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Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 August 2023

A Dark Sign of Angels Appearing 2!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

It looks as though I have to explain myself a little better when speaking of angel type consciousness, as I wrote in reply.

“I am not saying angels appearing is a bad thing, just of a bad sign that things are out of balance. Angels won't appear unless some sort of balance is needed. Angels appearing to the masses shows the level of imbalance present, that is what is not a good sign. Guiding is of giving balance. Jesus and Buddha existed in times of great peril for most people, they too where a bad sign that things were this bad. Did their guidance give balance in the end? Yes, but their appearance was a sign how out of balance human consciousness had become.

No, I am not saying that angles are a bad occurrence, just that their appearance shows how bad things have gotten for this consciousness to intervene.”

I know of no entity of wisdom that was not of guidance and tried to instil balance back into human consciousness. Wisdom is not of the absence of guidance and balance, in actuality it would not be of wisdom or of angel consciousness without trying to instil balance through guidance. If angels are of guidance through balance, they are of this wisdom, of this type of consciousness.

The Roman empire was of a type of autocratic system, were it was my way or no way, like communism and fascism today. Was the appearance of Moses and Jesus at this time period by coincidence? I am suggesting not. The Roman empire for a lot of people was like an asteroid hitting the/their environment, in the process creating a great deal of imbalance within this Roman empire environment. As with the physical environment that is always naturally put back into balance over time, the human conscious environment is no different.

I am all for this angel type consciousness appearing to the masses, while at the same time realising how imbalanced humanity has become for this to occur. It is like, I can't believe that it at this point once again in human history.

So does this wise angel type consciousness only appear when humanity is way out of balance? No. If we created an environment conducive to this kind of consciousnesses making it's home within this environment, or our own personal environment, were wisdom was embraced instead of scorned, the appearance of angels would not be making reference to humanity being out of balance, but in all honesty in today's environment it would.

It is obviously a strange concept to a lot of people that human consciousness is governed by the same natural world/laws as the physical world around us, and as of any physical world, there is a cycle to it. Eventually the balance will be that the demise of an energy source will give way to a rebirth of energy. In relation to human or the souls consciousness, this rebirth will do doubt occur within another environment.

Yes, having deliberately mixed with atheists who I found quite radical in many different ways, any sign of an angel type consciousness appearing will be dealt with, wiped out in other words. In my own mind, good luck to them because I believe the appearance of an angel type consciousness will not be of a single entity but of a collective consciousness. Will this obvious imbalanced consciousness try to kill off all of this collective consciousness guided by wisdom? Absolutely. All I can say to them is good luck with this, while remembering this imbalanced consciousness can wipe everything out if it can't get it's own way, like an asteroid.

I hope I have explained myself a little better.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Lead a Horse to Water

Written By Mathew Naismith

We have a saying in the west, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.”

What this means as the image above states,” You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make him think.” This is in line with awareness, where, “ You can speak of awareness as much as you like, but it takes awareness to be able to comprehend awareness itself to accept this awareness as being of awareness in the first place.”

My wife and I are in awe, so many horses refuse to go to the water to begin with, and even if some make it to the water, be the water of knowledge or awareness, many still refuse to drink from this water.

So why the hesitancy to drink from this water?

How many religious people put religion and even their church before God? How many scientists put their careers and/or their employers profits before science? How many people put their own personal security before a nations security? How many people put political ideologies before all else, even family that can include a nation and even the human race as a whole?

At present, medical apartheid comes before other people's security and well being, even to the extent of outright abuse of the people on the receiving end of numerous kinds of embraced apartheid systems. So why the hesitancy to drink from this water? The answer is simple, security. An embraced apartheid system gives certain people a sense of security. What occurs when you try to take a security blanket away from an infant? Because knowledge and awareness have a direct relation to the truth, in a time when the truth is heavily censored, knowledge and awareness is seen as a threat to security, like taking a security blanket away from an infant. This is also at a time when so many people embraced a medical apartheid system, even to the point of outright abuse, as apartheid systems often lead to.

In spirituality today, how often is love put before awareness, when it is awareness that creates a true sense of love in spirituality? Try being of a true sense of love without first being in a state of awareness. So being aware of what for example? Putting God consciousness, be it that this God consciousness can be many things, even before a state of awareness. God consciousness to me relates to a conscious state of pure awareness and wisdom, be it that awareness in the absence of wisdom is not really a state of awareness therefore love.

Wisdom does not shun other forms of awareness, so to someone like me it is obvious who is of wisdom and who only speaks of awareness and love in the absence of wisdom. So many people censor what is not of their own awareness and love, a form of apartheid system put in motion!! In a real sense, people of wisdom are in the complete absence of the embarrassment of apartheid systems. Apartheid systems are not systems that are intentionally avoided, it is simply a state that cannot exist within a state of wisdom, I mean really.

So can you lead a horse to water, even to save it's life, a horse that has embraced some kind of apartheid system? Not when the horse sees the water as a threat to their apartheid system, a threat in taking away their security blanket.

So do you allow the horses to die of thirst, die due to the lack of knowledge and awareness, truth?

All I am going to say is that a certain number of horses can be saved, and if you wish to try to save these horses, so it must be. The water must be presented in a way so that the water does not seem like a threat to the horses security, knowing that each and every horse has it's own idea of what represents security and a threat to this security. What should come first, the good of the people of an apartheid system or the good of all of man kind, remembering many people have been coerced to think the embracement of an apartheid system is for the good of all, of course wisdom tells us something quite different?

