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Thursday, 31 May 2018

Unconditional Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would create a few videos so that my readers are able to put a persona behind what I write, also, it would seem the visual effect is more preferable these days. 

In brief; the basis and makeup of unconditional love is of no conditions, basically, the main attribute of unconditional love is the absence of conditions. This means a state or an awareness of a true form of unconditional love is of the absence of positive and negative, good and bad, light and dark, wrong and right, black and white, there is simply no perception of separation.

Most often unconditional love is associated or even attributed to love and light. There seems to be a misperception here, the ideology of love and light has huge amounts of conditions, being of or limited to the light and positive thinking are but a few conditions the ideology of love and light has. Another primary condition of love and light is avoiding or separating oneself from anything deemed negative.

People like me today are now deemed/judged negative and even toxic, only because we tell the truth in what is obvious. Within my 54 years, the obvious truth has become negative; this is in favour of believing love and light is associated with unconditional love when love and light obviously has huge amounts of conditions attached to this kind of ideology today.

A true sense of love and light is of unconditional love but only if unconditional love is not limited to conditions. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

A reflection

My first vid, it is what it is, a reflection of my truer nature and present concerns.  

Saturday, 26 May 2018

To What Is What

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before I continue, the above title is what is known as a prepositional phrase in English, for example of this, in Japanese, house from instead of, from the house, and in Finnish, house.from instead of, from the house. I tend to use both prepositions and postpositions, being that the English language is predominantly made up of prepositions, it's no wonder people like me are often misunderstood.      

Like any ideology, the ideology of love and light has its place; it is what it is because of its environment, without this environment it simply couldn't exist. This is known as a postposition as the example of Japanese and Finnish show above. The house, the environment, which created love and light, comes first instead of love and light coming first.

What we are talking about here is a mentality of postposition instead of a mentality of what is known as prepositions. A consciousness conditioned to the English language is obviously going to have a mentality of prepositions; love and light have always existed way before what created it, all that is negative/toxic to love and light. In actuality one creates the other; this is a postpositional and prepositional view/mentality. If you like, a balance of yin and yang, negative and positive, one not being above the other or less worthy than the other.

When I try to assist people into the ideology of love and light to become less imbalanced within their negatives and positive, I am often scorned. The reasons for this to do with the mentality of being prepositional, people like me are negative /toxic towards love and light. Looking at this in a postpositional and prepositional way, this is clearly not the case.

The truth can't be found in one way or the other, it takes all to see the truth as it truly is, not what we desire the truth to be in either one or the other. The point is, if today's love and light was of prepositions and postpositions, love and light could exist in any reality, not just within its own reality, it's simply not doing this at this stage. In actuality it's doing quite the opposite, it's denouncing anything not of it's own as negative/toxic.

In the case of today's ideological concepts of light and love, the house from is simply wrong (negative) when in actuality that is not the case at all, not in truth and/or truth in not.                

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Nothing is Singularly Personal

Written by Mathew Naismith

Every thought therefore every action of ours is determined by the environment we are in, this includes our deepest personal thoughts. To someone like me, this is comforting, to others who think they personally own their own thoughts, this couldn't be any more discomforting.

Try having thoughts void of the influence of known and unknown environments, it's impossible to have a thought process, personal or not, without an environmental influence.

Environments are simply a variation of various and numerous influences; there is nothing personal about environments, even environments created by an individual or individual groups. The reason for this is their own created environments were influenced by other environments to start with, for example, the Nazi party was created through other environmental influences of the time. The universe as a whole was created from other environmental influences of the time, everything, including our personal thoughts, were created by other environmental influences that were created by other environmental influences themselves.

Nothing can exist without the influence of another, cut out the yin in favour of the yang, what do you have? This is the same with awareness and unawareness. What determines awareness void of the awareness of unawareness? To be truly aware takes a huge amount of awareness of unawareness; a true state of awareness is never without the existence of unawareness. Being unaware is a huge part of truly being aware.......

In recent times, my dreams are telling me I have reached my limitations; this simply means that my personal experiences are limited to my present environment. Do I have a problem with this? Well, yes, I wished to assist more, this of course would entail me to experience more, to become more aware. In one of my dreams I wanted to observe more of the environment so I floated up higher to become more observant, I was stopped by a solid white obstruction covering the sky.

Am I personally limiting myself or am I limited by my present environment? One of the environments is being human to start with; it is obvious I am being limited by the present environment but for a very good reason.

Being consciously limited by a 3rd dimensional environment is but one form of influence. Environmental influences upon us are not just limited to 3rd dimensional environments; however being unaware of this has no bearing of the effects of non-3rd dimensional influences upon us. My whole life has been determined by other forms not of a 3rd dimensional aspect, my personal life is not my own as of anyone's.

There are of course many people who are far less consciously limited, their environment is less restricted. For example, some people can astral travel at will experiencing different worlds and dimensions, other people are able to enter into another reality while in trauma, a trauma brought about by their present existence. On the other hand, there are people like me who are consciously limited to fit within the present environment. Does it worry me being this consciously limited? Only to an ego in control would this be worrying, also, being unaware has a lot to do with being truly aware.

From an early age I was restricted to how I became aware, I was strongly influenced not to read certain human knowledge based literature. Because my life was never my own personally, as of anyone's, I was influenced not to restrict/limit my human consciousness to certain human aspects. My mind had to be free in thinking while at the same time being consciously limited to certain other human aspects.

