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Showing posts with label one world order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one world order. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

The Sacred Soul

Written by Mathew Naismith

All I can do is try to help you, if this help is rebuffed, that is the way of the wind.

No matter what occurs around you materially, focus on the well being of the soul. Make sure your soul can’t be bought and/or sold no matter what your material being is going through. So many souls have already been bought and sold, of course a bought and/or sold soul can be redeemed or the process of the soul being bought and/or sold reversed.

The process of protecting your soul is simple, simply visualise your soul being infallible to the present material circumstances or if you like, visulaise the hand of God upon your soul. Your soul can only be bought and sold with your permission or brought about by your own submission to misery, in our case a one world order that is presently existing based primarily on fear and lust. 

As I wrote to someone recently.

“I probably shouldn't be saying this but if I am saying this it is meant to be said.

The video, to me, is so-called intelligence based.  I say so-called intelligence based because any intelligence agency that orchestrates this kind of handy work is not that intelligent, especially if someone like me can see through it.

So many people are worried about a new world order controlling the world.

Not just for one, possibly three, generations have been controlled by a one world order, an order that the word sinister barely touches on.

Why are these people and the present world order not that intelligent? When greed, power, lust, pedophilia, Satanism, etc, become the basis of thought, real intelligence goes out the window. This is so funny, all you needed was an intelligence based on the absence of these traits I have mentioned here. To me, it was inevitable that this world order based on these traits was going to come down eventually with the rise of an intelligence based on wisdom.

It is the way of the wind Sandra. By the way, these are my words so don’t take them, well, you know what I mean.”

The relevant post and video in question.  

Note: The video has no real value as it looks to be made up by so-called intelligent agencies. The obvious brainwashing could influence some people so I didn’t directly share the video.