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

One Guru


Written by Mathew Naismith

An interesting reply to my last post, An Awakening – Guru.

Gurukulam was a precinct of holiness and great prestige, its rituals were never easy, the Guru not only taught but was equally adept at making pupil/shisya unlearn what was obstructive and destructive.

We have bigger places of schooling now but far fewer modes of instruction.”

My reply

This is why people like me don't just follow our own wisdom, become our own guru, wisdom abounds in every culture. They say to become your own guru and stop learning from other gurus, when it is the same guru!! When you stop learning and unlearning from THE guru, you never truly become A guru, this is but of a desired truth.

There is one God with many variants of that one God, as there is only one guru with many variants of that one guru, mythology teaches us this. There is therefore only one wisdom with many variants of that one wisdom. Being your own guru while ignoring all other forms of wisdom is not of wisdom. I do appreciate people like you Titus, really.”

While experiencing a different reality, two large dogs are having a disagreement of differentiated perspectives. It is a consciousnesses differences that create conflicts. There is no way you would on your own try to separate these two large dogs, within this kind of 3rd dimensional reality.

The dogs are separated by being in some kind of force field at the same time separating these two dogs through a kind of levitation. The levitation is perceived through the consciousness enacted here. Without uttering a word, the energy separating these dogs allows the two dogs to understand they are in actuality of one consciousness. It is within the enacted energy of one that creates quite a different perception therefore reality for these two dogs.

This may sound ridiculous and even delusional to a three dimensional mind of differentiated perceptions, which must be expected, but to a mind of one energy it is not. You see you don't just use your own energy, your guru, you use energy period as though it is one. “So you don't follow the proven wisdom of an external guru, to simply follow your own created guru.” It is the same guru people, be it of external or internal consciousness. Yes, go within but not in the absence or even in disdain of what represents external wisdom, the proven guru. So you really think the external and internal consciousness or self is separated, too different to be of the same!! The separation of consciousness is simply perceived, in turn creating a reality based on desired truths rather than actual truths.

In relation to the dogs, it was of one communication, it was not of a separate external source of energy communicating to the dogs to stop their altercation of differences, it was of simultaneous communication between all three energies. What was interesting is that not a word or sound was uttered.

So how do you change a world going down a destructive path?

You treat it as one energy flow, knowing that at every turn a consciousness of separation will do anything not to become as one energy. It all comes down to what this consciousness of separation desires, this is why at present in particular this energy of separation is trying to stop the actual truth being told. Yes, it may seem it is trying to unite energy but it is not, quite the opposite. The differences between the elite owning everything to the masses owning nothing is not of uniting energy to start with.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

An Awakening - Guru!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

You may ask how can this be an awakening, when inhumanity and not humanity has infiltrated humanity as a whole to undermine the values of humanity. To put it another way, love and light was supposed to do exactly what hate and dark has done, infiltrate humanity to it's core structure, in the process create a much harmonious loving reality.

So you may ask what went wrong!!

Nothing went wrong, the inhumanity that has been plaguing humanity for centuries has now exposed or revealed itself to all of humanity and inhumanity. I observed this very dark infiltration occurring and unfolding for many years now, into every crevice of humanity, including consciousnesses of love and light, the humanity within humanity.

Not being directly involved in love and light or hate and dark, one could observe what was occurring without being drawn into becoming a participant. A lot of spiritually aware people can do this, simply observe, even in relation to their own beliefs and practices, you know this when they avoid judging what is or is not negative or positive. How many people of said love and light mislead other people for their own purposes. Usually these same people were preaching other people to stay away from gurus, often people of proven wisdom, but at the same time act as of a guru. I follow people's proven wisdom as I do my own, in other words I follow other people's and my own proven wisdom, the guru. You will however find that it is of the same wisdom, with an exception, often we become too much of a participant instead of an observer of our own perceived wisdom. Also, often our egos inflate our own wisdom, in other words our wisdom becomes of desired truths instead of actual truths.

It is like this woke, where only desired truths are accepted while denouncing proven actual truths. The denouncement of other people's wisdom through this woke and the infiltration of the dark of the light, is not of proven wisdom. Often these people will talk in negatives and positives, the light against the dark. Light, actual truth, is never in opposition to the dark, as the dark, of desired truths, through it's desired truth is never in actuality in opposition to the light. The dark desires to believe this and infiltrate the light to believe this as well, as it has clearly done.

A true sense of love and light, the humanity within humanity, is all about actual truths in the absence of desired truths. Desired truths simply come to fruition through participation, even of your own wisdom. Gurus have to often watch for this when they are of a guru, to avoid participating in their own wisdom, to simply observe wisdom, a wisdom that is not just of their own. This means you never become your own guru as is often taught by so many people, you simply become the guru, a person of proven wisdom.

Yes I know, this kind of actual truth is often seen negative and toxic to the participator but this is expected. It makes sense as the participator is often of desired truths and the observer of actual truths.

Look people, I know it feels good to follow what is of desired truths but this is the dark's (inhumanities) infiltration of the light (humanity). It is meant to feel that it is of good positive vibrations but try to remember, we are indeed in the age of false prophets, where false consciousness therefore false feelings resides in.

All I can say now is to follow true wisdom, a true reflection of the guru, within this you will be fine, if not in this life I am sure your soul will thank you for this effort. Be kind and thoughtful to your soul.

Monday, 30 November 2020

Wisdom of Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

A very short post but a post that I feel is immensely in-depth.

