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Showing posts with label unison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unison. Show all posts

Monday, 10 February 2020

Energy as a Whole is Alive

Written by Mathew Naismith

This may be a strange way of looking at this but look at energy as a whole as being alive. What occurs when you treat another living entity on the physical plain in a kind caring way?  Now, what would occur if we treat the same energy in an abusive way? Truly, energy as a whole is just like this, now imagine the kind of reality we could create!!

As I wrote recently.    

“Sorry about this but I like to try to look beyond the human mentality at what humans at present perceive what is and isn’t.

Is enlightenment a purer source of love, different to what an unenlightened source such as human consciousness would perceive love to be or represent?

Considering I have not come across any human consciousness close to Buddha enlightenment, what would we truly know about what Buddha enlightenment/love  represents?  We often talk about some kind of higher plain, consciousness or vibration, but do we really know what we are talking about when we are nowhere near to understanding Buddha enlightenment/love? Yes, we have a very human or ego perception of what love is, but very few of us are close to being actually enlightened in any sense of the word.

Now the big question is, do we have to be enlightened to manipulate or influence energy?

The further humans become enlightened in knowledge, the more manipulative we have become in relation to energy.  So we can manipulate energy in the absence of actual enlightenment, but is it wise as it is obviously not wise to become enlightened in knowledge in the absence of wisdom?

There is no mistake that actual real enlightenment has become known to us as of wisdom. Manipulating energy in the absence of wisdom and/or enlightenment is indeed very risky, this is no different to what the collective human consciousness is doing at present.  As we know very little about enlightenment or even wisdom, we know very little about how to work in unison with energy.

I wrote something years ago stating that energy itself as a whole is alive, treat it so and…….The rest is beyond the comprehension of human consciousness itself.”

To be perfectly honest, what humans perceive to be love isn’t universal, it is simply human. Universal love is, for example, of Buddha or God enlightenment which very few humans have any real idea of it would seem.  This kind of love is caring and kind to all energy, to the same degree.  This means negative, bad, wrong or distorted energy is treated and looked upon in the exactly same way as positive, good, right or undistorted energy. Now, how many people actually do this? I don’t do this myself to any great extent but people like me are at least aware of this. 

So why are we abusing energy at an astonishing rate at present?

The way we are abusing energy is not abating, in all honesty we are abusing energy at a phenomenal rate. This abuse is actually increasing, not decreasing.

I have in my possession numerous possessions that are not mine to own but are simply on loan to me. How many people today perceive that they own their own possessions?  For an example, gold possession is no different to possessing control over energy in any way. You really don’t want to control energy as if it is yours to do with as you like, as to control energy in this way is simply an illusion of control over energy. Yes, you can manipulate this energy but it is the energy itself that has control. Can multinationals that control billions of life forms controls these life forms after these life forms reach the end of their life cycle?

The perception of controlling energy is really an illusion, what is not an illusion is when we influence energy in unison with energy as a whole. A prime example of this, in my mind, is the creation or existence of the universe itself. Yes, multinationals and certain spiritually aware people, for an example, seem to control energy. First of all this is only in part, not as a whole. Secondly, is a multinational or spiritually aware person in control of their ego?  The ego is in control, not you as a whole. Both multinationals and spiritually aware people can indeed manifest what they desire, but only within an ego controlled reality, not as a whole. Realities controlled by the ego are very limited mainly because of the illusionary perception of controlling energy. You can’t control energy for to try to do so is very unnatural.

Yes, when you work in unison with energy as a whole, the ego sees this as taking control. In all honesty, all you are doing is releasing yourself from the illusionary state of taking control of energy. This is the same with enlightenment. You are simply releasing yourself from the illusion of taking control of energy, a very alive energy. The only part of us that desires to take control of energy is the ego in control. In all honesty, we are within this reality only minutely alive at present.

How could you take control of an energy, an energy that created this universe?  Everything within this universe is of the same energy, and we are still trying to possess and take control of this energy!!  It is bewildering…….

