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Friday, 16 November 2018

What is the Higher Self?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Ask yourself, what is more egoistic, humbling yourself to the ego or desiring to be of a higher self? Being that all is of what the ego calls a higher self, including rocks and trees and so on, what would an egoless higher self be of? The act of only being of a higher self is egotistic when the higher self is egoless. Being that the higher self is egoless, it is understandable that this higher self would humble itself to the ego, being that the ego is perceived by the ego, not the so-called higher self, as being of a lower self or a lower vibration. I say so-called higher self for only the ego separates like this, one being higher or lower than the other. In actuality, to the higher self there is no higher or lower self, just the self.

In truth, there is no self either, only being for a perception of self still refers to an attachment. In saying this, because what the ego calls the higher self represents all of what is without exception or desire, what is perceived and created through the ego is also of the higher self. What I am trying to say here is that the so-called lower self is as worthy as the higher self, what other state can the higher self humble itself to if not to the ego, the lower self?

This is how the ego often sees it these days. The ego represents an illusion and lower vibrations which represents the lower self and separation to what the ego doesn't desire to be a part of.

The higher self observes the ego as simply the ego without separation, even to what is real and what is an illusion. There is no perception of separation or of a lower self, just an observation of a self unaware of it's whole self.

Unconditional love; is also referred to as being of the higher self when in actuality unconditional love is of the ego. Unconditional love still refers to attachments, usually attachments to the feelings a state of unconditional love creates. In actuality feelings period are not of the higher self but of the ego. Why in a deep meditative state can we experience a state that we no longer have attachments? Feelings play no further part for feeling totally rely on motion to exist. Motions, which include feelings, simply represent ego. In saying this, can you perceive or feel negative vibration while in a true state of unconditional love, even when empathic to vibrations? No, for there are no conditions as such in this state, only the feelings of love the ego creates from this state.

A state of unconditional love can't be experienced without the ego, however, because unconditional love is a state of the absence of attachments and conditions, a state of unconditional love is also partly of the so-called higher self. If we don't hold too much attachments to the feelings that unconditional creates, a state of our higher being can be experienced from this state. As of anyone who has experienced a state of the higher being or self, unconditional love is simply part of the process of experiencing actual enlightenment. Enlightenment simply refers to a state of complete detachment from all feelings and associated desires. In saying this, often through the ego can unconditional love be expressed and experienced. This state is often experienced by the ego as being very beautiful and harmonious. To avoid abusing this energy, try not to become too attached to the feelings unconditional love creates via the ego. Any manipulation that serves the egos desires is abuse of energy that should be avoided if we want to experience peace and harmony.      

The soul; is also often mistakenly referred to as the higher self. The soul is simply an immortal part of a person which experiences all our lives as one life lived. My own soul doesn't see that I have experienced separate lives; my soul observes all my lives lived as simply many life experiences experienced, not as separate lives lived. In saying this, souls can perceive each life as being separate to the other as well; this depends on the soul experience being experienced. Like with our human form, once the soul experiences actual enlightenment in a life experience, this enlightenment is always remembered by the immortal soul but not always remembered when recreated in a mortal being.

Are souls different to each other as humans are? Yes. Remember, the soul is simply an immortal part of our mortal being and yes, it matter to the soul how we live our mortal lives. So does this mean some people are of a higher vibration or level than other people? No. To the ego yes but not to the higher being as the higher being represents all of what is, not just what we desire to be a part of. The ego doesn't desire to be apart of the lower self so it calls this lower state an illusion, negative and even toxic, etc, or, the ego goes the other way, there is only ego, all else other than the ego is an illusion. The ego says take your pick for they are one of the same thing thus create the same exact type of reality, a reality controlled by the ego!!                                
God State: To the ego in control this is all mumbo jumbo, in other words nonsense and understandably so. I once had entities purposely fixated to ignorance approach me in this life experience, I instantly dispelled them through simply showing a glimpse of what they are also apart of. The glimpse was of the higher self which a lot of religious ideologies call God or as state of God. I have lost count how many people have acted in the same way as these entities when their own creation seemed threatened. No matter what experiences our souls have experienced, we are still all apart of the so-called higher self. No matter who you are, the door to the higher self is always open to you, at no point are you not apart of this higher self no matter what the controlling ego says.  

This God state or state of God is of everything, including lost souls lost within their own ignorance, their own creation. The ego then gets a perception that this state of God loves everyone unconditionally. This isn't wrong but from a God state of view unconditional love can only be experienced through the ego. The reason for this is that a state of unconditional love has the conditions of no conditions to be able to love in this way. This higher state of being has no conditions at all attached to it!!

Enlightenment: I have at no stage experienced actual enlightenment in this life experience, I simply have no desire to, but I have in other life experiences. You can't desire or have a need to experience enlightenment; enlightenment simply comes naturally when we release ourselves from our attachment and desires including our fixations to unconditional love. Actual enlightenment is simply a state the ego can experience when of the higher self or of a state of God. Enlightenment is simply of the process of the ego awakening to its higher self, enlightenment isn't even apart of the higher self, what is there to enlighten in this state which is of everything without question? This higher state is also known as a state of pure awareness.

So there we go. I should also say that some people have also replaced the perception of God with a Goddess in a way, in that unconditional love is the ultimate state of being. Unconditional love makes reference to the feminine so an idolisation to a Goddess occurs, especially when this state is seen as the ultimate state. Try to avoid the egos manipulation therefore abusing of energy like this, this is unless your soul wishes to experience more of the same.    

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