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Sunday, 26 April 2020

The Extraction of Fear from Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

“Wise words indeed Heather, as I try to also live by.

Living by there are no mistakes, only lessons, as there are no negatives, only positives.

Living by mistakes therefore negatives is simply of not learning, suffering for the ego by the ego.

Living by lessons therefore positives is simply of learning, enjoyment for the ego by the ego.

I once again awoke in the early hours of the morning to write.  Your post is in line with what I am about to write about and funny enough the first post I read.”

I do seem to have some bright and wise friends, people who are not in fear of being open minded and direct in their own way.

The extraction of fear from consciousness, a consciousness that has been conditioned to fear for many years, a fear that is anything but of openness and directness. This consciousness is becoming known by many as the Deep Dark State that has plagued man for so long now. This is a state of consciousness that doesn’t learn from its mistakes but prefer to suffer from its mistakes. Yes, this consciousness actually prefers to suffer from its mistakes than learn form it’s mistakes in a literal sense. The process of learning that leads to awareness is mightily shunned by this consciousness.

Being open minded and direct, this is instead of being closed minded and indirect, in my own way is not always received too well by today consciousness. You would think being opened minded and direct, as opposed to being closed minded and indirect, would be accepted but its not. You must allow a consciousness to evolve through its own processes, in our case gradually evolving from a state of closed mindedness and indirectness to a state of open mindedness and directness. In another words evolving from a state of suffering from our mistakes to a state of learning from our mistakes. Covid-19 is a perfect example of a consciousness still suffering from its mistakes in a number of ways.

I look at it this way. To bring people out of the darkness one must do this gradually, of course to do this one must play up to the ego of the darkness to get the ego to come from the dark into the light, there is no other way if you go down this path. The light must be more appealing to the light than the dark. This means awareness (fearlessness) must be more desirable than ignorance (fear) in regards to the ego. Have you noticed the more aware you become, the less fearful you become? This also means becoming fearlessly aware of the Deep Dark State, not ignoring this state to stay positive!!

People like me are not subtle in the way we express our open mindedness and directness, we are not meant to be as of other people are suppose to be subtle in their approach within their open mindedness and directness. We simply can’t play up to the ego in any sense as many other people are guided to do, this is not our path. Our path is governed by the absence of playing up to the ego. Both paths are of the light, of awareness and wisdom. As their will be no one whatsoever incarcerated in a reality of light, there will be no further need to play up to the ego to coach the ego away from the dark. In other words coach a consciousness out from its own incarceration!!

Today, COVID-19 is being used to incarcerate people, healthy people at that, that should be allowed to build up the human collective immune system. Would a dark entity want you to become immune? No, it would want you to still suffer and not learn from your mistakes. Yes, immunity always comes at a cost; better this than being of some kind of dark ignorant consciousness. 

One more thing, don’t mistaken awareness for judgment. You will express what you become aware of. To many people of judgment, this will seem like judgment when it is simply an expression of awareness. In the process of becoming aware you will become aware of many more things, but in the end all of what you have become aware of will be seen as one thing, be it negative or positive. Only in the darkness, ignorance, can one truly be judgmental of all things. Of course in ignorance one never learns from their mistakes, in the process creating a Deep Dark State of consciousness, a consciousness where mistakes are deliberately never learnt!!     

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