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Showing posts with label divine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divine. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Far Less Separation of Energy

Written by Mathew Niasmith

I do apologise before hand, this is a lengthy post, sorry.

You can't ask too many questions!!

You can Nesther however this may not seem the case for a consciousness conditioned to time. Time, the finite, separates consciousness into numerous parts, in the process creating many more questions than what is really necessary. Why does a consciousness conditioned to the infinite as well ask fewer questions? Because the infinite is far less of motion, like with people who experience deep meditative states, far less questions need to be asked. In certain cases, even before a question can be formulated, the answer materialises.

Motion naturally separates energy; now imagine a motionless state of consciousness? Not easy for most people to imagine or comprehend to start with.

Think of time, finite existences, separated by starting and ending points and everything else in between, for example, birth and death. How many more questions are created by separating energy like this? Now think of a state of the infinite not separated by starting and ending points and everything else between.

Once you learn to quieten your mind from the intrusions created by time, the fewer questions you ask, but also the more answers you receive. I don't even have to ask a question in relation to my dream state, my dreams just tell me without asking questions. In saying this, while our environment is predominately influenced by the finite, the separation of energy, certain questions still need to be asked at times.

I am quite aware, as soon as I am no longer asking questions, is when I have reached a state of infinite consciousness. Most of the times I ask questions on behalf of other people, as they often ask questions primarily related to the finite instead of a balance of finite and infinite consciousness. Balance is truly the key Nesther, in my mind anyway.


A very good response Viviane.

Can a master reshape form, the material reality, at will and with ease?

Can a mere multinational reshape the material reality at will and with ease?

Because the reality is conditioned to the finite, the material, it seems a lot easier for a multinational to reshape a material world. Often a master won't bother with reshaping a material world, for it is of other people's will to keep it as it is anyway.

I do believe that a true master can reshape any reality, however, only a material consciousness desires to do this, primarily for its own benefit. A true master sees no benefit in gaining or possessing anything from a material reality.

I have definitely had my own consciousness reshaped by consciousnesses of infinite consciousnesses. It is like teaching a student something that they are not ready to learn, or at a certain stage to learn. Only a consciousness ready to learn from infinite consciousness is able to learn from infinite consciousness. When a consciousness is ready, even if that be a human collective consciousness, the ease of reshaping consciousness becomes easier for the master; otherwise there is no point if a consciousness isn't at that stage of learning.

The question isn't if a master can reshape any reality, it is if the consciousness of a reality is ready to be reshaped!! 

Freewill is of the infinite, so yes, we often use freewill for inner growth in a reality of the finite. This often gives us balance, balancing out the finite reality with an infinite reality or consciousness. No wonder we feel more harmonious and at home in this state.


Finite realities/consciousness are of starting and ending points of creation, limiting consciousnesses and realities to certain variables.

Infinite realities/consciousness has no starting or ending points of creation, making for a limitless realities/consciousness. Also, the finite separates energy/consciousness where the infinite units energy/consciousness.

Infinite adjective - Having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude

Infinite noun - The unlimited expanse in which everything is located

Finite adjective - Bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent

Finite noun - Finiteness; The quality of being finite

There is no mistake why I often relate infiniteness to where everything derived from, including awareness/knowledge and wisdom. Simple conformation to what one has, to some extent, experienced. So often awareness/knowledge and wisdom is spoken from what one has only read and studied.


Viviane: True story as I knew the actual farmer.

A farmer told his farm worker to hold his ear to the tree while he raised an ax to a tree to strike it. The farm helper was amazed that he could here the tree suck in, like suck air in anticipation. To me, it is all to do with consciousness, even though trees may not be aware of their own existence like humans. The divine knowledge is the same.

This divine consciousness depends on our own consciousness in how this consciousness is received. It is very difficult for a consciousness of the finite to acknowledge and properly understand infinite consciousness as divine/infinite consciousness. Too many have become wholly conditioned to finite consciousness in my mind.

What makes divine consciousness so divine? It's infiniteness in my mind, a consciousness not limited to certain variables. What then makes human consciousness so human? It's finiteness, a consciousness limited to certain variables. We are not meant to be perfect, but we are supposed to hold true to our beginning or creator to some extent.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Honesty and the Divine Spark in Everything

Written by Mathew Naismith

How would dishonesty react to honesty being honest? Dishonesty simply sees honesty as a huge threat to its existence and often reacts in accordance with what dishonesty creates, chaos, deception, hate, greed, control, separation through perceptions of negatives and positives, etc. Now, how does honesty react to dishonesty being dishonest? Think on this, is there any threat to honesty from dishonesty?