Now this is interesting after hearing this. The truth, the wisdom of truth, sings to me like this no matter what that truth is. I think coming out of a consciousness no longer governed and controlled by ignorance, leaves us with a signature based on harmonious vibrations. It is funny, these harmonious vibrations have always been there, they were simply obscured. This is our distinctive feature that precisely identifies us, it is indeed our true signature, not the falsified/forged signature so many of us have identified with as being who we are. Expose the untruths we took on as being true and all we are left with is our true harmonious signature. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

In Absence of Wisdom

"Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens"

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, instead of learning from our past, we are still so obviously suffering from our past.

When you take wisdom out of intelligence, this is exactly what you will create, lockdown of the healthy, fear, paranoia, hysteria and riots, etc. This simply shows the wise where human consciousness is presently at.

When you get to a stage where the truth is scorned, where fake science and fake news is accepted over and above real science and news, it is time for a different approach to life, obviously.

Has the desire for power and physical wealth overshadowed wisdom? Intelligence guided by power and physical wealth is going to lead us where we are at today. On the other hand, intelligence guided by wisdom will obviously create quite a different reality.

We are a consciousness lost within its own creation, while of the absence of wisdom.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

The Sacred Soul

Written by Mathew Naismith

All I can do is try to help you, if this help is rebuffed, that is the way of the wind.

No matter what occurs around you materially, focus on the well being of the soul. Make sure your soul can’t be bought and/or sold no matter what your material being is going through. So many souls have already been bought and sold, of course a bought and/or sold soul can be redeemed or the process of the soul being bought and/or sold reversed.

The process of protecting your soul is simple, simply visualise your soul being infallible to the present material circumstances or if you like, visulaise the hand of God upon your soul. Your soul can only be bought and sold with your permission or brought about by your own submission to misery, in our case a one world order that is presently existing based primarily on fear and lust. 

As I wrote to someone recently.

“I probably shouldn't be saying this but if I am saying this it is meant to be said.

The video, to me, is so-called intelligence based.  I say so-called intelligence based because any intelligence agency that orchestrates this kind of handy work is not that intelligent, especially if someone like me can see through it.

So many people are worried about a new world order controlling the world.

Not just for one, possibly three, generations have been controlled by a one world order, an order that the word sinister barely touches on.

Why are these people and the present world order not that intelligent? When greed, power, lust, pedophilia, Satanism, etc, become the basis of thought, real intelligence goes out the window. This is so funny, all you needed was an intelligence based on the absence of these traits I have mentioned here. To me, it was inevitable that this world order based on these traits was going to come down eventually with the rise of an intelligence based on wisdom.

It is the way of the wind Sandra. By the way, these are my words so don’t take them, well, you know what I mean.”

The relevant post and video in question.  

Note: The video has no real value as it looks to be made up by so-called intelligent agencies. The obvious brainwashing could influence some people so I didn’t directly share the video.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

In the Presence of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, the ice age on Mars is ending which is primarily due to the natural cycles of Mars, not simply due to the sun heating Mars surface temperature as has been suggested. Yes, the sun solar flares are tripping away the Earth’s ozone layer, at the same time, being so intelligent of course, our own egos are stripping away the ozone layer on the inner side of the ozone layer.

As more egos are gorging (gormandising) themselves on materialism, the more we are helping the sun to bemire (befoul) or putrefy life on Earth as a whole. Of course a real intelligent being would do quite the opposite, counteract the suns influence on Earth, or so people like me would presume!!           

Intelligence: The ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience

Wisdom:  Ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight

How many people are materially profiting from the gorging of materialism? Our egos certainly understand how to profit from the experiences of materialism, at the same time ignoring how life itself as a whole could profit from not gorging itself on materialism. Yes, utilise materialism in moderation but not to the excessive extent of gorging on materialism.  

Yes, this takes wisdom for the implementation of the proper use of intelligence; this is instead of an improper or degenerative use of intelligence. I say degenerative because the improper or overuse of anything to the extent of degenerately bemiring life on Earth, isn’t what I would call a sign of a stable mentality. This is while considering how the sun is influencing life on Earth. Is the use of intelligence in the deliberate absence of wisdom of a stable mind? As wisdom has become less used and known to the mass, has our mentality degenerated to the point of gorging on anything to feed an ever hungry gorging ego?

Only in the absence of wisdom can intelligence 
be so misused, causing a degenerative 
deterioration of the mind or consciousness as a whole.
~Mathew G~

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Enlightening Your Ego

The real meaning of
enlightenment is to gaze with
undimmed eyes on all darkness
~Nikos Kazantzakis~ 

Written by Mathew Naismith

As a good internet friend of mine posted recently in reference to wisdom.


Stay away from people who think you are arguing all the time you try to express yourself."

Indeed Tawny, often an expressed wisdom is argumentative to those of the absence of wisdom. Why? An incomprehensible is always a threat to people's egos, sadly, I have experienced this numerous times.

Wisdom: The ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight, also, the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight.

Having only lived 56 years, I have noticed within this short time how wisdom has quite quickly become shunned. The reason for this is interesting in that at the same time honesty coupled with truth has also become shunned by so many. Why?

Within the same short period, personal satisfaction and desire has escalated, in that there are so many more external sources to fulfil our desires and happiness these days. If the wisdom, honesty and truth aren't fulfilling or so-called positive, it is immediately shunned under numerous critically judged labels. No joke, this has occurred within my short life time. Remember, this is also in the same predicted period of false prophets. False prophets/people are predominately expressive of dishonesty and deceit, especially of self-dishonesty and deceit.  

