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Showing posts with label desires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desires. Show all posts

Friday, 12 August 2022

Sorting Out the Ego, One Tribe

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fulfilling the desires of the ego or being submissive in relation to the ego's desires has always been humans nemesis, a state in where misery resides over and above well being of ourselves and others. It is a state where we live for ourselves over and above the tribe. It is a state where we see a difference in each other while avoiding acknowledging that we are of one tribe first and foremost in spite of our differences. A state of one tribe foregoes submissiveness to the ego, where we don't humble ourselves to the desires and lusts of the ego. Yes, a one tribe state is when we become controlling of other people and we don't abuse this position, it is a state where we work with energy while avoiding abusing energy, all energy.


  • Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

  • Very docile.

  • Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant

Can we say that the spiritual/religious people are the meek, docile in mannerism, submissive to our past, present and future environments?

Can we also say that being docile in mannerism to the ego desires and lusts, submissive to the ego first and foremost, meek?

Are spiritual/religious people really the meek that shall inherit the Earth? Seen as many are not submissive to the ego, it is hard to see that the spiritual/religious people are the meek. You don't become submissive to docile tendencies either, you simply stop abusing energy or a position of power and control over other people. Yes, as of atheists, spiritual/religious people have indeed abused their position of power and control over other people, in the process become of the meek.

This is interesting, atheists often work on what they desire to be reality, while denouncing any other reality opposing their desired reality, the same exact trait atheists accuse spiritual/religious people of. I am not saying that spiritual/religious people don't work on what they desire to be reality, what I am saying is the same exact trait exists within whatever group you belong to within the tribe, in other words you become submissive to what the ego desires to be reality.

So do the people of faith simply desire to be of the meek that shall inherit the Earth? As do the people who abuse their position of power and control who simply desire not to be the meek, it is all based on what is desired rather than what really is. For people like me, we don't want to be the meek that shall inherit the Earth, for this means being submissive rather than simply not being abusive, where you work with energy rather than abuse energy. You work in harmony with energy, you don't become submissive to energy, like the desires and lusts of the ego. Try to remember though, expressing harmony while working for the tribe is disharmonious to the disharmonious, so even being docile is disharmonious to these groups into abusing energy and their position of power and control.

So working in harmony with energy means one is of that energy so there is nothing to become submissive to. Do people of power and control over other people, be it atheists, spiritual/religious people, etc, often desire to become of a separate entity to what energy they are going to abuse? As soon as you desire to see other energy forms not of your tribe, you become submissive to what is desired, in the process creating reality based on what is desired rather than what truly is reality. How many spiritual/religious people desire that they are the meek that shall inherit the Earth? How many abusers of energy simply desire that they are not the meek?

Forget about what group shall inherit the Earth, we have become too focused on what group will inherit the Earth, primarily focusing on inheritance, which by the way may last for a very short time like with any inheritance. Inheritance refers to a possession from a predecessor, the Earth is not anyone's possession to start with, even if this is desired by the groups into abusing energy. The Earth in real reality was not a possession of a predecessor, therefore can't be in real reality, only a desired reality, be inherited. A desired reality does not make the desired reality real.

The Earth is not a possession, simply a creation, only can abusers of energy falsely claim the Earth as an inheritance. I know of devout Christians that actually agree with this believe it or not. No, this does not mean that all Christians and spiritual people period who believe they are the meek are abusers of energy, it simply means that you can't inherit that which is not a possession of a predecessor, that which is simply a creation and not a possession to inherit. Allow those to inherit the Earth, for it will show the falsities we have been existing under as a broken tribe for so long.

We will eventually learn to never allow this to happen ever again.

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Distorted Reality Recognition

Written by Mathew Naismith

In a reality of known distortion it is hard to recognise what presented reality is distorted and what presented reality is not distorted. Why? Because our own created reality, be it based on some extremist religion, fanatical atheist ideologies, right or left wing politics, etc, is based on what we desire our reality to be based on. Lusts and desires in reality distort reality in line with what is lusted and desired. What people like me look for is the degree of lusts and desires expressed, the more extreme the lusts and desires are, the more distorted reality becomes and understandably so.