Before the invent of man or consciousness as we know it, was there any kind of a perception of dishonesty? Dishonesty is simply a creation of consciousness but a consciousness that perceives in negatives and positives, opposing separated forces battling it out for supremacy. Now, you might say honesty wasn't present either, even though honesty relates to it just is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. The universe was just is, with absolutely no perceptions of what was negative and what was positive.

Honesty is not a creation of creation, it is what creation is about. This might sound unreasonable but imagine if there were no perceptions of negatives and positives therefore biases to start with, where all energy is simply just energy. You can actually attain a mental state like this, where the ego has no control over consciousness. There are no perceptions in this state for there is no separation of energy, just a pure state of honesty and self-honesty which bring about feelings of love.

Recently, I had an altercation with dishonesty when being of open mindedness and honesty, pointing out the deception, manipulation and disrespect of dishonesty. Of course backing my honesty up with evidence doesn't help, for dishonesty will always react badly towards such actions. Any action remotely threatening the control dishonesty has over consciousness, will often be dealt with the full fury of dishonesty. Keep in mind, because dishonesty see honesty as a threat to its existence, dishonesty will often deceive itself and all else that honesty is on a crusade against dishonesty when in actuality it is the other way around.

Honesty is simply being honest, there is no crusade or campaign of honesty to rid us all of dishonesty, for in the presence of honesty, dishonesty is simply unable to be in control. Honesty simply takes away the control of dishonesty has over a consciousness, for in the presence of honesty, dishonesty is unable to control consciousness'. As soon as dishonesty tries to portray honesty as being on some crusade against dishonesty, dishonesty is simply telling me what dishonesty is quite unaware of. I often smile to myself at this stage.

Try to remembers, it is quite natural for dishonesty to be of chaos, deception, hate, greed, control, separation through perceptions of negatives and positives, etc, for this is its natural created environment. How could honesty see dishonesty a something negative when dishonesty is simply being within its natural environment?

Now, considering all the above, how will dishonesty, which is represented by hate and dark as opposed to love and light, going to react to light and love (honesty)? It will do exactly what it is doing at present within our reality, threatening reality with the full force of dishonesties fury. All we need to do is work at bringing forth the divine spark of honesty within everything. No matter how dishonest dishonesty becomes, this divine spark of honesty is always present, at no time will you influence the dishonesty in consciousness to become honest. As soon as you try to do this, dishonesty will protect its existence to the bitter end; at no time expect it not to. All we need and should to do is work on the divine spark of honesty within a consciousness, nothing more.

It is stated that Edgar Cayce, who was a clairvoyant in the early to mid part of the last century, that Russia will be the leading nation in the world in relation to spiritually. You may ask; how could such a notion become so spiritual? Easy, Russia will learn from its history, unlike the rest of the nations in the world who will still suffer from their history. Don't get me wrong, there will be pockets of people around the world who will be of the divine spark of honesty but the leading notion of this divine spark seem like it will be Russia. This will make Russia quite untouchable to the rest of the world's dishonesty and violence. Eventually and gradually, all the other nations in the world will desire to be of this divine spark.

The divine spark of honesty is the ability to use energy wisely instead of unwisely, this will give Russia a huge edge over its detractors/enemies, consciousness's of dishonesty.

"Europe is as a house broken up. Some years ago there was the experience of a mighty peoples being overridden for the gratification and satisfaction of a few, irrespective of any other man’s right. That peoples are going through the experience of being born again, and is the thorn in the flesh to many a political and financial nation in Europe, in the world… Q. What is the name of that nation referred to? A. Russia! (3976-8)” [Source]"

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Ego Mind, A Natural Phenomena

Written by Mathew Naismith

As of many posts I've written in the past have been controversial for a lot of people, this post is no different. It's not that I am trying to be controversial or argumentative, it's just what comes to and through me, I must write it as it is, or, not write it at all which has occurred a number of times before. Actually, this post was nearly one of those times where I thought twice about sharing what came to and through me. 

What is channelled through me is often confirmed by what comes to me afterward, especially when I don't write down what comes through me in the first place. It's like being whispered to by what comes through me, if I don't listen, I am then yelled at by what comes to me. For three day I was not going to write what was coming through me until it got to the stage of repeatedly being yelled at. As the whispers are of the inner environment, the yelling is of the external environment.

Not one of us within this existence wants to be aware of their so-called higher self; this is obvious within their own participation within realities like this one. Even if you got to this so-called higher state, you still wouldn't want to know who you truly are, in actuality, you feel and know that the last thing you want to become aware of or be, is this higher self. All you feel is just being in the present; of course if the ego mind doesn't like the present, it tries to change it. If the ego mind is existing in a destructive existence, it naturally wants to change the environment it's existing in.

