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Showing posts with label untouchables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label untouchables. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 December 2019

The Untouchable You

Quote: Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.
R Buckminster Fuller

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine experiencing a reality, any reality, and not being subject to the control of such a reality. Yes, you have chosen to become a part of such a reality but you are not subject to the control of the said reality, in that you have chosen to experience a controlling reality as of the present human reality.

As we all should be aware of, certain multinationals are trying to control all the resources on this planet including all human resources without exception.

I laugh because not all human resources are subject or can be subjected to this kind of control. At no time, for example, was Jesus subjected or gave into the control of Roman control over him. Yes, Jesus experienced the full force of Roman control multinationally, but at no time did Jesus allow himself to be of this kind of control. He was subjected to this kind of control, in other words experienced this kind of control, but never became a subject to this kind of control even under severe duress. You could say that he never sold he's soul to the devil.

There are people who can't be subjugated to the control of today's multinationals, not just immaterially but materially. Yes, these untouchables will experience what is of the present reality in some way, but they are in a state that this is a choice. No amount of subjugation immaterially or materially by today's multinationals can touch them without them choosing so. For a good reason, Jesus chose to be controlled materially but not immaterially.

Without exception, anyone can become an untouchable; it is a choice but a choice that seems to becoming less of a choice for the majority of people. Why?

Firstly, look at how you become an untouchable, even materially. You must have the will to give up all that is material, not that you actually do give up all that is material, you just have to be willing to give up all that is material. In this case the immaterial takes precedence over the material at all times, even when of great material wealth. Think on this, Jesus chose to forfeit his life, not just some kind of material possession, which shows the state Jesus was in. How many multinationals would be willing to give up their material possessions for the good of humanity as a whole? Well, they certainly wouldn't forfeit their own lives for the good of humanity as a whole, for they are themselves primarily controlled by material desires.

Becoming an untouchable is not about taking control of anything, including your thoughts or a controlling ego. Allow your thoughts or ego to freely express itself at will, while being aware of how controlling the ego can be over us and how destructive this kind of control can be, at the same time, not giving into the control and destructiveness of a controlling ego. Yes, allow your ego to express itself at will, but at no time allow yourself to be subjugated to the egos control, like the multinationals of old and new are.

The untouchable you has nothing to do with control in any sense but an awareness in the absence of bias, desires and control. As we have used awareness throughout human history to gain more control, thus to feed our desires, we have created a reality to be controlled by a very small minority, in the process creating demi-God's.

For only can a demi-God exist within such a week willed consciousness as itself......Mathew G

Monday, 7 January 2019

The Very Real Untouchables

Written by Mathew Naismith

When we humanly think of the untouchables, we often think of people in authority who can do as they will to their environment. This includes looking down at other people as of a lesser value or quality for what ever reason. These reasons can vary from material wealth and power to spirituality, where negatives and pain are avoided at all cost, even at the cost of other people and the environment as a whole. How many spiritually aware people today look down at the negatives as of a lesser value or quality than the positives? Of course when you look down at these negatives as being of a lesser value, you also look down at the people expressing these negatives as of a lesser person than yourself.

As you become aware, you actually become more active within a negative environment, not less. You don't become less active within a negative environment because you actually observe less negativity, not more negativity the more you become aware of an environment. I will explain.

A truly aware consciousness doesn't see humans in pain or in trauma, it is simply observed as an experience created by a consciousness being unaware or deliberately ignorant. You can only experience pain as pain when a consciousness is unaware. It is like how we today are highly abusive to energy; this is instead of using energy in unison and harmony with energy itself. Humans often make the mistake and think that energy itself is lifeless, even when a seemingly lifeless energy created us and the universe to begin with. Because after so many centuries human consciousness as whole is still living in ignorance to energy itself, and how to use this energy, we still exist in pain and of creating pain for other people and the environment as a whole.

How many psychotherapists and Hindu gurus, for example, live in harmony within a disharmonious (negative) environment because they are more aware, either spiritually and/or mentally? Pain and trauma are simply observed as a creation of ignorance, of course the only way to relieve a consciousness from such abuse, is to awaken a consciousness to what is creating their pain and trauma to begin with. You should be getting some idea now of what I mean by the real untouchables.

Multinationals see themselves as untouchables, the ability to do as one desires unto an environment at will. To a consciousness that is not aware, multinationals are untouchables but to the real untouchables, multinationals are highly vulnerable, probably more vulnerable than most other people for their energy is sucked off of other sources of energy. Any energy form that relies on other energy forms to exist is indeed highly vulnerable to a consciousness that is more aware. Yes, if you're positive energy exists only because negative energies exist, your positive energy is sucked off of negative energies by staying ignorant to these negative energies. It is a strange way to become and stay positive, avoid negatives at all cost, even at the cost of other people and the environment!!

Real untouchables observe far less negatives to avoid, in actuality real untouchables don't observe or judge what is and isn't negative period, they simply observe a conscious state trying to exist in ignorance. To the real untouchables, there is no pain, only of what ignorance creates. Make no mistake, the ignorant will indeed feel pain for this is a natural part of a consciousness existing in ignorance. This is why the real untouchables don't interfere in such a reality based on pain that has been naturally created by ignorance. It is natural for a consciousness to experience this kind of pain in such a state of ignorance.

So what can we do to live more in harmony within such a reality?

- Avoid abusing energy period, this also means trying to avoid existing off of other energy forms in disharmony. Try to work in harmony and in unison with energy, all energy, in the absence of the exclusion of energies that don't fulfil our desires.

- Don't try to become positive through the ignorance of negative energy. All this does is give negative energy more room to expand as we are seeing at present.                       

-Try to avoid judging or simply observing an unaware or ignorant state of consciousness as being negative. An unaware state of consciousness will create pain and suffer more pain but the more aware a consciousness becomes, in any environment, the less pain one will feel.

- So many spiritually aware people are feeling all these negative vibrations these days, there are so many more negative vibrations to avoid these days to stay positive!! This simply shows people like me how unaware we are becoming, not more aware, for only in ignorance can so much pain be created and experienced (felt). This doesn't mean we shouldn't try to avoid being controlled by abusive energy forms, in actuality avoiding these kinds of energy takes away their power and control, but at no time stay deliberately ignorant to these types of energy especially to fulfil your desires.

 - I really do mean this, in a more aware state you actually should feel less negatives vibrations and pain in any environment, not more. In saying this, pain is our friend. When we are mentally strained, our minds make us aware, through mental trauma, to what pain has been creating. It is the same with physical injury when pain tells us of the injury incurred. The pain we feel today holistically is telling us of the injury to human consciousness. Pain is no longer simply critically judged as being negative the more we become aware, therefore the less pain you should feel/experience.

- I have said this a number of times before, be careful of people who teach through the lack of actual life experiences themselves, people who plagiarize their experiences through other people's experiences. Reading books and workshops are of other people's experiences and is most often manipulated to fulfil a certain desired result. Try to listen to the people who have experienced pain and trauma and who have overcome insurmountable obstacles.

- Lastly, try to accept that a consciousness existing in ignorance will naturally create an abusive existence. Pain is a natural part of a consciousness existing in ignorance, of course becoming aware of what the pain is telling us can be a daunting process. We expect a consciousness deliberately existing in ignorance to become instantly aware of the pain it creates for itself!! As of the Hindu guru or psychotherapist, for example, be patient and particularly impartial.