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Friday, 23 June 2017

Beyond the Ego-Deeper Reflections

Written by Mathew Naismith

You now and again, through the passage of life, come across people who are deeply reflective, a bloke I have known for some time now of the name of Michael Hopkins is but one of these people. Mike's poems seem to reflect an awareness beyond the control of the controlling ego expressions. To an ego in control, Mike's poems would seem non-sequential rhetoric to the ego mind, very simular to my own reflections. As of any experience in the offering, the ego in control usually misses out in these experiences that are on offer.

This kind of awareness and subsequent experiences that are beyond the expressions of a controlling ego, is often taken to be egotistic by the ego mind. It's amazing how the ego mind stops us from experiencing the true reality of life, in turn, stopping our mind from becoming aware beyond the ego mind. When you go beyond the ego mind, there is simply no misery mainly because there is no separation, only in separation (unawareness) can a consciousness suffer within it's own misery.


"Mind cannot see Love

Which is not within it’s view

Only reflections"

© 2017. M.N. Hopkins

My Reply
Very good point Mike, how could a true sense of love become aware to the ego mind?

It's been there recently for me to write about how the ego mind isn't aware of all it experiences. How often does a child's ego mind, especially in adolescence, refute the full existence of their parents love and affection? They are often quite unaware, especially when the parent/parents are in a teaching mode, in other words preparing the child for adulthood trials and tribulations.

How often is the macho ego mind of an adult not fully aware of their partner's full love, affections and feelings? How aware is an egoistic female?

My wife or I make a mess in the house; it matters not who cleans it up because it's always our mess. A true sense of love is binding, a false sense of love is separating. Love and light is a prime example of this separation from dark, of course the dark is only as negative as the light perceives. In a lot of couple's relationships, a mess made by the other partner is seen as a negative so they don't clean it up or clean it up under protest. My wife and I have a neutral existence/relationship, everything is neutral with no separation of negative or positive, dark and light, within this, we become aware of the experiences beyond the egos control.           

These experiences are there but the ego mind either doesn't become aware of them or turns them it something the ego mind relates to. The ego mind is seemingly unable to comprehend anything it can't relate to so these experiences are either not noticed or they are turned into something the ego relates to. In this sense of turning an experience into something the ego can relate to is of deception.

We all experience so much, especially the experiences that are not picked up through the five senses. People like you and I are very lucky Mike.

Indeed we are Mat. Makes living in the world a bit easy to have some slight distance from the dictates of ego. Happy weekend Mat and same to your dear wife.

My Reply
If you don't mind Mike, I'm going to insert your reflection here on my post. You are a very in-depth and reflective person Mike, I am very lucky to have crossed your path in life. 

"Only can the ego awaken to itself through it's own inner reflections"......Mathew G

Are people like Mike and I egoistic in the way we express ourselves within our writings?

"Only the ego mind can judge what is and isn't of the ego"......Mathew G

To express an awareness is ego but not necessarily of a controlling ego, in actuality, a controlling ego is anything but aware, for all a controlling ego can comprehend is ego. This basically means a controlling ego is only aware of it's own reflections, anything beyond these reflections just simply doesn't exist to the ego. This simply means that anything that the ego is aware of, like what people like Mike and I write about, has to be egoistic. 

"There is a point were the ego is wise or wised up to itself, only then is the ego able to make itself fully aware.....Mathew G

The ego needs ego to make itself aware of itself. Seen as all motion denotes ego, this includes writings based in inner reflections. It's difficult to avoid this and at no time should this be avoided. "A controlling ego desires to stay ignorant, for it is only of itself and about itself, nothing else exists to the ego in control". Used correctly, the ego can be exceptionally enlightening, however, this can only occur if it doesn't judge it's own ego self as something to avoid and detest, basically, have fear upon it's own reflections.

"It is wise to never fear being expressive of the ego for only in this fear is the ego in total control"....Mathew G

Try making the ego aware of itself through non-egoistic reflections; it simply will not occur as the ego is unaware of anything not of itself. The ego needs ego reflections to become aware of itself; it's this simple. Again, the ego used correctly is exceptionally enlightening to the ego mind, only can this occur though when the ego is not in control of the mind.

"The mind is what we make it to be. If it's of ego, ego it will be. If it's of pure awareness, pure awareness it will be"......Mathew G

My wife and I have a female garden nursery owner in awe. I'm usually jovial and I joke around a lot, especially in relation to my wife. This alone has this lady in awe, sadly, it would seem this lady has experienced very little of this from her partner/partners in her life.

When my wife mentioned about how I cook, wash and wipe the dishes, clean the house, this lady was even more in awe. I don't think we will mention about how I iron my own clothes and make the bed every morning, etc. 

To someone who is macho (egocentric), I am completely under the thumb, meaning, being under my wife's control, however, all I am doing is existing in a neutral existence with my wife. The ego in control simply can't comprehend this, there has to be a form of control, not of releasing control.

It's simply amazing how the ego in control stops us from experiencing the things in life that are enlightening and working in harmony together as one, I suppose after all, the ego in control is anything but aware of anything that is not of itself!!    


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  2. Hello Mat:

    Thanks for the kind words. I am honoured.

    When I write I am usually in a half trance state. I am aware of my body and surrounding environment yet at the same time I am touching to another realm. It's as if I have one foot on Earth and one foot in another dimension with a very high frequency. Thoughts and emotions are so clear and I see or observe life with a greater clarity. It does not last so long but much information comes thru. I write it down quickly and then often look at the words and change them or change phrases until I get a flow or ease that helps others understand what is said even if not consciously.

    Again, thanks for the kind words and link to my poem.

    Kindest & warmest regards from up wander.

    1. My pleasure my friend, I will share that which makes the ego look beyond it's own understanding, I believe this is important at the stage of the game.

      Much Blessings as always.