Yes, the ego mind is a natural phenomenon with natural tendencies that often has a need to change its environment in accordance with its own desires. We are presently apart of this phenomena, in the very present this is who we are, of course the ego always desires to be more like more aware than present circumstances permit or encourage. On the other hand, the present extremes encourage the ego mind to change its present environment. It's always the ego mind that desires change, the divine mind only lives within the present the way it is, void of control of its environment or desires to be of another environment.

What I am saying is the ego mind is just as worthy as the divine mind in an existence that is hell bent on destroying itself. The divine mind just sits there within this environment where's the ego mind often has a need, as opposed to desire, to change this or their own environment to something more constructive. To put it simply, the ego mind is a natural phenomenon and should be treated in accordance to its natural state. As the divine mind is natural, so is the ego mind, it's wise not to separate these two very natural phenomena's, especially by judging one an illusion and the other not an illusion.

Yes, the ego mind can be extreme within it's delusions but when expressed in less controlling ways, the ego mind can be electrifyingly beautiful and peaceful in accordance with the whole environment. The more control, we express, the more of the delusion we become, in effect, the more the reality becomes an illusion in many people's eyes. The ego mind will see anything that it no longer wants to be apart of as just an illusion, the controlling ego is very tricky like this.

The ego mind desires to be apart of a grander existence, it will convince itself that it is only apart of a grander existence like being of pure awareness, a God, divine spirit, nothingness and so on. If we were created from nothingness or divine spirit like a God for example, why are we experiencing what we are presently experiencing? We are supposed to be fallen angles or of an ego based consciousness, to me they are one of the same. If you truly comprehend this divine egoless higher state, there is no way you could fall from this state. You could say that everything is of God's consciousness; this just doesn't include the divine mind but the ego mind as well.

The divine mind, as well as the ego mind, is of this divine state, it's all a divine state of existence, even when we express states of being unaware. When the ego mind becomes predominantly controlling over its environment, this is when states like this become less of the divine nature, it doesn't mean it's no longer of the divine nature, at no point is this the case. We are in effect of this grandness that our ego mind desires to be, but this also includes this grandness being of the things that are not so grand to the ego mind as well, our present existence is a prime example of this.

An aware state of being is just as worthy as an unaware state of being, there is no separation for one is of the other, its just the ego mind judges one more worthy than the other because one is more grandiose than the other. Instead of just existing in the present, the ego mind desires more, especially if in the present the ego mind has little control, is unaware or simply desires a better existence for itself. 

When we allow the ego mind to convince us that only this grandiose state of divine energy of pure awareness is who we are, we are truly only aware of apart of ourselves as whole self. This is the same when the ego keeps us in an unaware state of existence, in this state we are again only aware of one part of the whole self, becoming aware of the aware and unaware part of oneself is who we are as a whole. We are not just one or the other, w are all of what is, this includes our present state.

I've spoken with a number of people recently that think control is the answer or we are only of this grandiose state of pure awareness. It is obvious that certain people will not be convinced otherwise to their own convictions; I am certainly not trying to do this, I am only expressing a different aspect to life that could be life changing.

The point is; why isn't all this praying for peace and love working?

As I discussed with an 80+ year old yoga teacher last night that's in to all the aspects of yoga, not just the physical exercise, counteracting one extreme with another is giving these extremes we are counteracting against more power because we are putting more emphasis and more energy into these extremes. The ego mind has us convinced light and love is the ultimate answer, it is obvious it's not because man is becoming more destructive, not less. If light and love, for example, is suppose to be so powerful over the dark in the world, it would instantly quell the dark. What is happening instead is the dark is growing, not shrinking obviously because of our counteractions against it. One point to make here, where is the living in the present by expressing extremes to destroy another extreme?

We have allowed the ego mind to control us to the point of thinking that we can only be of something grandiose. As of our present existence, it quite clearly shows people like me that we are of all aspects of the whole self; this also includes not being aware and even being fully controlled by the ego mind. If you truly comprehend our whole being, there is no way we cannot express or be what we are not apart of. The natural tendencies of the ego mind are to convince us otherwise when in a controlling mode. When the ego isn't in this controlling mode, it's something very few of us can comprehend in the present. Like I stated earlier, the ego mind can be electrifyingly beautiful and peaceful, we just need allow our divine mind to give the ego mind a more balanced perspective, void of trying to control or destroy anything else.  

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Divine Mind, Ego Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

In recent times, it has been stated by other people that we do not all think alike, so stating we and us a lot in my posts, relate to how we think alike when it's obvious we don't. Well, this is not actually quite true, yes, our ego minds do not think alike to other ego minds but the divine mind does. Actually, a lot of ego minds do think alike to some extent, it is that other ego minds can think completely different; for example, the difference in the thinking process between western and eastern thinking can be enormous, I've experienced this first hand many times over myself.

