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Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Beyond the Comfort Zone II

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is funny but spirituality as a whole within its wisdom looks for the truth, even in the absence of facts, where’s science looks for the facts often in the absence of truth!!

This may sound strange, “At no time is fact directly related to truth, only when facts have been verified to be true.” As I will explain through my reply to a self-proclaimed atheist, facts don’t necessarily lead to truth. Actually, quite often facts can distort the truth, also, truth is often found within beliefs in the absence of facts. I also gave an example of this. Facts don’t verify the truth, truth verifies the facts or beliefs. A belief can simply be a hypothesis and still be truth in the absence of facts. Facts are simply of perceptions until they become verified truths, however, a belief can be of truth in the absence of facts. There is no truth within a fact until verified as being of truth!!

Science is simply of facts, not truth, and atheism is of neither facts nor truth within itself. Atheism, unlike other belief systems, is an empty shell on its own but other belief systems on the other hand can be of facts and/or truths. A belief system of doctrines of disbeliefs, such as atheism, has no substance to it, no value to become aware or knowing but to simply disbelieve in the absence of facts and truth on its own, unlike other belief systems. As one of the atheist doctrines state, “A lack of belief”, is a play on words to deceive that atheists simply believe there are no proven existing deities.       

“Here are scientific facts that were verified to be fact but obviously not true, of truth.

If facts were directly related to truth, why would one then need truth to begin with? Not all facts produce truth to start with, even when seemingly verified. No, facts often don’t lead to truth. On top of this, you have a science that is known to be fraudulent at times.

It is obvious that truth is simply in the absence of untruths be it of verified facts or not. 
Science or atheism isn’t about truth, to the lead up to a hopeful truth, science is simply about facts. Why do atheists only refer to science being about facts instead of truth? Because science isn’t about truth, it can only hopefully lead to truth.

Actually, science should never be about truth itself, but to lead to truth. Why? Because once truth is discovered, that is the end of the story. Science is meant to keep evolving, it has to, which is different to religion. Sadly, unlike spirituality as a whole, atheism itself is neither about truth nor facts, itself. Beliefs can lead to truths like hypothesises where unbelief’s are simply an empty shell on their own. Facts can be distorted, truth can’t.

Hypothesising: To believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds

Belief systems can lead to truths, where unbelief’s systems on their own lead to, an empty shell. Atheism has only science it would seem to find truth, which isn’t within itself about truth, obviously!! Don’t get me wrong, science often leads to truth as well but so do beliefs. Facts have been known to distort the truth, probably on the same level as beliefs.

Before DNA was known to exist, DNA couldn’t have existed without science proving so, even when it did!! However, in the absence of facts, beliefs could tell us otherwise as in a Hypothesis. Facts often distort reality and truth. No, facts don’t always lead to truth but beliefs can lead to truth in the absence of facts.  

Mistakenly in my mind, atheists search for facts through science instead of the truth through science. To an atheist, DNA couldn’t have ever or ever will exist in the absence of facts, even when the belief in the existence of DNA was of truth in the absence of facts!! Without a doubt, facts can often distort the truth either leading to falsehood’s (fraud) or lead to missing the truth altogether.

Facts are of science therefore atheism. Faith is of spirituality as a whole. I think it is the faith that allows us in spirituality to look for the truth instead of unwisely looking for the facts instead. Faith won’t always lead to the truth but neither will the facts, so don’t be fooled in relying on the facts in the absence of truth. 

Some people think what I write about is dysfunctional (negative). I don't ever find the truth negative in any sense, unless the truth is distorted through facts and reasoning based on biases. I don't have  bias in favour of the positives as truth also comes in negatives as well.