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Friday, 12 August 2022

Sorting Out the Ego, One Tribe

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fulfilling the desires of the ego or being submissive in relation to the ego's desires has always been humans nemesis, a state in where misery resides over and above well being of ourselves and others. It is a state where we live for ourselves over and above the tribe. It is a state where we see a difference in each other while avoiding acknowledging that we are of one tribe first and foremost in spite of our differences. A state of one tribe foregoes submissiveness to the ego, where we don't humble ourselves to the desires and lusts of the ego. Yes, a one tribe state is when we become controlling of other people and we don't abuse this position, it is a state where we work with energy while avoiding abusing energy, all energy.


  • Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

  • Very docile.

  • Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant

Can we say that the spiritual/religious people are the meek, docile in mannerism, submissive to our past, present and future environments?

Can we also say that being docile in mannerism to the ego desires and lusts, submissive to the ego first and foremost, meek?

Are spiritual/religious people really the meek that shall inherit the Earth? Seen as many are not submissive to the ego, it is hard to see that the spiritual/religious people are the meek. You don't become submissive to docile tendencies either, you simply stop abusing energy or a position of power and control over other people. Yes, as of atheists, spiritual/religious people have indeed abused their position of power and control over other people, in the process become of the meek.

This is interesting, atheists often work on what they desire to be reality, while denouncing any other reality opposing their desired reality, the same exact trait atheists accuse spiritual/religious people of. I am not saying that spiritual/religious people don't work on what they desire to be reality, what I am saying is the same exact trait exists within whatever group you belong to within the tribe, in other words you become submissive to what the ego desires to be reality.

So do the people of faith simply desire to be of the meek that shall inherit the Earth? As do the people who abuse their position of power and control who simply desire not to be the meek, it is all based on what is desired rather than what really is. For people like me, we don't want to be the meek that shall inherit the Earth, for this means being submissive rather than simply not being abusive, where you work with energy rather than abuse energy. You work in harmony with energy, you don't become submissive to energy, like the desires and lusts of the ego. Try to remember though, expressing harmony while working for the tribe is disharmonious to the disharmonious, so even being docile is disharmonious to these groups into abusing energy and their position of power and control.

So working in harmony with energy means one is of that energy so there is nothing to become submissive to. Do people of power and control over other people, be it atheists, spiritual/religious people, etc, often desire to become of a separate entity to what energy they are going to abuse? As soon as you desire to see other energy forms not of your tribe, you become submissive to what is desired, in the process creating reality based on what is desired rather than what truly is reality. How many spiritual/religious people desire that they are the meek that shall inherit the Earth? How many abusers of energy simply desire that they are not the meek?

Forget about what group shall inherit the Earth, we have become too focused on what group will inherit the Earth, primarily focusing on inheritance, which by the way may last for a very short time like with any inheritance. Inheritance refers to a possession from a predecessor, the Earth is not anyone's possession to start with, even if this is desired by the groups into abusing energy. The Earth in real reality was not a possession of a predecessor, therefore can't be in real reality, only a desired reality, be inherited. A desired reality does not make the desired reality real.

The Earth is not a possession, simply a creation, only can abusers of energy falsely claim the Earth as an inheritance. I know of devout Christians that actually agree with this believe it or not. No, this does not mean that all Christians and spiritual people period who believe they are the meek are abusers of energy, it simply means that you can't inherit that which is not a possession of a predecessor, that which is simply a creation and not a possession to inherit. Allow those to inherit the Earth, for it will show the falsities we have been existing under as a broken tribe for so long.

We will eventually learn to never allow this to happen ever again.

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Distorted Reality Recognition

Written by Mathew Naismith

In a reality of known distortion it is hard to recognise what presented reality is distorted and what presented reality is not distorted. Why? Because our own created reality, be it based on some extremist religion, fanatical atheist ideologies, right or left wing politics, etc, is based on what we desire our reality to be based on. Lusts and desires in reality distort reality in line with what is lusted and desired. What people like me look for is the degree of lusts and desires expressed, the more extreme the lusts and desires are, the more distorted reality becomes and understandably so.

I recently purchased a book titled Facts and Other Lies written by Ed Coper, I thought or desired the book to be of impartial views, of course in reality this was not to be the case. The book, in simple terms, states that left wing politics is of the truth and of real science, while right wing politics is of disinformation and conspiracy theorising. Now if the book expressed a less desired reality, in that both sides of politics can be of conspiracy theorising and lies, I would have been happy, seen as I desire information based less on what is lusted and desired, I was instead disappointed. Yes, my own desire to seek out expressed realities based less on distorted realities actually ended up with me purchasing a book highly expressive of a distorted reality.

The thing is, yes, I desire the present reality to be less distorted by lust and desires, but in reality it is not. My own desires don't determine my reality or the reality around me, otherwise I would not have ended up buying such a book. Reality is never what we lust and desire it to be, unless we allow our lusts and desires to determine what reality we create or only desire to be aware of. The book I recently purchased goes against what I desire while informing me of how distorted reality has become. The coercion to what is desired is evident in the book, right in line to what is lusted and desired to be reality, I could not have purchased a book that distorts reality even more if I tried. People like me are not interested in distorting reality even more, but we are interested in what distorts reality.

A good example of this distortion is that the faithful are the meek that shall inherit the Earth, being that the faithful represent a docile reality, in fact quite the opposite has occurred. The meek have inherited the Earth from people in power who abused their position of power and control over other people, in other words a representation of a meekness in relation to lusts and desires. I would not myself call a person of power and control over other people who has not abused their position to be meek, even when of faith. Any display of abuse is of a meek disposition in regards to lusts and desires. Try abusing other people while not governed by lusts and desires. Yes, so many of us have become docile to abusing and even being abused.

The book is interesting, in that it was written in the first place. Why write such a book that focuses on disinformation of one group while trying to make out the opposing group, their group, is not of disinformation, categorically? Due to the initial disinformation that the covid vaccines were suppose to stop you catching and passing on covid, and now only stops you from suffering from covid so baldy, even while fully vaccinated people are dying in hospitals around the world, more people are waking up to how distorted reality has become. Yes, the author of the book is right behind vaccinating the world over and over again to no end as well, even after knowing of the disinformation put out their by the very same people the author of the book is notably in support of. Covid vaccines are just like Polio vaccines, except that you can still catch, pass on and die from covid. The covid pandemic is likened to the Spanish flu, even though the use of therapeutic treatments were not banned and outlawed which would have resulted in far more deaths if they were, just like with the covid pandemic.

Would a group of disinformation, therefore distortion of reality for a desired reality, accuse other opposing groups of disinformation? Would such a group use such deflective tactics? In reality, most definitely. The book is actually a good sign, in that expressed desperation to this degree tells people like me that this group of actual disinformation is in desperation mode, where you will express high degrees of bias based primarily on what is lusted and desired. Of course the left lusts and desires that the right is bad and the left is good, as Zelensky is an angel and Putin is evil. All this degree of desired reality tells people like me is how distorted reality has become.