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Showing posts with label imbalance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imbalance. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Knowing, a Matter of Principle


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is not within the knowing that matters, but in how one deals with the knowing one become aware of.

Knowing all is not the key because a lot of what one can become aware of will only create an imbalance, not a balance, this is due to a lot of what one can become aware of was created from imbalance. However there is a however, for to be ignorant of imbalances will create imbalances of what is not imbalanced. It gets back to how one deals with knowing be it of balance or imbalance. It is in the processes in how one becomes knowing and aware, not if one should become knowing and aware or not.

Came across an interesting query/question recently.

Is our problem church, religion or bad leaders in power?”

“Is it all the above?

Well, it is none of them because the main problem is ignorance and allowing our emotions to be so easily hijacked for simple pleasures. It is like putting church and/or religion before God, being that God is of no known man made religion or church. It simply comes down to what we desire and/or what creates ephemeral pleasures for us.

It is society as a whole that is the problem. The distortions within society as a whole are created by numerous imbalances within society. Our desires and ephemeral pleasures seem to come before all else, in the process creating immense or insurmountable imbalances within society. In all, it is like ignoring the health of the tribe in favour of individualism.”

Is society conditioned to becoming knowing and aware based on individualism rather than collectivism, where the health and wealth of the tribesmen come before the health and wealth of the tribe?

A balanced healthy society is created when the health of the tribe comes first. Yes, I think it is this simple.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Demoniac, A Balancing Act


Written by Mathew Naismith

Night and day is a balancing act that promotes natural fertility. The Earth itself flourishes when there is a balance between night and day, meaning, night and day are not of extreme temperatures like on other planets within our solar system. The more balance there is within night and day temperatures, the more fertile the Earth becomes.

So what causes human consciousness to become more fertile, resulting in further conscious growth?

Demoniac relates to a frenzied state of consciousness, a state of consciousness that refers to a consciousness that is out of control. Demoniac also makes reference to a consciousness or soul that is possessed by demons. Out of control makes direct reference to an energy flow that is imbalanced, just like if our own nights and days on Earth were not in balance to create fertility/growth. You may think this is incorrect, that an imbalance like this leads to significant growth, in that it seems that anyone who becomes apart of this demoniac state of consciousness benefits the most, their fame and fortune grows exponentially, like in the western entertainment industry. Too often is the demoniac mentioned and expressed by people in the entertainment industry these days. This type of growth does not lead to fertility, also, the growth is one sided which directly relates to an imbalance.

Imagine what would occur if we had only one hour of sunlight every day of the year, or, that night time was that bitterly cold that plant life died off, this demoniac state of consciousness is just like this. Look at how the lack of Co2 will lead to further plant loss. Have you noticed that any sense of decency today is being excommunicated, driven out of society as an undesirable, like truth and honesty? The replacement to what is decent, truthful and honest is of a frenzied state of consciousness, and probably of demonic possession because once you have hijacked people's emotion, you can often use them a you want, like Adolph Hitler did. Hijacking people's emotions to use as one likes is very much like demonic possession, as the emotion of people are now not of their own.

Something of an imbalanced demoniac state of consciousness simply refers to a distorted state of consciousness therefore reality. Look at the reality that so many young people today are in due this distortion, imbalance mind set. I think Ireland now officially recognises 72 genders!!

By knowing what causes a state of infertility and a reverse in conscious growth through distortions caused by significant imbalance, we should know what causes a state of fertility and growth.

What if I told you that the existence of excessive imbalances and distortions creates a reality of fertility and growth for all!! So why is this not occurring within our reality? Because this New World Order and everyone it has emotionally hijacked is out of control and most dominant. If humanity was based on wisdom, wisdom would tell us not to go down the road of demoniac possession, we would have a reality based on perfect balance but that is not the case. As mere human beings, we need the existence of this demoniac state of consciousness to keep us in conscious balance and in perfect harmony with our environment.

The existence of the demoniac was meant to keep us in balance, a warning to not become too imbalanced with our surrounding environment, however, many of us have chosen to go down this road, especially the people who have power over the rest of humanity. Yes, I relate emotional hijacking to demonic possession. Any energy of this kind of distortion was meant to be a warning to us, to keep us in balance, this simply has not occurred mainly because we have had our emotions hijacked to one degree or another. This demoniac type of consciousness could be our best friend, a friend that keeps us on the straight and narrow, sadly, it would seem too many of us have abused this friendship.

