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Showing posts with label appreciation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label appreciation. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 November 2023

What Do Women Want!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

So, what do women want from their partners? Yes, I am use to sticking my neck out.

Respect and appreciation, yes men, I think it is this simple.

I am talking about the average women, not women who want everything the material world can give them.

My wife and I know of couples who the man shows very little respect and appreciation to, we even know of one bloke who thinks women should be subordinate. I thought this bloke was alright, how wrong could I be.

I have gone out with women who use to love having sex, of course these women were sluts and the blokes weren't!! I use to walk in public holding their hands, of course these blokes thought it was some how unmanly to do so. One lass got a huge surprise when I put my hand in hers while walking down the streets, sadly, she was obviously never shown respect and appreciation.

Is it due to my objective mentality as I have always shown respect and appreciation to those who deserve this kind of emotion? Are a lot of blokes of a subjective mentality, to the point of wanting women to be more subordinate?

The difference between spiritual people is of being of a subjective and objective mentality, being that subjectivity is of the absence of wisdom and objectivity being of the presence of wisdom. Being aware of this the difference is apparent. I tend to lean towards objective people, while being aware that bias, lust and desire is subjective.

The differences is of all aspects of life, not just do with relationships or spirituality, the same is with the sciences, atheism, politics, masculinity, etc, being of a subjective or objective mentality does indeed make a difference. Imagine for one moment if our world was predominantly influenced by the objective, with objective observers running the world instead of the present subjective observers!! Ukraine and Palestine would not have occurred in the first place, to the disgust of the NWO, UN, NATO, WEF, etc. Yes, what I am saying is that these entities are of the subjective observer mentality. Evil is simply of a mentality of subjective observation. Why the difference in masculinity is a good one, one is of respect and appreciation and the other of disrespect and depreciation!! Do the big boys running the world appreciate and respect us for what we have given them? They could not be more subjective if they tried.

Would women want men, the masculine, to be more objective? I think it's to do with more of a need, not just for women but the world as a whole. The world needs more objectivity, not less.

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

High Degree of Appreciation

Written by Mathew Naismith

A human attribute that seems to be lacking or waning in today's society, appreciation. So how does someone like me who has to live with significant pain 24/7 for nearly 54 years express so much appreciation? I will start with one on world example and finish off with quite a different off world example.

Firstly, we must go into what people like me don't appreciate, as such, but at the same time not virulent at being persecuted for not going along with the main narrative, like, covid vaccinations, medical apartheid, autocracy, Ukraine war, today's woke movement, etc.

Can one learn from being persecuted? As long as one does not suffer from being persecuted, like being of the absence of being virulent/bitter in one's expressions. As soon as anyone is expressive of virulent attributes, I know that these people are simply suffering from being traumatised, not learning from being traumatised. Today's woke movement, for example, is highly expressive of virulent attributes, not a good sign at all. Notice the lack of appreciation and more of acting the victim while at the same time victimising, expressive of the very same attribute they say they are or have been on the receiving end of?

It is not that people like me have never been virulent, it is that we have learnt from being virulent, an obvious sign of appreciation. You cannot learn from something you see yourself a victim of.

The second part to this topic of appreciation is probably the primary reason for my appreciation and not acting the victim.

There is no such thing as death, a construct many of us are not conditioned to, only a transition of time based existences. As science has even proven many times over, there is more to life than time based existences, existences based on starting and ending points. In other words we are all apart of an existence that is not time based. As known in science, you cannot destroy energy, only transform energy into another energy form, very much like when we die or reach the end point of our physical existence. Science has proven soles exist to start with, even though many people desire this not to be true. Just because we desire it not to be so, does not make what we desire to be so.

“Consider the famous two-slit experiment. When you watch a particle go through the holes, it behaves like a bullet, passing through one slit or the other. But if no one observes the particle, it exhibits the behavior of a wave and can pass through both slits at the same time.”

What this means is that what we desire to observe will only become apparent, when not in observation both realities become apparent, not only what we desire or only want to observe. Yes, this works both ways of souls existing and souls not existing, however, how can so many people explain what was stated and occurred while they were in surgery for instance!!

