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Showing posts with label west. Show all posts
Showing posts with label west. Show all posts

Saturday 2 March 2024

East West Cultural Differences

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have always loved noting the differences in the way people of eastern and western cultured people think and perceive.

It is interesting how a lot of eastern cultured people are thinking more inline with western cultures due to the influence of western cultured thinking processes, often inline with western style living conditions!!

The two main conceptual differences is that western thinking is more of individualism, while eastern thinking is more of collectivism. You will find that an individualistic mind set is a lot easier to offend than a collective mind set, this is probably why I get myself in a lot of trouble, I often say things that I would not be offended by. Just by mentioning these differences offends a lot of western thinking people,which I find petty which further offends the western mind.

You must be of what you are, not of what the environment around you determines you are otherwise you are simply living a lie.

It is funny to think that the forefathers of western minded people today actually displayed a more eastern thinking process, especially when of a tribal community kind of environment. I also find that a lot of western people today that live by teachings that are of an eastern origin can also display a more eastern style of thinking. It is often sad to see the western mind distort eastern teachings to western teachings. This one line is often highly offensives to the western mind, inline with the western mind being offended when someone doesn't use the correct pronoun when making reference to their numerous genders.

So is the Western style of thinking wrong and the Eastern style of thinking right?

It is funny, because it is the western mind that often puts everything in life into right and wrong, good and bad, positive or negative. So is looking after yourself, individualism, to best look after the tribe, collectivism, wrong? Another point is, can you focus too much on the tribe and not enough on yourself? The individual is as important as the collective so there is no wrong or right here. By looking out for the individual that serves the collective is non-abusive, to look after the individual while using the collective to do so is abusive. As yin and yang are important to each other, so is individualism and collectivism.

Saturday 27 January 2024

Energy Shifts

Written by Mathew Naismith

Does the eastern hemisphere of human consciousness understand how energy works more than the western hemisphere side of human consciousness?

Before I go into this, one needs to comprehend that there is a distinct difference between western and eastern hemispheres of the brain, consciousness and cultures. One must also realise that people can be of both hemispheres, physically, mentally and spiritually. I also find it interesting that a lot of spiritual teachings in the west have an eastern origin which includes Christianity!! I have also taken note of how so many eastern teachings are often distorted by the western mind set, an eastern reality adapted to a western style reality.

It gets back to not being able to destroy energy, energy can only be transformed, it is how one transforms this energy that makes all the difference. You can transform energy without distorting it, in fact the more you distort energy to transform energy, the more chaotic and destructive the said energy seems to become. Look at the western NWO, New World Order, where people actually think they can be a female one minute and a male the next, to the point of thinking that they are a microwave or a cat. Under this western NWO everything is being distorted not just gender, like the weather is always extreme or catastrophic when the weather is simply going back to normal weather. Look at how corruption and human trafficking has boomed under this distortion of energy. Look at how many of the people pulling the NWO strings are into one of the most distorted forms of energy known, satanism.

Is this NWO of the western mind set of individualism, where the eastern mind set is more of the collective? Don't be mistaken, this has also occurred in the eastern hemisphere, were individuals come before the collective which depicts a distortion of energy.

One good way to distort energy is to be self-serving, this is opposed to serving the collective. Don't get me wrong, one must look after the individual energy flow, western mind set, to serve the collective energy flow, eastern mind set, problems arise when primarily serving the individual mind set with energies that are distorted. Imagine for a moment if the majority of human kind served their individual mind set with energies that weren't distorted, the collective for everyone would flourish, which of course this western NWO is seemingly dead against!!

It is hard to depict where in human history such a massive energy shift has occurred. Imagine for a moment if we had an eastern collective OWO, One World Order, at play!! Actually, I think that is what is occurring but world wide, not just in the eastern hemisphere of the world.

It is also funny how it is known that the western mind is so easily offended compered to the eastern mind, which of course this proposed offensiveness distorts reality even more. Look at today how people are so easily offended in the west under the control of this western NWO, a mentality that has also infiltrated the eastern hemisphere of the world as well. “I am a female today, don't dare call me a male as I find this offensive”.

It reminds me of the saying, “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel of apples”, which is true, the same is with a self-serving mindset that the energies are highly distorted, the trick is being aware of these bad apples, distorted energy flows.

