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Showing posts with label shift. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 January 2024

Energy Shifts

Written by Mathew Naismith

Does the eastern hemisphere of human consciousness understand how energy works more than the western hemisphere side of human consciousness?

Before I go into this, one needs to comprehend that there is a distinct difference between western and eastern hemispheres of the brain, consciousness and cultures. One must also realise that people can be of both hemispheres, physically, mentally and spiritually. I also find it interesting that a lot of spiritual teachings in the west have an eastern origin which includes Christianity!! I have also taken note of how so many eastern teachings are often distorted by the western mind set, an eastern reality adapted to a western style reality.

It gets back to not being able to destroy energy, energy can only be transformed, it is how one transforms this energy that makes all the difference. You can transform energy without distorting it, in fact the more you distort energy to transform energy, the more chaotic and destructive the said energy seems to become. Look at the western NWO, New World Order, where people actually think they can be a female one minute and a male the next, to the point of thinking that they are a microwave or a cat. Under this western NWO everything is being distorted not just gender, like the weather is always extreme or catastrophic when the weather is simply going back to normal weather. Look at how corruption and human trafficking has boomed under this distortion of energy. Look at how many of the people pulling the NWO strings are into one of the most distorted forms of energy known, satanism.

Is this NWO of the western mind set of individualism, where the eastern mind set is more of the collective? Don't be mistaken, this has also occurred in the eastern hemisphere, were individuals come before the collective which depicts a distortion of energy.

One good way to distort energy is to be self-serving, this is opposed to serving the collective. Don't get me wrong, one must look after the individual energy flow, western mind set, to serve the collective energy flow, eastern mind set, problems arise when primarily serving the individual mind set with energies that are distorted. Imagine for a moment if the majority of human kind served their individual mind set with energies that weren't distorted, the collective for everyone would flourish, which of course this western NWO is seemingly dead against!!

It is hard to depict where in human history such a massive energy shift has occurred. Imagine for a moment if we had an eastern collective OWO, One World Order, at play!! Actually, I think that is what is occurring but world wide, not just in the eastern hemisphere of the world.

It is also funny how it is known that the western mind is so easily offended compered to the eastern mind, which of course this proposed offensiveness distorts reality even more. Look at today how people are so easily offended in the west under the control of this western NWO, a mentality that has also infiltrated the eastern hemisphere of the world as well. “I am a female today, don't dare call me a male as I find this offensive”.

It reminds me of the saying, “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel of apples”, which is true, the same is with a self-serving mindset that the energies are highly distorted, the trick is being aware of these bad apples, distorted energy flows.

One bad energy flow of a rotten apple in a barrel, which causes a massive energy shift within the barrel!! In our case, it seems that the good apples within the barrel are becoming aware to the bad apples, the apples with distorted energy flows.