Monday, 17 June 2024

Feeling Energy: Hoogly-Boogly!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I said that there is not a person in history that has not felt an energy flow or shift.

So is feeling energy flows from people, the environment period, hoogly-boogly, indecipherable nonsense, of a distorted mind set? I will explain very simply why it is not.

Concerts; where the audience amplifies the energy that performers/bands convey. The atmosphere amplified by the audience can be quite electric/exhilarating, an energy state that performers try to attain.

Nature; where trees, rocks, scenery, water, etc, is amplified by the energy mother nature herself conveys.

Sports; when what is called the zone in sports is attainable simply through focus, when one's own energy is pinpointed to a certain task at the same time being of the absence of external distractions/stimulants.

Recently, my wife and I experienced one of the most haunting energy flows in our lives, especially from people who acted as if they were friends of ours. I think this kind of distorted imbalanced energy emanating from certain so-called friends made it even more haunting. We did not become angry or hostile, like what we experienced, just surprised and highly disappointed that a number of people we know could be influenced to amplify such energy.

So when I say that my wife and I could feel the most aggressive energy flow that we have ever experienced in our life, especially from friends in our case, this distorted energy flow was right in line with the above.

People can be influenced by balanced energy as they can be influenced by imbalanced distorted energy, often in the process amplifying the energy in question. The aggressive energy flow that my wife and I experienced should have never been experienced in the presence of friends by us, which of course tells us there was no true friendship with these people to start with. In saying this, people can, like in regards to a concert, nature, sports, etc, amplify this energy without knowing it. I think, in our case this is what occurred. You only need one person to convince people to amplify their type of energy on to everybody else, like Adolph Hitler, this was the same in our case sadly enough.

When you look around today, how many people are being influenced to amplify a specif energy, often energy that is harmful or abusive to other people? If the energy being conveyed is harmful and/or abusive to other people the conveyor of the energy flow desires to harm and abuse for personal gain, my advice is to not amplify such energies. Often this amplified energy comes right back on the people amplifying such energies. The amplifiers of energy like this are simply being used by the conveyor or people who benefit from such energies amplified. Look at the people who really benefited from the pandemic and following vaccines that have notably caused far more harm than good.

People like me, which are many, who have immediate access to well balanced energy states, created by using a number of ancient practices, can neutralise imbalanced distorted energy flows by simply feeling energy from more balanced energy states. The balanced energy flows that I am experiencing these days is becoming more and more energetic/ stronger, this is in spite of the abusive environment we are all influenced or governed by at present, now that is saying something.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Express Being Truly Unlimited

Written by Mathew Naismith

All that truly exists is an unlimited state; anything else from this is an illusion. A perception of a state of being limited.....Mathew G

A state of limited potential and perception simply doesn't exist. While one being, one entity or one energy source is expressing motion, especially to extremes, a state of limitations simply doesn't and can't exist. Even if I was to limit my personal self, consciousness, to certain states void of the ego, motion period, I am still not in a limited state while any other kind of motion is being expressed in and through anything else. Yes, extremes motion also has it's place within an unlimited state, anything else would be limiting.

Consider this, energy itself is unlimited within it's expressions, within it's motion, this means it's also unlimited to what form it takes. Energy itself is infinite in nature, it's not finite. You can't destroy energy, as science has proven, yes, you can transform the form energy takes but you can't destroy the energy that creates form and existence as a whole. I look at it this way, energy is the spirit within all things, it's the life force of all things, of all motion, without this spirit, without energy, all things become limited. Of course this is impossible as there is no such thing as a limited state.

However, we can indeed enter into states of consciousness or non-consciousness where there is a perception of a state of limitations. Within this state, motion seems to not exist therefore energy; it's a state where the spirit within all things simply doesn't exist. Yes, this state also exists because this is how unlimited we are as a whole, there are simply no boundaries, no limitations even within a limited state.

So often I get people stating they are not expressive of the ego or judgment, while at the same time egotism and judgment is expressed to an extreme through certain kinds of other energy sources. If motion is being expressed in any sense from any kind of source, we are ourselves of that motional expression, everything is. Actually, a state void of ego and motion period is as limited as a state can be, also, being expressive of motion to any extreme is limiting. A good example of this is materialism, wealth and power overriding all other motions especially by force and control. Once a motion, an energy source, loses balance between one in favour of the other, a reality of limited potential exists, this of course in turn creates a reality of limitations. Sounds awfully familiar!!