Yes, express love and positiveness but at what cost to other people? We are in this together, no amount of love or positiveness will change the way we are unless wisdom, honesty and truth are apart of that change. You cannot be of wisdom in the presence of desired honesty and truth, in other words in the absence of perceived negatives. Negatives and positives are of the whole truth therefore of honesty and wisdom, any desired negative or positive is anything but of honesty therefore wisdom.

If at anytime you have to ignore a negative, like with Palestine and Yemen, to become and stay positive and happy, your positiveness and happiness is created through the ignorance of what threatens your positiveness and happiness. If you were truly positive and happy, no amount of external awareness, honesty and truth would seem threatening to your ego. Yes, your ego will react to these external forces, but when one is truly wise, the external influences are fleeting and at no time threaten your own state of mind.

You know when you are wise in the absence of desired positives and happiness, you simply can't judged what is not of your own as negative or positive, however, don't at any time expect that your ego won't always try to still judge in this way, as my own ego still tries to do. To counteract this, enlighten your ego with wisdom, honesty and truth in the absence of as much desire as possible. If you have to firstly avoid others who can't comprehend wisdom, honesty and truth in the absence of desires, by all means do so. You can't recondition an ego to something that is incomprehensible to the ego. Being in the absence of states of anti-wisdom is comprehensible to the ego you wish to enlighten. Once your ego becomes wise and aware, you will come to a point where you become influential upon people of anti-wisdom. Yes, at this stage your ego has no further need of avoiding people of anti-wisdom, for you have turned the table of influence, in other words, your enlightened ego becomes influential upon unenlightened egos, not the other way around.  

So, if you are being shunned in any sense when speaking of and through wisdom, honesty and undesired truths, this is a sign of an enlightened ego. If you like, a very positive sign.    

Monday, 16 December 2019

Exasperated Egoistic Extremes

Written by Mathew Naismith

One can never be too positive!!

In a known age of false prophets, if the cover is not all glossy and glittery, what is in between the covers can't be positive. You have to play up to each others ego's to be positive it would seem, otherwise you are simply negative, something to penalise and/or incarcerate in some way. Yes, it is the same old consciousness being played out. The responses I receive at times is, well, hmmm. I responded to this as below.     

"We think quite differently on this matter PL. It is well known in psychology that one can become too positive for a number of different reasons. Also, leaders like Hitler and Trump are/were well and truly overly positive, what about multinationals, etc!!

How many people who think they are truly positive separate energy into positives and negatives? I couldn't think of anything more negative, to separate energy into various parts even further, most often to do with escapism which is another factor.

How many truly positive people ignore the negatives to retain a positive? Usually at the cost of people being abused, Yemen and Palestine come to mind.

We often use the positives to feed the ego even more, nothing more, you can't do this while being in a neutral state of consciousness. In a true neutral state, which I haven't attained myself, it is just energy, not negative and positive energy. If you think in negatives and positives, you think in black and white, which includes people. Often the conscious is unaware of how the subconscious works so will deny this, as expected.

I won't build up other people's ego on a lie, but I am often helpful in getting people to look at life in a different way. Getting away from separating energy more is but one of them. Yes, we could sit within our own created humour and build up each others ego's, but not on the back of the abused, which in all honesty is occurring even more today.

Sadly, a lot of people in the west can't comprehend what a true neutral state is, actually, a lot of ego's just simply don't won't to. Also, the fear of being negative is purely based on fear, which a lot of excessively positive people have unknowingly got themselves into. Actually, they simply don't won't to know and deceptively deny it to the bitter end.

The ego will often judge by the cover. Even when between the covers have been read, the cover still takes precedence. Often so-called self-proclaimed positive people will only read the cover to feed their ego's even more, this is too obvious.

The funny thing is, I am personally known as a light hearted humorous person. It has been known that women will come up to my wife and I and state I wish my husband was like me instead of a grumpy bum.  My own cover isn't all glossy and sparkly, so is often misread, but between the covers is another story. Very few excessively positive people desire to know my story, proffering to read the cover instead for obvious reasons. The reason for this is very interesting.

In what I have gone through in life, if I was anywhere near as negative as these people need to believe, I wouldn't like to think where I would be now. It takes a lot of honest collective conscious awareness to be were I am now, considering the circumstances. In the end, our own ego's will only believe and desire to know what feeds the ego, all else is penalised or incarcerated in some way, a sign that a consciousness has not evolved for thousands of years. I never penalise or incarcerate people into negatives and positives, as a lot of excessively positive humourous people do. A lot of times, it is simply a consciousness lost within its own creation."

I recall a time that people feeding off of each others ego's was deemed to be also positive, all else of course being negative to this extreme positive. As I recall my past lives lived to some extent, people feeding off of each others ego was nullified or neutralised, this act of balance is just not occurring today.

In days of past, excluding empires built up feeding off of each others ego's, people of wisdom were revered. Today, any sense of wisdom, which includes honest truth, is penalised and/or incarcerated in some way, usually by people who are excessive within their own positiveness or negativeness. When a consciousness becomes expressive of extremes, extreme ideological views are understandably created.

It is the way the collective consciousness has chosen to go, it is what it is what it is. As I try to often relay, make the best of what you have, not the worse. Making the best of what is, isn't of some extreme expression of positiveness or of feeding off of each others ego, it is simply of awareness and wisdom, if you like, honest commonsense reasoning. Commonsense reasoning must be of the absence of bias or desire therefore honest truth.

