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Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Awareness- A Process of Evolving

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote a post knowing that this post is going to be controversial for some people, however, I received a few replies from people who could see exactly where I was coming from. I don't favour extremism of any kind, even the kind expressed by my own people. All extremisms create terrorism of one kind or another; this is pain we need not experience. We simply ignored the whispers and are now being yelled at.

yes Mathew, it is all awful. There is a lot of sadness here and uncertainty. You are quite right about the background. I can't help thinking that governments need to at least begin to approach the problems with honesty and unselfish intentions. I wonder when they will stop looking backwards for solutions that don't work, and begin to look forwards for the benefit of the whole global family. humph!

My Reply
I certainly feel for everyone in the United Kingdom, this kind of thing just simply needn't happen.

I wish human consciousness would simply grow up/evolve, it doesn't look good though, however in saying this, this kind of thing might just make us evolve in the end.

Australia is right behind in terrorizing these people, I simply don't like it.

I really hope you and your own are never directly affected by this kind of thing. Keep well and safe, surely this can't continue for too long.

ahh thank you.
It is interesting how the upheavals happening all around the world seem to be completely at odds with the idea that we as a human race are now evolving at a faster rate ,,, I do agree that these terrible events may be catalysts but I would like to understand why good things so often come from pain and suffering. I wonder why good things can't just arise from previous good things? Building on positive feelings, thoughts and events rather than reacting against negative ones.Xx

My Reply
Are we truly evolving?

Growing up/evolving from infancy to adulthood usually entails a lot of pain at times of one kind or another. As I wrote a few years ago now, human consciousness is like an infant trying to evolve; it's going to go through growing processes.

As of any consciousness growing up/evolving, it will at times through the process stop evolving, basically, stay child like. To me it simply doesn't want to grow up so there is going to be pain involved. I think the quote, "What is above is also below", is very apt.

As of infancy to adulthood, it's the way we become aware that determines the pain we will go through; it's all to do with how we become aware. Becoming aware simply doesn't have to be painful. For any consciousness, awareness is it's growing process,

You can be loving without being aware but you can't become aware without being loving. Awareness simply creates love, the more aware we become, the more loving we will be. Spiritual awareness proves this, the more spiritually aware we become, the more loving we naturally become. This is very much like, the more of an adult we become, the more responsible we become; human consciousness seems to have simply stopped growing up, becoming aware, collectively.

However, there are people who are still evolving, this simply means that human consciousness collectively hasn't stopped evolving completely, in actuality, our present conscious stagnation has influenced a lot of us to become more aware. There is an imbalance of too much irresponsibility and immaturity within the collective consciousness so some of us have naturally reacted to this. Jesus and Buddha in my mind were a reaction to the consciousness in their time.        

What is negative and what is positive? If something like this makes us more aware, is it altogether negative? I try to stay away from perceiving in negatives and positives, this kind of perceiving can be too bias.

Because we have ignored the whispers, we are now being shouted at to become aware in my mind, this simply should not have been the case, we are simply acting and thinking too immaturely, too unaware to the extent of utter ignorance.

Much Blessings as always Carolyn

PS. I am going to turn our interaction here into a post for my blog.

Supplement: At no time am I bagging (Criticising sarcastically) any culture or people of a country in what I write at times, as of always, telling the truth will, sadly, always make you more enemies than friends. We simply don't like becoming aware of anything unbecoming about ourselves and our culture; we would rather point the finger at other people/cultures than ourselves and our own.

I am simply for peace and harmony, the truth, brought about by awareness and wisdom, supports this kind of truth. There is however another kind of truth, a truth that comes from knowledge and intelligence, this kind of truth noticeably doesn't support peace and harmony. In my mind, any knowledge or intelligence not supported by wisdom isn't truth but a desired truth rather than actual truth.

Also, awareness and wisdom isn't motion, however, the truth that awareness and wisdom creates is of motion, only because there is also untruths. It's these untruths or truths that are not of the whole truth that creates motion. At present, the Delai Lama is a prime example of awareness and wisdom not being of motion.                    

