Written by Mathew Naismith
Yes, there is a separation of energies, but
one not need to worry about this separation as long as the soul is not
conditioned to materialism.
So many souls are now being primarily or
exclusively conditioned to materialism, it is though the immaterial part of the
soul never existed. Yes, even after the demise of the material self, material
reality still can exist for souls primarily or exclusively conditioned to materialism
through the attachments to material realities. The gap between souls also of
the immaterial and souls primarily or exclusively of materialism is growing,
giving a sense of separation of soul energies. To put it another way, when our
souls are conditioned to material realities, our souls are no longer the
observer but simply become a participator. The observing soul is of the
immaterial, while observing the material, where the participating soul is of
the material in the absence of the observer.
Observing soul = the immaterial while aware
of the material, oneness.
Participating soul = the material while
unaware of the immaterial, but also, only aware of the material that is desired
to become aware of thus creating a further separation of energy. Lost souls.
It is impossible for the immaterial
observer to separate immaterial energy from material energy. This includes not
separating energy into positives and negatives, good and bad, wrong and right,
black and white, etc, which seems to be very popular in today western spirituality.
Even today when I approach souls wholly
conditioned to materialism, there is no negative or positive perceptions, just
simply a perception of a soul simply lost within its own creation. I am often
smiling at this point in realisation of how unaware such a soul has become. To
a soul that is lost, this would be called narcism, an exceptional interest in
and admiration for yourself, when this is simply a state of awareness and
immaterialism in observation of the material.
While a soul is also in observation of the
material, even of their own participation in the material, there is no sense of
separation, just an observation of lost soul's perception of the separation of
energies. At no time are material realities not being observed, this means that
perceptions of separation of energies are illusionary. You can't create for
which is not being observed, for in observation is everything created.
So the egos query might now be, so this
means the observer created material illusions as well!!
The observing soul simply observes what the
soul participates in. Often an illusion is created through the observed
participation when souls become primarily or exclusively conditioned to
materialism. Lost souls cannot exist in the absence of observation of participation.
It is the observation of participation that creates lost souls. If you like,
nothing can exist unless of God's creation. If all observing souls observed
souls primarily or exclusively conditioned to the immaterial, the existence of
lost souls simply couldn't exist.
So why doesn't the immaterial soul just
stop observing lost souls?
Ignorance or an unawareness in relation to
desires is of a soul in participation, not of a soul in observation. An
observing soul doesn't desire or even choose what to observe, the observing soul
observes all of what is and could be, which includes lost souls existing in an
illusion of separated energy. It is simply observed that souls have and will become
lost to materialism. This was always going to occur when souls also become a
participator, especially when a soul becomes primarily or exclusively conditioned
to materiam.
As there has always been it would seem, a
number of people stay aware of the soul and the immaterial, while also aware
and even participating in the material. The separation of souls has eventuated
through quite a number of souls becoming primarily or exclusively conditioned
to the material. It would seem that a soul primarily or exclusively conditioned
to the material will become lost, lost within its own creation of materialism, often
in the absence of the immaterial. You could say in the absence of the divine if
you like.
To me, it is wise that a soul keeps a
balance between the material and the immaterial while in participation of the
material. One way or the other often leads to a soul becoming lost it would
seem. Yes, even souls primarily or exclusively conditioned to the immaterial
can also become lost, while in participation of the material. In the absence of
balance, there can only be imbalance. This imbalance to me can only lead to
souls becoming lost within their own creation.
For myself, at times I find it quite
difficult in maintaining this balance, for so often I become too much of a
participator in the absence of the observer. You know what, this is called
being human. There is nothing wrong in experiencing a lost soul, it is just
when the soul becomes excessively lost is when the human self and even the soul
becomes destructive unto itself and everything else. Lucky for humans, there seems
to be souls that are not lost right throughout human history, the trick is, all
we need is the wisdom to listen to them.
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