Any energy or non-energy source that is limited in nature will of course be destructive in nature; this includes the so-called ultimate state where there is no ego or motion period. This state is obvious within it's destructiveness to motion period because motion period is unable to exist in this state. We might not think this motionless state isn't destructive when within this state motion is simply non-existent. How many people are trying to say we are only truly of this motionless ultimate state, while within a state of extreme motions? This state is simply destructive in nature to motion even within states of motion by refuting that we are unlimited to all potential, to motion and motionlessness, not just to one potentiality of motionlessness.

This is why I personally love the perception of God, as opposed to a God of man which is limiting and not infinite in nature. The perception of God represents everything without bias or prejudice, within this, there is simply no exclusions based on a particle perception or ideology/philosophy stating we are limited to a certain states of existence. There are simply no limitations to existence or our truer being; it simply doesn't exist as no state of limitations do. Yes, states of limited potential do exist but not really, not when we consider the whole of things, of course to realise this, one must go way outside our own present reality based on it's own limitations. As a whole, states of limitations need to also exist for there to be truly no limitations.

So what does all this mean?

Extremes of any kind are destructive in nature, either it be of motion being destructive to motionless or visa-versa, it's just simply destructive because it's a state that is limited and imbalanced with the rest of what it is. This is why people like me often mention about moderation and balance within all things without any exclusion through bias or prejudice.

Yes, expressing the ego in moderation, expressing motion period in moderation, is actually more spiritual that not tying to be expressive of motion period. The reason for this simply lies within it's own limitlessness, also, at no time is anyone just of one state and not of others, this is an impossibility because these limitations simply don't exist overall but they do exist within their own limitations. This is a true state on unlimited potentiality.

Limited perceptions simply denote an imbalance while unlimited perceptions denote balance. One is naturally destructive to all else, the other constructive to all else, it is what it is by nature.....Mathew G   

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Balance Creates Love

Written By Mathew Naismith

To me, a true sense of balance creates love through a natural process in states of balance, the reason I think this is explained in the following post I posted on a forum. Balance/moderation is simply bliss which creates a sense of love of everything void of bias or prejudice. A moderated thought process negates all extremes thus creating a true sense of balance that then creates a true sense of love.

As we go within, extremes have less of an influence over us, the extrication of these extremes are simply replaced with a sense of love. The reason for this is simple; extremes denote imbalances and lust/desire, by becoming less influenced by extremes bring balance which allows a truer sense of love to influence us instead of extremes. Influences from extremes are simply replaced by the influences of love.    


This is interesting, is a true state of balance of divine consciousness (spirit) or human consciousness (mind)? 

Considering that humans have always and probably always will express extremes, it is unlikely a true state of balance is of human consciousness; it's probably why human consciousness struggles to maintain some kind of balance in life.

When we presume and perceive that divine consciousness is love and that love is above all else, is this not an expression of an extreme. It's very human to desire the opposite of what one is existing in, especially if one is not physiologically happy with their present environment.

Consider this, is not saying that divine consciousness is primarily of love not stating an absolute? If we took away all the love and hate within the world, all we would be left with is bliss, the reason for this lies within these extreme expressions. There is no true sense of balance within extreme expressions, in one trying to over power the other all the times, a true sense of balance simply can't exist within such an existence.

So why do we perceive that divine consciousness is only of an extreme such as love?

Psychologically looking at this, human nature perceives what it desires to be of, not what it doesn't desire to be of, especially if it has any kind of disdain (contempt) towards it's present environment. It is simply natural for humans to desire something to be what it's not just to escape from its present environment.

It is natural when a state of true balance exists bliss and love are present, however, when a state of imbalance exists, chaos and hate are present and naturally so. So is divine conciseness (spirit) primarily of and expressive of love or balance?  If the spirit within all things was of an extreme, everything would also express and be of extremes but there simply not.

So if everything of the spirit within all things is balance, why isn't everything of balance?  Where you have yin and yang, is where you have balance but you also have imbalance, it's simply a natural law of existence as a whole.

Human represents imbalance where divine consciousness represents balance. To me, we presume too much while collectively in a state of chaos and mayhem. The divine consciousness, unlike ourselves, is not of an extreme of any kind, we simply perceive it to be so because of what we psychologically desire.

As of many Eastern teachings teach, balance/moderation is the key, not love.

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.” 
Lao TzuTao Te Ching

 “Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 
Jalaluddin RumiThe Essential Rumi

You can be still and still moving. Content even in your discontent.

Ram Dass