I am bewildered that so many people have put themselves in a predicament as to dreadfully fear being negative in any sense. We often read of wisdom and awareness while only taking on that for which serves the ego the most. The present state of the human collective consciousness determines this, this can be averted. 

This reminds of the question have humans created their present extreme weather occurrences, or, is this just a part of a natural cycle? A bewildering question of separatism created by bias. Extremes are a part of natural cycles, as is extremes of human consciousness. The answer of course is that our present extreme weather is a part of a natural cycle, but a cycle we are making far worse through our own actions and inactions. You would think that a consciousness guided by wisdom would counterbalance this natural cycle of extremes, instead, in the absence of wisdom, we exasperate it to an extreme. 

Yes, our natural environment can be of extremes, this doesn't mean we have to exasperate these extremes to become even more extreme. Yes, consciousness is influenced by its environment, but a wise consciousness knows not to exasperate these extremes even further. Sadly, human consciousness is seemingly going right along with the present natural extremes, further expressing extremes to an extreme.......                  

Sunday, 7 April 2019

In the Presence of Wisdom

Wisdom I know is social. She seeks
her fellows. But Beauty is jealous,
and illy bears the presence of a rival.
~Thomas Jefferson~

Written by Mathew Naismith

As it is said from a Jewish view point, "Wisdom is the perfection of knowledge of the righteous as a gift from God showing itself in action. In direct relation to God, Wisdom is with God from all eternity." Source:

So is this saying that in the absence of the perception of God, wisdom is also absent? The Jewish and Christian perspective on this would be to say yes, in the absence of God, wisdom is also absent!!

As it is said intellectually, wisdom is of an accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment. Wisdom is also said to be of the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight. Also, an ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight.

The perception of wisdom comes in many forms, as the perception of God or whatever you want to call this wise and aware consciousness. Wisdom to me is simply in the absence of a controlling ego. Within this absence of the controlling ego, wisdom is present. Within the presence of a controlling ego, wisdom is absent. Can we also relate this to, in the absence of a controlling ego, God is present. In the presence of a controlling ego, God is absent in man's consciousness. To me, the perception of God relates to the presence of wisdom no matter how wisdom is exemplified or presented. Of course the ego in control will of course try to separate one from the other, if you are not of God, you are not of wisdom. I instead look at it this way, if you are in the presence of the controlling ego with all it's desires and lusts for control, material wealth, power and even the desires of  ethereal pleasures of love in any form, the perception of  wisdom therefore God is also absent. Love expressed through wisdom isn't of lust but of a purer expression of love in the absence of a controlling ego. 

A consciousness of God to me simply exemplifies wisdom and awareness no matter how you want to exemplify or call this kind of consciousness. Even in the absence of the perception of God as such, wisdom can still be present as long as the controlling ego is absent. Religious people will call this kind of consciousness God, other people will call it something else but it is still of the same consciousness no matter how we exemplify this consciousness. God simply means a consciousness of the absence of a controlling ego, thus allowing wisdom to not just be present eternally but flourish. Yes, even in a reality such as ours, wisdom can flourish but only in the absence of a controlling ego. The ego is of course still present but the ego is no longer in control where wisdom is allowed to flourish. However, being of man's reality, wisdom in this case is never meant to be eternally present, it is something man's consciousness has to always work at. 

Friday, 5 April 2019

Love, God, Wisdom, Fairies, Etc

Written by Mathew Niasmith

What is the first thing the ego does here? Dissimilarly separates one consciousness from the other in relation to the ego's perception. All the above and more is of the same consciousness, it is just the ego only desires to see what the consciousness physically relates to rather than what the form actually represents consciously. In other words, instead of looking at the physical aspect of consciousness, look at the non-physical aspect of consciousness. How many people worship a physical idol while forgetting what the idle actually represents consciously? For example, how many atrocities have been acted out in the name of Jesus or the cross of Jesus?

Now, how many people today are dissimilarly separating love from wisdom and even love from God? As I wrote recently when I didn't relate love and wisdom, "Good point but with wisdom comes love ever so naturally as if by magic. Yes, multinationals have a very strong and passionate love of money and power but in the absence of wisdom, all this love creates is chaos and destruction. We have love but we don't have the wisdom in implementing this love constructively and peacefully. This is like we don't have the wisdom to use technology. Yes, we are intelligent but do we have the wisdom to know how to use this intelligence, like with love?
Love has always been present but the wisdom in how to use love, as of intelligence, hasn't."
Is love the key? Without wisdom of balance, meaning, wisdom naturally creates a balance as of love, love can become exceptionally destructive and chaotic. The key isn't love but wisdom of balance, the ability to constructively use love, not abusively use love. This is often in the absence of the ego or at least consciously taking away the control of the ego over our own consciousness. Mentioning a constructive peaceful love in the absence of wisdom of balance is pure ego, nothing more, which so often occurs these days. Take away the control of the ego, all you have left is pure wisdom that naturally creates, love, peace, balance and so much more.........      

Friday, 22 March 2019

Age Old Wisdom Idolisation

Written by Mathew Naismith

In an age where we have replaced wisdom with feeding the ego what ever the ego desires, this is the same age where we need to use technology more wisely, we ignore the teachings that are tested and found to be true through the ages like the Bhagavid Gita, Taoism, etc. Yes, there seems to be a relation between wisdom and idolisation but like materialism, where so many people idolise wealth and power, I can't see any wisdom in this. However, most often an idolisation is more in relation to the wisdom and the teachings of an idol than the idol itself.       