My appreciation is not of an eternal existence, it is of a mortal existence. Why? Because as of anything governed by time, it has a time limit therefore far more precious than that of the eternal. Imagine for a moment if humanity was conditioned to think like this, were everything based on time was appreciated, while this does not mean you appreciate trauma, it simply means you learn from trauma instead of suffering from trauma.

If humanity existed in appreciation of the immortal, there would be far less inflicted trauma and acting the victim while victimising. I don't appreciate my experienced trauma, but I do appreciate the opportunity of learning from my experienced trauma, mainly due to knowing that we don't actually die.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Acknowledgment and Appreciation

Written by Mathew Naismith

In a recent discussion, a person of the name of Ron mentioned about appreciating the natural energy flows around us. Ron brought up the question about, "But does all this really matter?" This question was in relation to being appreciative or not of the various different natural energy flows or footprints around us. Ron of course thought it matters and of course I concurred.  

Acknowledgment is one thing; appreciation of what is being acknowledged is another thing. I think this is simular to being aware or knowledgeable while being wise to know how to use this awareness or knowledge. How far and in what direction can we take our acknowledgment of the natural energy flows around us if we don't appreciate them? To me, this is the same as, what direction has our present knowledge void of wisdom has taken us? Ron is quite correct in my mind, an appreciation of our acknowledgment goes a long way and yes, it does matter as it makes a huge different to our journey.

As wisdom is important in guiding our awareness and knowledge, so is appreciation of guiding what we acknowledge, the appreciation of the natural energy flows or footprints surrounding us, not just acknowledgement void of appreciation. Take away wisdom from awareness and knowledge, what do you have? Something that is unguided. Take away appreciation of our acknowledgment of the natural energy flows around us, what are you left with? Something that is unguided, an energy flow of extremes expressions void of balance and moderation. What again are we presently experiencing? The destruction of what we acknowledge but don't appreciate, mother Earth it but one of many of these unappreciated energy flows.        

Acknowledgment of the spiritual is one thing; appreciation of the spiritual is quite something else.......

The following is my discussion with Ron if interested. 

"Crystalline Consciousness: A lot of people's egos might laugh at this but we are connected to our physical environment more than most of us are aware of. It's by no mistake that we are attracted to certain crystals or minerals that other people aren't attracted to. In saying this, we can also be attracted to certain elements because that is what we need at the time to give us balance."

G'day Mathew.
Great truth in this paragraph, especially our vibrational or energetic connection with our natural world.

Leaving aside the ego for a minute.

Think we see things as solid because we are looking at them from a 3 dimensional point of view.

As we expand our consciousness or awareness allowing our DNA to change and be upgraded.

The body in which we live may begin to change into an energetic or crystalline physiology or form.

Feel we may well then see everything as physics is now beginning to appreciate.
In an energetic or vibrational point of view.

My Reply
Ah, this figures from you Ron as you also seem to believe that we, if we want that is, can or will evolve into a crystalline life force physiologically and consciously. 

I think it's the consciousness that defines our vibrations and subsequent form/physiology. Of course how aware a consciousness is has everything to do with this, maybe the less aware the consciousness, the more dense the matter.

I have the funny feeling the people who comprehend this, come from some kind of life force like this before experiencing a denser form of existence. 

Interesting feeling that you have.
The impression of remembering the vibration or energy we exuded in a previous time, so to speak.

Being blessed with Mother Kundalini.
Personally feel she contributes and may even dictate this body's vibrational footprint.

But does all this really matter?
What matters is our appreciation of the vibrational message or energy we feel from ourselves and surrounding us in nature.

It is the shared energy in this Oneness as opposed to being separate, which to this heart, is so special.

Enjoy your weekend :-))

My Reply
Indeed Ron, very well articulated and a very good point. It certainly matter if we have an awareness and an appreciation, if we don't, we create realities like we are experiencing at present in my mind.  How many of us at present are truly aware and appreciative of this kind of energy flow?

I think what you have stated here needs to be shares around Ron, if you don't mind, I would like to insert our discussion here in a post on my blog.

I look at this way Ron, I am a guest to the present energy flow, I have no right to try to change this energy flow as a guest, however, I do have a right as a guest to be influential upon the energy flow of the host. The host being an energy flow of a controlling ego, our present existing reality.