I recently purchased a book titled Facts and Other Lies written by Ed Coper, I thought or desired the book to be of impartial views, of course in reality this was not to be the case. The book, in simple terms, states that left wing politics is of the truth and of real science, while right wing politics is of disinformation and conspiracy theorising. Now if the book expressed a less desired reality, in that both sides of politics can be of conspiracy theorising and lies, I would have been happy, seen as I desire information based less on what is lusted and desired, I was instead disappointed. Yes, my own desire to seek out expressed realities based less on distorted realities actually ended up with me purchasing a book highly expressive of a distorted reality.

The thing is, yes, I desire the present reality to be less distorted by lust and desires, but in reality it is not. My own desires don't determine my reality or the reality around me, otherwise I would not have ended up buying such a book. Reality is never what we lust and desire it to be, unless we allow our lusts and desires to determine what reality we create or only desire to be aware of. The book I recently purchased goes against what I desire while informing me of how distorted reality has become. The coercion to what is desired is evident in the book, right in line to what is lusted and desired to be reality, I could not have purchased a book that distorts reality even more if I tried. People like me are not interested in distorting reality even more, but we are interested in what distorts reality.

A good example of this distortion is that the faithful are the meek that shall inherit the Earth, being that the faithful represent a docile reality, in fact quite the opposite has occurred. The meek have inherited the Earth from people in power who abused their position of power and control over other people, in other words a representation of a meekness in relation to lusts and desires. I would not myself call a person of power and control over other people who has not abused their position to be meek, even when of faith. Any display of abuse is of a meek disposition in regards to lusts and desires. Try abusing other people while not governed by lusts and desires. Yes, so many of us have become docile to abusing and even being abused.

The book is interesting, in that it was written in the first place. Why write such a book that focuses on disinformation of one group while trying to make out the opposing group, their group, is not of disinformation, categorically? Due to the initial disinformation that the covid vaccines were suppose to stop you catching and passing on covid, and now only stops you from suffering from covid so baldy, even while fully vaccinated people are dying in hospitals around the world, more people are waking up to how distorted reality has become. Yes, the author of the book is right behind vaccinating the world over and over again to no end as well, even after knowing of the disinformation put out their by the very same people the author of the book is notably in support of. Covid vaccines are just like Polio vaccines, except that you can still catch, pass on and die from covid. The covid pandemic is likened to the Spanish flu, even though the use of therapeutic treatments were not banned and outlawed which would have resulted in far more deaths if they were, just like with the covid pandemic.

Would a group of disinformation, therefore distortion of reality for a desired reality, accuse other opposing groups of disinformation? Would such a group use such deflective tactics? In reality, most definitely. The book is actually a good sign, in that expressed desperation to this degree tells people like me that this group of actual disinformation is in desperation mode, where you will express high degrees of bias based primarily on what is lusted and desired. Of course the left lusts and desires that the right is bad and the left is good, as Zelensky is an angel and Putin is evil. All this degree of desired reality tells people like me is how distorted reality has become.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Truth of Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is how people like me think, we take notice of what physical, mental and spiritual reality has been distorted, especially in line with lusts and desires. Once you extract the distortion within realities, the lusts and desires, what is left is the truth of reality. Truth does not have to be created, only the extraction of what is lusted and desired within the truth for the truth to be revealed. Telling the truth in how it actually is, is not of critical judgement either, this critical labelling of the truth as critical judgement is within itself of a distorted reality. Be aware of this.

Another good example of a distorted reality is the pandemic and the Ukraine war, where in 2014 the US in a real sense started this war with the full support of the rest of NATO. Look at how the elite desired to become even more wealthier and controlling, now look at how this has distorted reality, where therapeutic treatments are banned and even outlawed. Imagine how many more people during the Spanish flu would have died if they did this during the Spanish flu. Also, it is noted that the Spanish flu derived from vaccinated US soldiers. Notice they called it the Spanish flu!! Yet another distortion of reality.