Taoism: "Popular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tzu but characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy and divination and magic."

What the western critical mind in all of us sees is the pantheist religions, like Hinduism, is of many Gods/Goddesses, a worship of other entities beyond the worship of the human ego. The western critical mind only sees that another ego is being worshiped other than itself, not what the worshiped idol actually represents. The western critical mind sees any worship of what the idol represents as a threat or of competition to itself. I wrote the following to another person on MeWe which will hopefully elaborate in what I am saying here.            

An interesting point LP, how often has science and even atheism been revised? The point is, to evolve, these teachings need to be revised where teachings like the Bhagavid Gita don't!!

Sadly, the ego only sees that a figure of man/God is being worshiped, not what the man/God actually represents which is all of what is without exception. I have been known to say. "Forget about the human figure of a God/Goddess and focus on what the God/Goddess represents, for this is what these teachings are truly all about." In an age where we have replaced wisdom with feeding the ego what it desires, this advice is completely ignored.

Also, the western mind in all of us seems far more dominant today. The western mind is known to be the critical part of our mind, critical of anything that doesn't feed its ego. This critical mind will do anything but worship a far wiser consciousness, instead, put it's own self forth to be worshiped thus we have the creation of the age of false prophets!!

The age of false prophets: As Jesus prophesised, "Many false prophets will arise and deceive many", also, "Many will come in my name", thus the creation of false prophets. They will come in his name, not actually bearing his name!!

How many egos' act as a God these days upon the masses? Was not Jesus a representative of God's consciousness, a consciousness idolised by many? This is being replaced by what? By a consciousness that idolises the ego above all else, thus placing the ego and its desires above all else!! How many people in the world today idolise the wealthy and powerful? These people actually scorn an idolisation of an idol that represents all of what is, to an idol that only resents the desires of the ego!! To someone like me this is utterly bewildering that we would idolise such a finite idol compared to an infinite idol. Make no mistake, so many people of materialism are religiously following an idol that is finite by nature, not infinite by nature. This is very much a religion for a lot of people in the world today.

Try to focus on what the idol represents, not what the ego only sees or wants to see, only a worshiped idol. You are not worshipping the physical idol, if that is the case, but what the idol actually represents. Of course to the ego worshipping the ego and its finite desires is acceptable!!

We have actually replaced worshiping infinite idols, a consciousness of unlimited potential, with finite idols, a consciousness of limited potential. We have even replaced Gaia, known as the Goddess of Earth in Greek mythology (Mother Nature), with an idol that has nothing to do with the creation of ourselves and Earths existence as a whole!!  

If I wasn't actually experiencing the present as it is, I would think we were in some kind of backward reality, were all true sense of awareness and wisdom is kept absent on purpose to serve a particular idol or idols of finite potential. It is absolutely bewildering that we would replace teachings, awareness and wisdom of infinite potentiality with idols that are not of teachings, awareness and wisdom, but of brainwashing, limited awareness in the absence of wisdom!!

Try to remember, physical idols simply represent certain teachings which are often in the presence of wisdom, often a wisdom that is well and truly tested over time. It is not the idol itself that is so important, it what the idol actually represents that is so important. Is the idolisation of wealth and power or even modern science tested over hundreds or even thousands of years? Most often science minded people will refute were modern day science evolved from, mysticism and philosophy. Is it possible that these same people will refute where all creation has come from then?

Do I idolise all wisdom no matter where it comes from, either from the East or West? Considering that idolising is," Regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed, exalted or be in awe of", I would certainly say I idolise wisdom no matter what that wisdom may be of and from.

It is not that we are thinking, it is how we are thinking!!

Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Promotion of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

The promotion of wisdom to someone like me goes beyond the promotion of positiveness, love and light or any concept, ideology or ism, for under wisdom, all that is wise in the way we use energy is of abundance. To someone like me, it matters not what this wisdom is called, for anything that promotes the harmonious use of energy is all that matters. Yes, that is right, biases and prejudices have no place within wisdom for wisdom has no limitations, only limitless potentiality in the absence of bias and prejudices.

I don't often promote a singular persons wisdom but at this point in the present, we simply can't get enough wisdom in my mind. Look past the label of what the wisdom represents, in other words look past the biases often associated with labels and simply focus primarily on the wisdom involved. I wrote the following to this person in relation to this persons wisdom.               

I try to influence people away from judging in negatives and positives, which of course judging in negatives and positives can create huge amounts of motion within our minds and actions. I love my states of it just is, where the perceptions of negatives and positives are absent.

This will seem strange to a lot of people who try to stay positive, especially by ignoring the negatives. I am better off not perceiving in positives as well, there is no state more harmonious, still and tranquil. Hard to imagine if you have never experienced this kind of state, for which anyone can experience by simply letting go of motions and the control motions have over us.

You seem to be very in tune with your present environment Carolynne.

I know this is slack of me, but I just recently took a peek at your site. It was funny how I was able to do the work I did with the chronic injury I incurred, of course my own chronic injury taught me so much, only because I worked with it, not against it. If you don't mind, I am thinking of mentioning you and your site in my next post as you seem genuine. 

For further reference:

It has been asked of me why I am not more promotional of positiveness or love and light for example?

From the promotion of wisdom, positiveness, love and light come naturally for in the absence of using energy disharmoniously, there is no energy expended in obtaining and retaining positiveness, love or light. If I was to ignore the negatives so I can then be positive, in other words to be positive takes me to ignore the negatives, this is not being positive to me, in fact quite the opposite. You should be able to put yourself in any situation and still be able to obtain and retain your positiveness, love and/or light, otherwise it's not of a true sense of positiveness, love and/or light.

