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Showing posts with label empath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label empath. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Avoiding Self-Deception

Written by Mathew Naismith

Within a reality obviously controlled by the ego, the order of the day is going to be self-deception, this is because the ego in control naturally creates self-deception through simply being itself, it's self only of what serves itself. Most often what doesn't serve the controlling ego is often deemed negative or toxic and most often ostracized, within this, self-deception of the existence of what doesn't serve our egos is ignored or destroyed, usually something deemed as negative by the ego.    

Yes, even an empath, a person who has the ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual, is expressive of pure ego when feeling bad or toxic vibrations. It might not be their own ego they are feeling but its still ego, an ego that separates one from the other. What ego wants to be a part of a toxic vibration? A consciousness less expressive of the ego doesn't have this problem of feeling toxic vibrations, for in this state no other vibration is of serving the ego.

I became aware of this years ego, that all I was doing is serving the ego when, on a continuous basis, I would intuitively experience unbecoming experiences from other people and their experiences. Don't get me wrong here; the ego has a part to play when we intuitively are made aware of certain circumstances, however, what a lot of us do is allow the ego to take control to serve itself through deception. The deception is to deem all that doesn't serve our own egos as negative and/or toxic, this is to separate our egos from anything that doesn't serve our egos desires. How many different and separate spiritual groups are formed today to simply separate the ego from what isn't serving the ego? The ego is simply feeding off itself to serve itself through other like minded people.

Now, what will be the immediate reaction of an ego of self-serving and self-deception be in regards to the truth here? People like me are simply deemed toxic only because we have told the truth, the last thing a self-serving ego desires is the truth in how it actually is. This is why a self-serving ego is self-deceptive; the ego denounces any truth that doesn't directly serve the ego!!

I have had people, who are supposed to be in the know, ask me why I become involved in things that are not of my own, basically, becoming involved in the environment around me that is not of my own vibrations. People like me are simply not controlled by the ego, in saying this, I have observed my own ego in action to the point of an ego in control, the difference is, being aware of this. It's all to do with being aware of when the ego is in control, which isn't easy, especially when the ego becomes self-deceptive to the point of becoming aware of only what serves itself.

People like me couldn't think of anything more destructive than to separate ourselves from what isn't of our own vibrations, to do so would be more of this ego controlled reality, not less. Yes, even a deemed toxic person like me are asked to join these groups in person. I simply make an appearance now and again.

Destruction can only exist within a reality that is separated by various vibrations, try being destructive in a reality where all is one, not of one kind of vibration but the embracement of all vibrations as simply vibrations period. What a lot of us seem to not understand or even comprehend, is it's the separation of vibrations that causes destruction and the creation of bad, negative or even toxic vibrations. It's within this separation of energy that causes one energy to become destructive to what another energy has created. You can't destroy energy itself, only of what energy creates. Energy in motion is ego so anything that energy creates is of the ego. Destruction simply relates to an ego in control, and yes, this includes energy sources like the sun.

More and more people are becoming more of an ego controlled reality, not less. The trick is, to be aware of the ego in control, of course this seems virtually impossible when the ego in control is self-deceptive to the bitter end. It's simply all about awareness; of course a true sense of awareness takes a lot of truth to be acknowledged, which is the last thing the ego desires. Simply being aware of this can help a great deal in overcoming our, the egos, created dilemmas. Yes, even in India self-deception is being embraced over and above the truth.

In deception while ignoring the negatives, of course the world is improving, this within itself is obvious in the ego self-serving itself. To be excessively positive is self-deceptive which goes right along with the present created reality!!

All that is needed is truth within our awareness, not deception within our awareness........

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Our Conditioning -The Empath

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I wrote in my last post about empath's and empathic, there is a difference between being an empath and empathic, however, one can be an empath and empathic as well. Most often this is the case due to our conditioning which means that our environment as a whole will condition us to feel and think in a certain ways. Basically, being empathic as well means that our environment will condition us in certain ways which will influence the way we feel and think.

Being primarily an empath is different to being also empathic or just simply empathic. Being an empath is primarily to do with vibrations with no emotional involvement where's being empathic is all to do with emotional involvement. A good example of this is my reactions to what has occurred in London recently, my reactions are totally empathic because I am emotionally involved to the point in writing a post about this occurrence, however. 

When I bypass the emotions involved in incidences or occurrences like this, I then become the empath, a person who is no longer emotionally involved to the point of just pointing the finger at one cause of the problem, the point of the problem being religious extremism in this case. How many of us have just pointed the finger at religious extremism being the problem here due to being also empathic?  How many of us primarily look at our own governments as being the primary source of extremism today?

Because of our empathic feelings/biases, we only look and feel that the primary problem of extremism and terrorism is religiously based, in actuality we are conditioned to think like this so that we don't become aware or feel the real root cause of today's extremism and terrorism. No one joins an extremist group or starts up an extremist group for no reason, most of the times extremist groups are in retaliation to other forms of extremisms or terrorism.

Extract: Given these complexities, the psychology of terrorism is marked more by theory and opinion than by good science, researchers admit. But a number of psychologists are starting to put together reliable data. They're finding it is generally more useful to view terrorism in terms of political and group dynamics and processes than individual ones, and that universal psychological principles—such as our subconscious fear of death and our desire for meaning and personal significance—may help to explain some aspects of terrorist actions and our reactions to them.

Ask yourself, why is it that we have more terrorist acts acted out against Western people these days? Now ask yourself this, why has the destabilisation by the coalition forces of the Middle East resulted in more terrorist acts? When you have been abused and have had your country pilfered by another culture for centuries, what would the result be of a people psychologically and spiritually?