One bad energy flow of a rotten apple in a barrel, which causes a massive energy shift within the barrel!! In our case, it seems that the good apples within the barrel are becoming aware to the bad apples, the apples with distorted energy flows.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

The Eastern and Western Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

As we become more integrated and communicative around the world, I think it's essential we become aware of the differences between how we think in regards to other people of different cultures. At times the difference can be huge and at another times quite simular. Of course with the dominance and control of the western mind on the rest of the world, the differences in how we think is diminishing, sadly, eastern people are thinking more inline with western thinking.

I say sadly because it is obvious from the below information that the western mind is more dominating and controlling, even at the expense of the environment to it's own detriment. You have got to wonder, are more western minded people trying to understand eastern thinking to bring balance and a moderated existence back to the world? I should also mention, just because you are living under a western or eastern influence, you can still think and exist to the contrary depending on the influence one wants to exist under.

Extract: The West has consequently developed a materialist science that is focused on the outer world--which it endeavours to control and exploit. In Asia, where most religions have arisen, consciousness has been directed inwardly to understand the essential nature of life.

The Westerners worked longer on the stuff they were told they had aced the first time. The Easterners concentrated on the areas they thought they had botched. Students from the West—where the cult of self-esteem reigns supreme—wanted a tummy rub. Students from the East were more concerned with fixing their blind spots, becoming well-rounded. The Westerners polished up their strengths while the Easterners addressed their weaknesses.

§                  Patterns of attention and perception, with Easterners attending more to environments and Westerners attending more to objects, and Easterners being more likely to detect relationships among events than Westerners.
§                  Basic assumptions about the composition of the world, with Easterners seeing substances where Westerners see objects.
§                  Beliefs about controllability of the environment, with Westerners believing in controllability more than Easterners.
§                  Tacit assumptions about stability vs. change, with Westerners seeing stability where Easterners see change.
§                  Preferred patterns of explanation for events, with Westerners focusing on objects and Easterners casting a broader net to include the environment.
§                  Habits of organizing the world, with Westerners preffering categories and Easterners being more likely to emphasize relationships.
§                  Use of formal logical rules, with Westerners being more inclined to use logical rules to understand events than Easterners
§                  Application of dialectical approaches, with Easterners being more inclined to seek the Middle Way when confronted with apparent contradiction and Westerners being more inclined to insist on the correctness of one belief vs. another.

Extract: We can find the most striking difference in Asian and Western way of thinking. When Asian thinking aims for harmony, Western thinking strives for order. This is because the basic philosophy of Western people is based on the concept of liberty, free market economic system or liberalization of economic system. On the other hand, Asians do not give much importance to the aspects of free competition of the economic system. They are concerned more with the equal distribution of income or solidarity in helping each other among their communities, thereby assuring an egalitarian society.

If your also into the philosophical differences of views, you might like the following as well.

Broadly, speaking,
Western society strives to
find and prove "the truth",
Eastern society accepts the truth as given and
is more interested in finding 
the balance.

Westerners put more stock in individual rights;
Easterners in social responsibly.



This is interesting stuff. I realise more clearly now why the western mind has problems with people like me, we point out where we can become more aware where the western mind only desires to focus on where they are aware.

Another example is standardisation. The western mind tries to standardise everything so everyone standardises when it is obvious the eastern mind doesn't. How many western people standardise spirituality with awareness? Of course to an eastern mind, spirituality and awareness are obvious bed fellows; there is simply no standardisation because there is no expression or motion of control unlike the western mind.

Another example is when the western mind ostracises or has disdain for people for having their own views, especially when these views are pointing out a lack of awareness. To the western mind, pointing out things like this is being critical, to an eastern mind, all one is doing is pointing out where one is lacking awareness. I am often ostracised/blocked on forums by the western mind for pointing out our short falls on my own posts; it's a typical western mind reaction.

Us westerners, in my mind, need to be more aware of our own short falls of the western mind, but of course the western mind only desires to be aware of it's grandeurs, it's strengths not it's weaknesses, this of course is it's weakness. 

I should point out that the eastern mind can be influenced by the western mind to become more of a western mind and visa-versa.