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Our Conditioning -The Empath

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I wrote in my last post about empath's and empathic, there is a difference between being an empath and empathic, however, one can be an empath and empathic as well. Most often this is the case due to our conditioning which means that our environment as a whole will condition us to feel and think in a certain ways. Basically, being empathic as well means that our environment will condition us in certain ways which will influence the way we feel and think.

Being primarily an empath is different to being also empathic or just simply empathic. Being an empath is primarily to do with vibrations with no emotional involvement where's being empathic is all to do with emotional involvement. A good example of this is my reactions to what has occurred in London recently, my reactions are totally empathic because I am emotionally involved to the point in writing a post about this occurrence, however. 

When I bypass the emotions involved in incidences or occurrences like this, I then become the empath, a person who is no longer emotionally involved to the point of just pointing the finger at one cause of the problem, the point of the problem being religious extremism in this case. How many of us have just pointed the finger at religious extremism being the problem here due to being also empathic?  How many of us primarily look at our own governments as being the primary source of extremism today?

Because of our empathic feelings/biases, we only look and feel that the primary problem of extremism and terrorism is religiously based, in actuality we are conditioned to think like this so that we don't become aware or feel the real root cause of today's extremism and terrorism. No one joins an extremist group or starts up an extremist group for no reason, most of the times extremist groups are in retaliation to other forms of extremisms or terrorism.

Extract: Given these complexities, the psychology of terrorism is marked more by theory and opinion than by good science, researchers admit. But a number of psychologists are starting to put together reliable data. They're finding it is generally more useful to view terrorism in terms of political and group dynamics and processes than individual ones, and that universal psychological principles—such as our subconscious fear of death and our desire for meaning and personal significance—may help to explain some aspects of terrorist actions and our reactions to them.

Ask yourself, why is it that we have more terrorist acts acted out against Western people these days? Now ask yourself this, why has the destabilisation by the coalition forces of the Middle East resulted in more terrorist acts? When you have been abused and have had your country pilfered by another culture for centuries, what would the result be of a people psychologically and spiritually?

Now, how many empaths, who are also empathic, feel the vibrations of what is truly going on in the world today? Our empathic feelings are based on the conditioning of our environment, we then allow this conditioning to influence how we pick up on other people's vibrations, especially other groups of people who seem to be extremist in nature.

Now, it might be said that I have no idea how an empath picks up on the vibrations within the environment around them.

I was once at a point that I picked up on the vibrations of the victim and the perpetrator in a number of crimes that actually occurred, I always felt what the victim was feeling first, at no time did this influence me in the way I also picked up on the perpetrators vibrations. In saying this, I was often emotionally sickened by the vibrations expressed by the perpetrators; these emotional feelings at no time stop me from really feeling the person was behind the perpetrator. This is of course in line with the people behind the terrorist acts and the reason these people are the way they are today.

Too often can empaths with empathic feelings feel in accordance with their conditionings and go no further. The reason I know this isn't just to do with my own observations but in how many empaths have judged people like me incorrectly. I have had a chronic injury since I was six years old, in conjunction with the rest of my early years that were quite turbulent, especially family wise, my own vibrations can seem discordant to some people not aware or wise enough to know any better. This again is very much inline with extremists if you like, were empaths only feel the extremist vibrations, not the real vibrations behind the extremism!! I however have had certain empaths who have felt beyond the boundaries of these kinds of conditionings but this is very rare. 

It's actually not the empath side of us that is influenced by the conditionings of our environment; it is always the empathic side of us that is influenced in this way. This is because the empath will feel vibrations void of bad or good, negative or positive, black or white; there is no bias or partiality involved. On the other hand, it is wise to be aware that there is always partiality involved in empathic emotions, especially when we prefer not to be aware or accepting of this. Yes, people like me express empathy but we do it knowing that our empathic emotions can influence in a bias way, giving us a false representation of the vibrations we pick up on.       

The following empath test to find out if you are an empath or not is just for fun, please do not take it seriously.