Now, how many empaths, who are also empathic, feel the vibrations of what is truly going on in the world today? Our empathic feelings are based on the conditioning of our environment, we then allow this conditioning to influence how we pick up on other people's vibrations, especially other groups of people who seem to be extremist in nature.

Now, it might be said that I have no idea how an empath picks up on the vibrations within the environment around them.

I was once at a point that I picked up on the vibrations of the victim and the perpetrator in a number of crimes that actually occurred, I always felt what the victim was feeling first, at no time did this influence me in the way I also picked up on the perpetrators vibrations. In saying this, I was often emotionally sickened by the vibrations expressed by the perpetrators; these emotional feelings at no time stop me from really feeling the person was behind the perpetrator. This is of course in line with the people behind the terrorist acts and the reason these people are the way they are today.

Too often can empaths with empathic feelings feel in accordance with their conditionings and go no further. The reason I know this isn't just to do with my own observations but in how many empaths have judged people like me incorrectly. I have had a chronic injury since I was six years old, in conjunction with the rest of my early years that were quite turbulent, especially family wise, my own vibrations can seem discordant to some people not aware or wise enough to know any better. This again is very much inline with extremists if you like, were empaths only feel the extremist vibrations, not the real vibrations behind the extremism!! I however have had certain empaths who have felt beyond the boundaries of these kinds of conditionings but this is very rare. 

It's actually not the empath side of us that is influenced by the conditionings of our environment; it is always the empathic side of us that is influenced in this way. This is because the empath will feel vibrations void of bad or good, negative or positive, black or white; there is no bias or partiality involved. On the other hand, it is wise to be aware that there is always partiality involved in empathic emotions, especially when we prefer not to be aware or accepting of this. Yes, people like me express empathy but we do it knowing that our empathic emotions can influence in a bias way, giving us a false representation of the vibrations we pick up on.       

The following empath test to find out if you are an empath or not is just for fun, please do not take it seriously.                  

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Empathic verses Empath Feelings

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following post of mine will most likely be of interest to empaths and empathics alike. As I will explain with the assistance of a number of external sources, there is a big difference between being an empath and empathic, however, most often these two instinctive different qualities are used in conjunction with the other.  

There is indeed a big difference between being emphatic and an empath as an article I have inserted the link to will explain further. Basically, empathic refers to feelings based on the psychical side of things, however, being an empath refers to the clairesentient side of things. Clairsentience, which means clear sensing, is the ability to feel the present, past or future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of the normal five senses. Psychics who are clairsentient are able to retrieve information from houses, public buildings and outside areas.

Empathic Definition

Is empathy a feeling or an emotion?
Affective empathy, also called emotional empathy: the capacity to respond with an appropriate emotion to another's mental states. Our ability to empathize emotionally is based on emotional contagion: being affected by another's emotional or arousal state.

What does it mean to be an empathic person?
2. Empaths absorb other people's emotions. Empaths are highly attuned to other people's moods, good and bad. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity such as anger or anxiety, which can be exhausting for them.

Empath and Empathic Description

As I did, I hope you find the following article interesting. 

Extract: Empath is another term for clairsentient. With that, we’re moving from the world of psychology to the world of spiritual healing. An estimated 2-4% of the population is clairsentient (I suspect those numbers may be much lower, but that is a separate discussion) and about 15-20% of the population is HSP.


An empath that is not empathic will not become emotionally involved or upset by what they feel or psychically become aware of through extrasensory perception (ESP). In a true sense, a true empath will not become emotionally involved or upset by what they feel and become aware of. In the case of a true empath that is also not being empathic, being an empath is more to do with awareness than feelings, of course being empathic is more to do with feelings than actual awareness.

A person who is also being an empath as well as empathic, will be influenced by bias. Let's be truthful here, emotions are based on a bias in accordance with the emotions being expressed, the more emotions expressed, the more bias our perceptions will become, a true empath doesn't have this problem with bias. However in saying this, there is always a certain amount of emotions involved in being a true empath, in the case of a true empath though, the bias involved is irrelevant as it has little or no bearing on what is being projected through ESP.

Usually clairvoyants are emotionally detached where psychics are more emotionally attached, however at times psychics are detached, this is basically when a psychic becomes clairvoyant, emotionally detached to a degree.

In my numerous years of observation, often have I observed people who are empaths and empathic often judge other people and situations, through their feelings, in accordance with the bias being expressed through their empathic feelings. They will feel someone's anger, distress or hate, and judge only in accordance with these feelings. They often go no further to become aware of the situation that has created these feelings and the real person behind these feelings. I have observed insurmountable times where other people have been judged in this way by empaths who are also empathic, in actuality, most often these people are more empathic than being an empath.

Simply, feelings are not a true sense of awareness, they are only an awareness of the feelings involved. Of course feelings are a bias in what we become aware of or not, they are not of a whole truth but of part truths only.

In saying this:

Two weeks before the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986, I could feel that the space shuttle Challenger was going to disintegrate in flight. As the disaster came closer to fruition, I could feel the anguish of the people involved, the closer the disaster came, the more anguish I could feel. The feelings I felt were simply horrifying to say the least.

In this case, the feelings were more of an awareness of a coming disaster as I could feel other people's feelings in a future event. Feelings can indeed play a part in an empaths life, however, it is wise to be aware that our empathic feelings can and often do give us false depictions of other people and situations.

I simply feel for empaths who are more empathic than just simply being an empath. It's not a good space to be in but being aware of the difference between an empath and being empathic can assist you, but only if you have a need to be honest with yourself.

Note: I think it is worth reading the article supplied in this post, especially if you are an empath struggling with your emotional feelings.