; now imagine a motionless state of consciousness? Not easy for most people to imagine or comprehend to start with.

Think of time, finite existences, separated by starting and ending points and everything else in between, for example, birth and death. How many more questions are created by separating energy like this? Now think of a state of the infinite not separated by starting and ending points and everything else between.

Once you learn to quieten your mind from the intrusions created by time, the fewer questions you ask, but also the more answers you receive. I don't even have to ask a question in relation to my dream state, my dreams just tell me without asking questions. In saying this, while our environment is predominately influenced by the finite, the separation of energy, certain questions still need to be asked at times.

I am quite aware, as soon as I am no longer asking questions, is when I have reached a state of infinite consciousness. Most of the times I ask questions on behalf of other people, as they often ask questions primarily related to the finite instead of a balance of finite and infinite consciousness. Balance is truly the key Nesther, in my mind anyway.


A very good response Viviane.

Can a master reshape form, the material reality, at will and with ease?

Can a mere multinational reshape the material reality at will and with ease?

Because the reality is conditioned to the finite, the material, it seems a lot easier for a multinational to reshape a material world. Often a master won't bother with reshaping a material world, for it is of other people's will to keep it as it is anyway.

I do believe that a true master can reshape any reality, however, only a material consciousness desires to do this, primarily for its own benefit. A true master sees no benefit in gaining or possessing anything from a material reality.

I have definitely had my own consciousness reshaped by consciousnesses of infinite consciousnesses. It is like teaching a student something that they are not ready to learn, or at a certain stage to learn. Only a consciousness ready to learn from infinite consciousness is able to learn from infinite consciousness. When a consciousness is ready, even if that be a human collective consciousness, the ease of reshaping consciousness becomes easier for the master; otherwise there is no point if a consciousness isn't at that stage of learning.

The question isn't if a master can reshape any reality, it is if the consciousness of a reality is ready to be reshaped!! 

Freewill is of the infinite, so yes, we often use freewill for inner growth in a reality of the finite. This often gives us balance, balancing out the finite reality with an infinite reality or consciousness. No wonder we feel more harmonious and at home in this state.


Finite realities/consciousness are of starting and ending points of creation, limiting consciousnesses and realities to certain variables.

Infinite realities/consciousness has no starting or ending points of creation, making for a limitless realities/consciousness. Also, the finite separates energy/consciousness where the infinite units energy/consciousness.

Infinite adjective - Having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude

Infinite noun - The unlimited expanse in which everything is located

Finite adjective - Bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent

Finite noun - Finiteness; The quality of being finite

There is no mistake why I often relate infiniteness to where everything derived from, including awareness/knowledge and wisdom. Simple conformation to what one has, to some extent, experienced. So often awareness/knowledge and wisdom is spoken from what one has only read and studied.


Viviane: True story as I knew the actual farmer.

A farmer told his farm worker to hold his ear to the tree while he raised an ax to a tree to strike it. The farm helper was amazed that he could here the tree suck in, like suck air in anticipation. To me, it is all to do with consciousness, even though trees may not be aware of their own existence like humans. The divine knowledge is the same.

This divine consciousness depends on our own consciousness in how this consciousness is received. It is very difficult for a consciousness of the finite to acknowledge and properly understand infinite consciousness as divine/infinite consciousness. Too many have become wholly conditioned to finite consciousness in my mind.

What makes divine consciousness so divine? It's infiniteness in my mind, a consciousness not limited to certain variables. What then makes human consciousness so human? It's finiteness, a consciousness limited to certain variables. We are not meant to be perfect, but we are supposed to hold true to our beginning or creator to some extent.