I am aware that at no time have I existed for myself. I simply have no problem in thinking my life was never my own.......

Friday, 18 May 2018

A Reality of Realities

Written by Mathew Naismith

Within this one specific 3rd dimensional reality, how many realities that are 3rd dimensional experienced? It's insurmountable, now how many realities can be experienced within the whole of existence? It's literally infinite in number; there are no limitations to the realities that can be experienced. This also means that we, even while experiencing a 3rd dimensional reality, can experience other realities that are not 3rd dimensional.

Thích Quảng Đức is a prime example of a 3rd dimensional being, experiencing another reality while still of a 3rd dimensional reality. Thích Quảng Đức was a Buddhist monk who sacrificed himself in 1963 by setting himself alight, this was in protest of the present South Vietnamese regime's harsh treatment of Buddhists at the time. Quảng Đức wasn't the only monk to do this.

It is said that these monks where drugged, going by my own experiences, it is most likely that these monks where not drugged.

It was my misfortune, as such, to experience an ongoing painful chronic disorder from an early age. The tasks I performed through my life did not reflect my physical and mental disorder, in actuality most of the times I seemed normal with no noticeable difference to the average person. The majority of my tasks, probably 95% of my tasks, were conducted without drugs, pain killers. Yes, to a certain extent we can become conditioned to a condition that might seem overwhelming to others, this however does not account for chronic disorders.

It's not that the monks didn't feel anything, this is in accordance with my own experiences. They simply nullified or softened the effects of a chronic disorder or experience. This is done by putting oneself into a different reality; certain psychotic drugs do this as well as something as simple as music.

One other thing, I know I go on about this a bit but for a very good reason, stay away from the perceptions of negatives and positives. What would a dark negative energy source desire you to perceive this kind of energy to be? Demonic, toxic and negative, this kind of perception simply promotes this kind of energy; in actuality these perceptions give this kind of energy more energy, not less. Just simply be....... 

Monday, 14 May 2018

Rocks and Sticks

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do tend to look at our environment in a different way than most people; this in turn creates peculiar/strange perceptions, perceptions seemingly not of the present conscious mentality.

What will be will be of course.

Rocks and sticks refer to a human conscious mentality that has been, for thousands of years, using rocks and sticks to defend what they have claimed to be theirs. This also includes claiming ownership of someone else's ownership!! 

So what has rocks and sticks got to do with today's mentality? Bombs have simply replaced rocks while missiles have replaced sticks, same mentality changed by human consciousness becoming more knowledgeable, of course this is different to becoming more aware and especially wise. So does a consciousness becoming more knowledgeable denote a consciousness evolving, especially considering that the mentality of the consciousness has not changed/evolved itself?

Let's now look at human consciousness in a different aspect to get a better idea of human consciousness at present. When you lose one of your five senses, let's say vision, the other four senses are often heightened, meaning, they become more sensitive to the environment. Have not our 3rd dimensional aspects become more heightened through the loss of our knowledge and awareness of the other aspects of our dimensional self? As quantum physics is discovering, we are not just 3rd dimensional or even primarily 3rd dimensional, we are far more it would seem. Being unaware of our other dimensional selves has simply heightened our 3rd dimensional aspects, 3rd dimensional senses thus negating all other senses.

And we are wondering why we still have the same old mentality of thousands of years ago!! The environment around us is forever evolving, however, human consciousness seems separate to this natural state of evolving in turn stagnating its evolutionary progression. We are like the crocodile, stuck in a cycle that will eventually end in human consciousness not evolving into another consciousness......             

Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Lotus Flower

Written by Mathew Naismith

While sitting on a floating lotus flower on a still pond, one is of the observer and the participator, the observation of one sitting on a lotus flower on a still pond. The question is, is the lotus flower big enough to carry you or are you small enough for the lotus flower to carry you? The answer is of course both as both occurrences are occurring simultaneously at the same time.

I should point out that this was just of a conscious state I found myself in recently, don't take it seriously or to heart.  

To be an observer, one has to have something to observe, as quantum physics has discovered, it's observation that creates occurrences, not occurrences creating observation. In saying this, what is observation without occurrences, without participation? One is never without the other which means participation is as important as the observer.  

It is a trick in our present state that it's either observation or participation; it's quite difficult for us to even perceive, while in participation, we can also be in observation of our participation. Also, it's our observation that creates our participation, our reality and related perceptions and perspectives. Of course being in this state of observation, while in participation, can only occur while in a different conscious state than our present state of consciousness, a state predominantly influenced by participation.

It's also advisable not to perceive that one state is higher or lower, positive or negative, to another, for one to be aware therefore experience this state. Any kind of separation simply makes us less aware, not more aware. In actuality, while in a true state like this, it is impossible to perceive in higher and lower, positive and negative, for everything becomes as one.

Floating on a lotus flower on a still pond is quite significant, especially if this kind of experience was not induced or desired. The significance being that it just is without separation, there is simply no desire to be within this state above all other states as all other states become just is. All states are what they are without bias/prejudice or separation created by a desire to be of a certain state.

It's amazing what occurs when you are aware of something you don't desire to experience or be apart of, it just simply occurs without effort. Effort means to try to be positive over negative, good over bad, right over wrong. Any desired state experienced in this way is false in nature no matter how real it might feel, simply let go.......