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Wednesday, 21 November 2018

The Soul Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, as of a human experience there is also a soul experience, it is really wise not to separate the human experience from the soul experience. Actually, it is wise not to separate the human or soul experience from any other experience or motion. In other words it is wise not to separate yourself from the environment as a whole; there should be no exclusions no matter what the ego dictates. 

Soul: The immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life

Actuating refers to motion; which means the soul is the motion behind each person, without the soul there is no actuation therefore motion. So what about the rest of existence that is of motion, does everything of motion have a soul? To answer this we must now look at the spirit. 

Spirit: The vital principle or animating force within living things

I actually don't concur with this, that the spirit is just of living things. To me the spirit is of all things, this is the same in that energy is of all things. Spirit = energy which = motion. So what about motionlessness, a state where energy or the spirit within all things is motionless, is not the spirit, therefore energy, apart of a motionless state?

The soul experience, as of the human experience, is simply an experience. The spirit on the other hand isn't an experience but of all of what is as of energy. So no, to answer the first question, not everything has a soul but the soul is still of the spirit. To someone like me, everything is alive. I wrote some time ago about vibrations alive, in that all motion creates vibrations which make all motions alive in one way or another. The ego only comprehends what is alive and what isn't alive in accordance with the egos perception of what is alive and what isn't. It is wise not to listen to the ego which is often bias. Bias of course only creates ignorance, the deliberate unknowingness of something the ego doesn't desire to become aware of, usually in accordance with the souls experiences and human ideologies and isms.

The spirit can be of both motion and motionlessness, there are no limitations to the spirit as of the soul. Yes, soul experiences are indeed infinite in nature, where infinite experiences can be experienced by the soul, however, the soul cannot experience a state of motionlessness for motionlessness is not an experiences. It is simply being or not being, which ever your soul relates to the best.

Now, is this being or not being also of energy therefore spirit? Our egos often perceive that energy has to be of motion to exist therefore motionlessness (just being) is not of the spirit!!

Why do we become more aware or more enlightened as we lesson our motions? It is too obvious that the more of motion or the ego we are not expressive of, the more aware we become. Of course the more motion we express, the less aware be become, this is course includes the soul. This is why this just being or not being, this motionless state, is stated as being of pure awareness. Now if we become more aware the less motion we express, how alive and of energy therefore spirit is this motionless state of just being? When we so-call die, we can have a sense of being more alive, of course if our soul is controlled or primarily of the ego, the soul will have more of a sense of death. A sense of death simply represents the demise of life, a life the soul's ego is attached to, this is why it is wise to be aware of the tricks the ego can play on us, the illusions the ego can create.

My mother so-called died a while back, at no time did my ego mourn her death, even though my ego tried to. My mother was more alive than ever, but only after I helped her out of a dark tunnel. My mother was unable to go on as her life on Earth was still not at ease. My mother was never happy in the way she led her life, so after her bodily demise, my mother had huge regrets. My mother wanted to be forgiven but I didn't do this, I didn't feel I had to for there was nothing to forgive. I said to my mother," It is okay, life is what it is, no more, no less, I have no regrets and neither should you."

What a lot of people forget it is a soul experience, the human experiences dies but life is not about the human experience but the soul experience. You could say that the human experience doesn't matter then as the human experience is simply a vessel for the soul to experience life experiences through. A lot of souls live like this as this is all they know, however, to a soul that is aware, the human experience does matter. Remember, the soul is simply an immaterial part of a person, what we do in life reflects back on the soul in one way or another.

In regards to the soul and the human experience, I am simply humbling myself to the ego, to the human experience of attachments. However, the human ego that is trying to dispel the ego altogether is actually being more of the ego, for only the ego desires to dispel itself so it can no longer humble itself to itself. The egoless self has no desire or need to dispel the ego in any sense; the ego is what it is, no more, no less. To comprehend this you must look at this from a soul perspective, not a human perspective. It is primarily a soul experience, the human experience is simply a vessel for the soul to experience motion (life) through. Humanly, think very carefully what you are conditioning your soul to and yes, the way you lead your life does matter to the soul. Remember, the soul is simply an immaterial part of you, what you materially do reflects back on the soul, make no mistake about it. I suppose to really comprehend this, you must humanly experience some kind of after life experience or at least feel or know there to be a lot more to life than material life.                       



  1. Integration of human and Soul is the key to a conscious and fulfilling life.

    Good read as usual Mat.

    Kindest regards,

    1. Indeed it is Mike but so many are conditioned otherwise. We need to simply awaken to ourselves.
