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Sunday, 12 January 2020

A State of Common Order

Written by Mathew Naismith

"Oh my gosh, my ego, what a bewildering anomaly you are."

Anomaly in this case means a deviation from common order, being common order for souls like mine, a true awareness of the ego to one extent or another. A common order of the presence of awareness in the absence of bias and desire.

Being aware while of the absence of as much bias and desire is common order, all else from this is of disorder. Today, the world around us at present seems to be primary based on bias/prejudice and desire, of course from this disorder is created as we are seeing. Yes, we are sitting within our western country safe havens, while so many other countries are subjected to disorder from these safe haven countries, but this is not common order. Why? Because the disorder orchestrated by safe haven countries is of pure ignorance, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become disorderly and destructive.

If I sit within my own personal safe haven, often staying ignorant to anything that is negative to this haven, would I not also be orchestrating disorder? Any kind of ignorance, especially of deliberate ignorance to serve a desire or a bias/prejudice, is of disorder, not common order. Is this not also of the orchestrating of disorder? The ego in control will of course refute this to the bitter end, usually in fear of losing a bias and/or desired reality, as opposed to a reality of common order where biases and desires have no control over the ego or soul.

Imagine a state of common order, where bias and desire has no control, so very hard for the ego in control to imagine. It is not easy for the ego to become enlightened, for only is it that the ego becomes enlightened, especially to itself. A state of common order has nothing to enlighten, only can the ego become enlightened, especially an ego of bias and desire, control.

I recently vividly dreamt of carrying many rifles. Guns mean in this case an injustice to me and/or someone else in my close circle. The carrying is of carrying this injustice until my ego can resolve the biases and desires of the person of obvious orchestrated disorder, in this case injustice and abuse. The person orchestrating an injustice upon my wife and I became apparent, our egos became very hurt as this person is very close to us. My vivid dreams are often foretelling, as of anyone's.

As my own ego is aware of, you can only hurt for which is of the ego. No consciousness of common order can become hurt in any circumstance. This means that this kind of aware consciousness can experience any kind of environment without the threat of becoming disorderly, of a state of the controlling ego. Sitting within our safe havens, be it collectively as a country or personally, isn't of common order but disorder. Of course being of disorder your egos will indeed fear being of any other kind of environment.

Even though my ego reacts to disorder, my ego is aware that it can experience any kind of environment without fear of losing what the ego desires to only experience. As of many egos even today, they sit within their common order while comfortably experiencing an environment of disorder. This state isn't a safe haven, for only the ego can experience a safe haven; it is simply a state of common order in plain view of the ego. My ego at present isn't this aware but aware enough to quell the control the ego could have over me, my own ego is satisfied with this.

For only the ego in control will try to lead the horses, other egos, to water and try to make them drink, become of common order again, this includes your own ego. 

For reference to any ego who thinks I have once again plagiarised, you will simply think as you desire to.......             

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