When the ego mind is conditioned to a certain culture, that conditioning reflects on how the ego mind thinks, this of course can be in total contradiction to another mind conditioned to a completely different culture. I think this gives us a good idea of what an ego mind indicates; a mind that is set to certain conditions according to the environment the mind exists in. To go further with this, the ego mind is of motion; this reflection of course refers to the divine mind as being motionless.         

Each motion defines in how the ego mind thinks, for example, if a mind is only conditioned to a certain culture, that mind will only be able to perceive in accordance to that culture. However, the divine mind has no set culture that defines in how the divine mind thinks, yes, each culture has a perception of what is and isn't divine but this perception is ego based. When primarily of the divine mind void of cultural differences and influence of the ego mind, all that is of the divine mind is perceived as being the same. Many of us often call this mind state a state of oneness. It is a state of mind that observes the similarities of everything instead of the dissimilarities, only an ego mind is aware of the dissimilarities. Of course this is to be expected as the ego mind is about separation, not oneness,

You could put two ego minds in the exact same environment and they would most likely think differently, even though it might be ever so slightly. This is due to the ego mind naturally perceiving that all is separate to another. Knowing that all motion is of the ego, being that all egos are of motion, it figures that all motion is going to be perceived as different to other motions. For example, one motion of going up, is going to be seen different to another motion that is going down. Even if all motions are going up, the ego mind will observe that each motion is going up at a different rate of climb. The divine mind does not observe it like this, mainly because the divine mind is not of motion. There is no separation between rates of climb, all the divine mind observes is motion, only the ego mind is able to observe different rates of climb.

If we observe indifferences, this is ego mind. If we observe similarities, this is the divine mind.

Divine mind = similarities (sameness) + egoless + motionless + fearless + true image

Ego mind = dissimilarities (difference) + ego + motion + fearful + abstract image

The divine mind observes motion but the ego mind will try to avoid observing the divine mind, this is because the divine mind is different to the ego mind and is often observed as a threat to the ego mind. The divine mind does not observe the ego mind as a threat, it is only observes the ego mind as a threat to itself, to it's own existence. The last thing the ego mind wants to do is not exist. The ego mind is always in fear where's the divine mind is never in fear.

The divine mind does not observe the differences between itself and the ego mind; all is observed as being of one, this is because only similarities are observed, not dissimilarities. One of the similarities observed by the divine mind is that both divine and ego mind are of a mind or consciousness, there is no true separation. The divine mind also observes motion as a abstract image of it's own divine mind, all is created from the same mind no matter how the abstract image is expressed. Yes, we are all an abstract image of the divine consciousness (mind).             

Let us take closer look at this divine mind. The divine mind is of the divine plan, a plan that has always been in existence, this plan has always been written. Liken this to an architect that draws up house plans for an example. The house plan is motionless once drawn; it's the builder who puts these plans into motion, the architect is the divine mind and the builder is the ego mind. We all represent the builder while in ego mind, however, while in the divine mind, we represent the architect. Of course without the architect, the divine mind, the builder is unable to build.

Divine mind = the architect of creation

Ego mind = the builder of creation

The difference between an architect and the divine mind is that the architect draws up plans while in motion, while of the ego mind, however, the divine mind has no ego mind of motion to draw up plans. You can see why they say it's always been written or there is a divine plan, existence as a whole has always existed but in motionless form. This is why I say the divine mind was not the actual builder of the universe, the ego mind was. Think of a collective ego mind, a collection of ego based minds working together for a common cause, the cause in this case being the building of the universe.

I am not saying the divine mind did not create the universe; I am just saying that the divine mind did not build the universe. No ego-based mind is the true creator; of course it would love to think it is. I honestly think we were of a collective ego consciousness once that built this universe, and many others. While of ego mind, we are the builders but while of the divine mind, we are creators.

This is why I also do not have disdain for the ego mind, it's the builder of the creator, however, like any builder who reads a plan incorrectly or who is incapable of builder from a plan, things often will not go to plan. It is basically not the creators fault for the building not going to plan, the emphasis is on the builders themselves. We might presume that the architect's plans could be wrong and faulty. In an existence build around the ego mind, this is possible. In an existence created around the divine mind, it's an impossibly, I will explain.

Divine mind = pure awareness

Ego mind = partial awareness            

In a pure aware state, no plan can be drawn up faulty because of the awareness involved; this of course is different in a state of partial awareness. The funny thing is, the builder sees the architect as being the most important part of the relationship, however, the architect sees that the builder as being the most important part of the relationship. The divine mind and ego mind are an integral part of each other; one without the other or in unison to each other creates nothing. Out of unison to each other, only chaos will be created, very simular to a builder not being able to follow a plan correctly. Are we reading the divine plan that badly or are we just incapable builders?

Please do not take this as gospel or absolute, it is plainly not but it might be a reflection of it.