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Wednesday, 8 April 2020

End of COVID-19 Prediction

Written by Mathew Naismith

What an exhilarating time to be around, the final days of a system of government that has been strangulating the world for some years now. Finally, in desperation they have exposed themselves thinking that they have control, a governmental system of known fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception. Make no mistake, if you are thinking this kind of governance sounds familiar, you need not look past Nazi fascism. Far better educated people than I seem to be now calling our present governing system fascism.

Fascism: A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism).

Nazism:  The far-right ideology of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, esp. including a totalitarian government and racial superiority.

Authoritarianism in our case refers to an absolute rule instead of a ruler, based primarily on fear, COVID-19. This is so familiar in how the German people in regards to the rise of Adolf Hitler were deceived through fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception, by using so-called undesirables of the state as a tool to gain power. In our case the undesirable is COVID-19.

So to get to how I predict it is going to end. This is my own prediction, no ones else’s so don’t take it to heart.

After these people have exposed themselves through the use of fear, they will be seen as undesirables, not just to a state or country but to humanity as a whole. They will be stripped of everything they have gained and more through years of deception, treachery and manipulation. No one in the future is going to want to marry into their families; their families will simply cease to exist in the end.

It will be recognised that no governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is appropriate to the good of all humanity, in the process ending forever any governmental system based on these concepts and idealisms.

A new form of worldwide governing will be based on fearlessness, sanity, harmony and truth, these will be the main concepts and idealisms for any governing system in the world. Yes, this means no more wars or conflicts. The world will seem alien at first but then everyone will see how this new world was always a part of us all along. We simply lost this world in the process of becoming as one humanity, no longer many different humanities fighting it out with each other for gain of some kind.

This had to occur to move on from our present accepted governing systems. Actually, these people, who will end up being undesirable to humanity as a whole, will seem to people like me as a blessing for without them being who they are, our destiny most likely wouldn’t have ended up so harmonious as it will be. Many people won’t see this until we find worldwide harmony. These disharmonious people of fear will be seen as a blessing in the future, not a curse, by many believe it or not.    

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