I will put this another way. Negative is as much of an energy as positive, to ignore people being hurt under negatives energies, especially to obtain and retain your own personal positive energies, is an abuse of energy. To avoid this, see negative and positive energy as simply energy in the absence of biases that perceptions of negative and positive thinking creates. Which is more negative, the male (yang) or the female (yin)? Trust me, one or the other sex often perceives one being more negative therefore the other being more positive. As soon as we are in the presence or expressive of bias, honesty, especially self-honesty, is also no longer present. Considering a true reflection or expression of wisdom is of the absence bias, it is also understandable that we naturally become more honest, especially with ourselves, in the promotion of wisdom.

As of many people have in life, I more than once found myself in a situation where I had to extricate myself away from certain people, not because they were negative or destructive but because all I was doing was supporting them in hurting themselves and others. Make no mistake, I often allowed my environment to dictate my reactions which meant judging in negatives and positives. Within this hurtful or abusive environment towards energy, it is way too easy to unknowingly succumb to a hurtful or abusive environment. In my case, I was fortunate to be wise enough to become aware of my own abusiveness towards energy in this way.

You see, by allowing myself to be abused, I was helping the abusers to be abusive thus unwittingly being abusive towards energy myself. Yes, by all means sacrifice your own well being to assist other people to become less hurtful and abusive, but don't sacrifice yourself to assist in the abuse of energy in any way. Yes, people of positiveness and love and light extricate themselves from abusive energy, but a lot of them still do it by expressing biases through the perceptions of negatives and positives.

So how do you know the difference between hurtful people you are unable to help to hurtful people you can help? Firstly; avoid the perceptions of negatives and positives thus allowing your own consciousness to be in the absence of bias therefore dishonesty. Secondly; well, wisdom naturally takes over from here in the absence of bias and dishonesty.  Make no mistake, the promotion of wisdom is this easy, it is either we don't want to become less abusive towards energy, or, we are unwittingly drawn into being apart of the abuse of energy through simple perceptions like negatives and positives.

I know of a number of people who speak out against the abusiveness of, for example, multinationals and politicians, they no longer wish to support the abuse of energy by allowing themselves being abused, however, there is still a very strong perception of what is negative and what is positive. I also know of people who speak out against this kind of abuse but don't primarily focus on what is negative and what is positive. I think ignoring the abuse of energy so one can become and stay positive, is just as much of supporting the abuse of energy than anything else.

The promotion of wisdom is simple, the avoidance of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the abuse of energy as much as possible. Now, are deliberate abusers of energy negative in any sense of the word? No, they are simply lost within their own creation and need as much help as a sick person. Yes, at times to help these people you need to avoid them, when ever possible, but do it ever so wisely. No, you can't always avoid the situation of the abuse of energy but you can minimise its affects. Embracing and promoting any kind of wisdom will help us avoid abusing energy in various ways, of course to know this one must be wise to start with, this is where people of true wisdom come into there own. How do you know when someone is of wisdom? They don't primarily judge in positive and negative perceptions to start with, within this, there is an absence of bias therefore dishonesty.       

Friday, 30 November 2018

No One is Unenlightened!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is not about the age of enlightenment or reason, an age of reason and individualism, but about spiritual enlightenment where one advocates egolessness over ego. Spiritual enlightenment is a state of the absence of ego. It is often a state most egos fear to tread, usually in fear of the egos demise and all that the ego creates. In an enlightened state, all that the ego creates is simply becomes awareness, this is why this state is often referred to as a state of pure awareness and even wisdom or if you like, a state of God.

Don't mistaken spiritual enlightenment with the egos expressions of wisdom either, where wisdom is often associated with knowledge and learning. In a true enlightened state, knowledge and learning give way to a pure state of awareness and wisdom. Yes, we even have to give up our accumulated knowledge and learning, for in an enlightened state nothing can be owned or accumulated. This also means giving up the teachings of ideologies and isms, for spiritual ideologies are only of existence to serve and teach the ego about its egoless self or being. This by the way is most important if conducted in a non-abusive manner.

Make no mistake, the ego is unable to experience a true enlightened state, for an enlightened state is of the absence of ego, a state not accessible to the ego. However, this doesn't mean that the ego can't feel enlightenment as opposed to becoming enlightenment. Yes, the ego can experience enlightenment but only through feelings, not through an actual state of being enlightened, be aware though, the ego in control will try to convince you otherwise. Yes, these feelings can become a physical and mental reality, be wary though, feelings are of the ego and can become very controlling to the extent of a desire to feel good all the time. All else not fuelling these desired feelings are often critically judged as being negative or even toxic in some way.

Also, to the dislike of the ego, unconditional love is not experienced or felt in an enlightened state, for all feelings of love are of the ego. If you can feel instead of being love, it is of the ego. Yes, you can experience an enlightened state and get a feeling of unconditional love but it is your ego that is feeling love, not the egoless part of yourself. Of course feeling a true sense of unconditional love is most constructive to what the ego creates, this is instead of being destructive. Be aware, a true expression of unconditional love will embrace the negatives in the same way this state embraces the positives. In all, the ego beautifies unconditional love but only when being of this love as opposed to simply feeling this love.    

