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Showing posts with label respect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label respect. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 November 2023

What Do Women Want!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

So, what do women want from their partners? Yes, I am use to sticking my neck out.

Respect and appreciation, yes men, I think it is this simple.

I am talking about the average women, not women who want everything the material world can give them.

My wife and I know of couples who the man shows very little respect and appreciation to, we even know of one bloke who thinks women should be subordinate. I thought this bloke was alright, how wrong could I be.

I have gone out with women who use to love having sex, of course these women were sluts and the blokes weren't!! I use to walk in public holding their hands, of course these blokes thought it was some how unmanly to do so. One lass got a huge surprise when I put my hand in hers while walking down the streets, sadly, she was obviously never shown respect and appreciation.

Is it due to my objective mentality as I have always shown respect and appreciation to those who deserve this kind of emotion? Are a lot of blokes of a subjective mentality, to the point of wanting women to be more subordinate?

The difference between spiritual people is of being of a subjective and objective mentality, being that subjectivity is of the absence of wisdom and objectivity being of the presence of wisdom. Being aware of this the difference is apparent. I tend to lean towards objective people, while being aware that bias, lust and desire is subjective.

The differences is of all aspects of life, not just do with relationships or spirituality, the same is with the sciences, atheism, politics, masculinity, etc, being of a subjective or objective mentality does indeed make a difference. Imagine for one moment if our world was predominantly influenced by the objective, with objective observers running the world instead of the present subjective observers!! Ukraine and Palestine would not have occurred in the first place, to the disgust of the NWO, UN, NATO, WEF, etc. Yes, what I am saying is that these entities are of the subjective observer mentality. Evil is simply of a mentality of subjective observation. Why the difference in masculinity is a good one, one is of respect and appreciation and the other of disrespect and depreciation!! Do the big boys running the world appreciate and respect us for what we have given them? They could not be more subjective if they tried.

Would women want men, the masculine, to be more objective? I think it's to do with more of a need, not just for women but the world as a whole. The world needs more objectivity, not less.