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Using Energy Wisely

Written by Mathew Naismith

Look around you, everything is energy and can be both controlled and manipulated or you can work with and in unison with this energy, there is a huge difference. A martial artist, with the knowledge of Prana or Chi energy, is working with and in unison or as one with their own and their environments energy. There is no sense of control or manipulation of energy. All that one is doing is influencing energy, in harmony with this energy, with Chi and Prana energy, working as one energy source instead of separate energy sources. In martial arts, you often influence another person's energy to work against them. It's their own energy that is disharmonious to themselves!!  

Man, especially at present, is still trying to control and manipulate energy, look at how the race to control and manipulate the Earths natural energy resources is occurring at present. Of course the race to control and manipulate man made energy resources is also occurring. Will we ever evolve from a state of control and manipulation of energy? If humans survive their control and manipulation of energy, abuse of energy, human consciousness will most certainly evolve in my mind. The strangest thing is, working in harmony and unison with energy will give humans an existence they can only dream about at present.

We are not talking about being more powerful here, even though through our present perceptions this would seem the case. What we are talking about is being at one and being as one with energy as a whole. Imagine all energy in existence acting and being as one in unison and in harmony!! In regards to our present perceptions, you couldn't imagine anything more powerful. There is simply no true power to be had from controlling and manipulating energy though. The reason for this is that you have to keep drawing energy in to keep up the level of energy, otherwise the energy level drop. This is very unstable way to use (abuse) energy. When working with and in unison and harmony with energy as a whole, one doesn't need to keep the levels up by drawing in more and more energy. There are simply no levels to maintain as you become the energy you are expressing in motion. Imagine not expelling or using up energy while of and in motion!! I do believe certain martial artists are or have been of this state. 

To be powerful is to separate energy to be powerful over the environment through control and manipulation of energy. Where would the perception of power come from if we become one with energy as a whole, even though we would be able to influence our environment a lot more wisely and constructively? Within this state, the perception of power is absent only because the perception of control and manipulation of energy as a whole is absent. Now, how is a consciousness, conditioned to control and manipulations (power) over its environment, going to evolve further in consciousness?

What you need to do is imagine not separating energy or consciousness. Imagine all energy or consciousness working in unison and in harmony. Now imagine that we are not alone in the universe, that other far more aware entities exist than ourselves. Now imagine that we are at one with this energy, there is no separation of human consciousness from alien consciousness. This, I believe through my own experiences and other people's experiences, is occurring.
It is understandable that a mind conditioned to three dimensional aspects and spheres, will deny the existence of aliens or anything that can't be explained by a Westernised three dimensionally controlled mind. However, it's the Eastern mind in all of us that comprehends beyond three dimensional aspects and spheres, and the existence of any other entities far more aware and consciously advanced that our own. I believe Hinduism is a prime example of this. Awareness and advancements in consciousness are defined in how we use energy. Is it really wise to use up and abuse energy like we are doing? We can influence our environment in huge ways if we were only aware in how to use energy as a whole.

If the following video is of a true event or not has no bearing on the way we use energy. Going by my own experiences and knowledge of energy, it is very possible that our environment can be influenced to behave in a certain way. My advice is to stay away from trying to control and manipulate energy. Learn to work in unison and in harmony with energy is my best advice.           

My reply to this video and others people's replies to this video.

Amazing how the Western mind thinks, especially while being limited to and by three dimensional aspects and spheres. No amount of evidence will be enough to convince a limited mind like this, this is because all evidence has to be of three dimensional aspects and spheres.

It's a good thing that a lot of quantum physicists don't limit their mind to Dark Age perceptions and perspectives like this. The science of tomorrow will have evolved further as it has always done, beyond the present Dark Age mentality, beyond third dimensional aspects and spheres. Of course like in the Religious Dark Ages, you will have your devout followers who will fight evolution to the bitter end, sticking to their Dark Age doctrines/concepts.

It is obvious to people like me we need to evolve from the present Dark Age mentality. Of course if a mind has not experienced this kind of occurrence itself, especially a Western mind limited to three dimensional aspects and spheres, denial is always going to exist within such a mind.

There is a difference in how the Western and Eastern mind works in all of us.