Make no mistake, no one is unenlightened. I will put it this way, which a lot of people's egos won't like, once of God, always of God, or, once of energy, always of energy. Remember, you can't destroy energy but you can transform energy. Our enlightened being is simply transformed into another energy form or expression by the ego, this is all. Most often in the process, only that which serves the ego is acknowledged, all else is denounced by the ego to serve only the ego part of our whole being. I cannot express this strongly enough, no one is truly unenlightened.

Please note; most of what I have written here comes from my own experiences, at no time take what is written here to be gospel or of an unequivocal truth for all.      

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Diminishing the Egos Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

The egos control over us is evident. The present environment in the world reflects this in more ways than one, extreme expressions in religion and materialism are but two examples of the control the ego has over us. Within this control, we can see how destructive a controlling the ego can be, in actuality, we are privileged to witness this event in human history.

Awareness comes in many forms and has no limitations to it's expressions, only can the ego limit awareness to certain set boundaries......Mathew G

Within the whisperings, an ego that is wised up only needs to be whispered to, not shouted at. Simply, expressions of extremism denote shouting while whisperings denote an awareness and wisdom. Some of us have listened to the whisperings, a lot of us will only listen when shouted at, this is simply shown within the extreme expressions being expressed today. In the end, the shouting will get that loud, and of course destructive, to the point most people will be unable to ignore the shouting, they will be given no choice at this point.

Where indeed has the wisdom gone when a consciousness needs to be shouted at to become aware?

We are privileged to be shouted at in this way, imagine not being able to hear a whisper or a shout to awaken the ego to itself, is it possible that the ego can actually get to this point? Honestly observing our environment today, it is obvious certain people will never listen no matter how loud the shouting becomes, and yes, the ego has this extent of control over them.

A controlling ego gives us a sense of control over our environment, even though this control is always fleeting. How many empires of the past still dominate us today? Yes, the controlling factors of the ego are still around today but the empires themselves aren't. Nothing that the ego creates lasts for long; the only reason the controlling factors of the ego are still around today, is because we have not yet learnt how to release ourselves from this control.      

Wisdom; simply does not come from knowledge and experience, this is an ego perception. Considering how deceptive the ego can become, it's amazing that many of us are still duped (tricked) by the ego in this way.

How many centuries have human consciousness been warring or expressing extremes? Has human consciousness learnt and become wise from these numerous experiences?
Human consciousness is seemingly more intelligent and knowledgeable than ever, how wise has this truly made us?

How many people think wisdom and awareness are about taking control? Probably the same amount of people who think meditation or various other Eastern practices are about taking control. Eastern practices, like mediation, are simply about releasing yourself from the control of the ego mind. As soon as we think these practices are about taking control, we have lost the true benefits of these practices because the ego is just as much if not more in control. All controlling expressions denote an ego in control, especially if we are trying to control the ego. At no point should you try to control the ego to diminish the egos control over us, by doing so, you are doing anything but diminishing the egos control.

Wisdom uses the ego against itself as all motion denotes ego, including practices like meditation. Yes, meditation is a motion that can take away the controlling factors of the ego upon itself, in-effect, using the ego against itself. The only reason this works is that we are using a non-controlling ego to diminish the control of the ego upon itself. It's funny to think this but the ego can only control itself, basically, only of things of motion, sadly for a lot of people in the West; this includes using mediation to take control instead of releasing control.

How many people in the West think that Taoism or Tai Chi is about taking control of our mind and/or body? It's all about releasing our mind and body from the limitations of control that allow you to be more flexible and open in mind and body. In the West, we tend to think everything is about taking control; this is the way Western culture is, it's wise to be aware of this in my mind.

How many people in the West fear expressing the ego or egotism? They fear the ego because they are still trying to take control of the ego having control over them, which is in actuality the ego trying to take control. It is truly wise to be aware that only a controlling ego can take control, being that all motion is of the ego, this makes perfect sense to people like me. Simply, if you are expressing any kind of motion, you are of the ego, however, you don't have to be of the controlling ego.

1/ Become aware that all control denotes a controlling ego in control

2/ Become aware that you can wise the ego up to it's controlling ways, the ego can certainly become conditioned to releasing all control over taking control over all

3/ Wisdom is simply aware of the controlling ways of the ego as only in wisdom can the ego diminish the control of the ego.

4/ Wisdom is simply not obtained through experience and knowledge but an awareness beyond the ego limitations. Yes, you can become aware and wises through experiences and knowledge but only if we stop trying to persistently take control. All control is limiting and of the controlling ego

5/ Simply think about releasing control to taking control

Do we not take control of our breathing while meditating for example? Are we not trained by teachers of the ancient Eastern practices to take control of the mind and body as a whole?  

No, your ego is simply being conditioned to focus on one thing at a time. Your ego is not being controlled to focus but conditioned to focus. Because the ego tries to control everything within it's own environment, it is conditioned to simultaneously focus on many things. Focusing on the breath, to controlling the breath, allows us to take away the control of the ego over itself. Basically what you are doing is setting the ego free of it's limitations by focusing instead of controlling. Never try to control your breath while meditating, simply focus.

Once you have conditioned your ego to focus on one thing while letting go of control of everything else, you will notice that your breathing patterns will change quite naturally. The ego will fight to the bitter end to keep it's control, this is why everything that isn't about control is perceived to be of control by the ego in control.

One more thing, you are releasing the ego of it's own controlling ways by not taking control but releasing control. You are actually doing the ego a favour for within the egos control it is limited, however, no ego desires to become aware of it's own limitations upon itself, so it will do anything to deceive itself of it's own self-created predicament......