It is not within the knowing that matters, but in how one deals with the knowing one become aware of.
Knowing all is not the key because a lot of what one can become aware of will only create an imbalance, not a balance, this is due to a lot of what one can become aware of was created from imbalance. However there is a however, for to be ignorant of imbalances will create imbalances of what is not imbalanced. It gets back to how one deals with knowing be it of balance or imbalance. It is in the processes in how one becomes knowing and aware, not if one should become knowing and aware or not.
Came across an interesting query/question recently.
“Is our problem church, religion or bad leaders in power?”
“Is it all the above?
Well, it is none of them because the main problem is ignorance and allowing our emotions to be so easily hijacked for simple pleasures. It is like putting church and/or religion before God, being that God is of no known man made religion or church. It simply comes down to what we desire and/or what creates ephemeral pleasures for us.
It is society as a whole that is the problem. The distortions within society as a whole are created by numerous imbalances within society. Our desires and ephemeral pleasures seem to come before all else, in the process creating immense or insurmountable imbalances within society. In all, it is like ignoring the health of the tribe in favour of individualism.”
Is society conditioned to becoming knowing and aware based on individualism rather than collectivism, where the health and wealth of the tribesmen come before the health and wealth of the tribe?
A balanced healthy society is created when the health of the tribe comes first. Yes, I think it is this simple.