Another good example is how everything, like health and the environment, is politicised. Political preference and following a particular political agenda is of desires and lusts, in the process distorting reality even more. Religious and atheist fanaticism is the same. Look at how the victor rights the history as well!!

The more a reality is distorted through lusts and desires, the more a reality will become distorted, excessive censorship or ostracising also distorts reality. You must be able to tell the truth in how it is without the truth being labelled critical judgement!! How often does this occur today? New age spirituality is full of critically judging what is and is not of critical judgement. Yes, people like me are often disliked for expressing the truth about the distortion of reality, yet further distorting reality for a more lusted or desired reality.

Indeed Lorie.

We are not all observers as we are not all just in participation, human consciousness is naturally this diverse. Many of us have learnt to be the observer through spiritual or science teachings, or it is simply from a past life lived. We should appreciate how diverse human consciousness is, but in times of trauma, this appreciation is very hard to do, as to be expected.

The participator is of disconnectedness, as for example globalist elite depict and with mass murderers or war mongers, where observers are of connectedness or of a oneness, where everything is of one entity or organism. Now step back and imagine observing this one organism. It is as an observer to look at it as one organism, for only does the participator separate this one organism into numerous other organisms.

If you take a look at the present reality, how many of us are drawn into participating, while in the absence of observation, in the covid pandemic? In Australia, more people have died and have been maimed by covid vaccines, strangely enough this does not matter to so many Australian's. Due to coercion, very few Australian's observed what was going on, instead choosing to participate.

Lorie to me does not distort reality, this person tells it how it is. I think the reason for this is that people like Lorie participate while still able to stay in observation mode. Yes, it takes conditioning to be an observer, therefore avoiding distorting reality even more. Yes, the mind can also be quite easily conditioned into only participating as well, in the process distorting reality even more, the covid pandemic is a prime example of this, however, the covid pandemic can actually awaken us to how we distort reality.

My advice is, look for people who don't distort reality inline with their own or other people's lusts and desires.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Avoiding Suffering From The Truth


Written by Mathew Naismith

If we were truly aware, all we would do is laugh at our own and the collective human trauma we instil on ourselves. Yes, I even sit back in observation of my own participation and laugh, but at the same time being aware of why the human collective has become so engrossed in it's own participative traumas. In all, it is but a human experience.

Even within my 57 years, I have observed how our own human collective consciousness is even more today suffering from truths instead of learning from truths. We today don't chastise our children because it creates negativity, so we allow the children to grow up without responsible guidance. I have never seen in my life as I am today how the truth is judged negative, instead desired truths are seen far more positive because they are far more placid, even when of deliberate lies and deception. In my days growing up, part of our learned behaviour was to avoid abusive actions like lying and deceiving. To people like me, desired truths in opposition to actual truths, even when these truths are painful in their awakening, are far more constructive than destructive learned behavioural desired truths.

How often do we learn from what we simply judge as negative? A negative is simply an indication that we have not learnt from but instead still suffer from. To people like me, this human created reality of immense trauma of suffering and abuse is not even negative, simply an indication of a consciousness lost within it's own creation. So in today's spirituality, it is judged as being negative for calling out a person or even the collective consciousness for what it's expressing, even if this realisation may help this person or collective consciousness to overcome their own destructive tendencies.

Observe yourself or simply imagine awakening the collective consciousness to it's own created traumas. Is this honest caring action going to be seen by the collective consciousness as something positive? No. The reason for this lays in the learned behaviour of suffering from the truth instead of learning from the truth. Even within my short 57 years, I have seen the embracement of desired truths and the growing disdain for actual truths, mainly due to actual truths, like chastising children to create a more constructive learned behaviour, becoming a learned behavioural negative.

For something to be judged a negative is simply a sign of suffering instead of learning. Really, you cannot suffer from learning from trauma, from judged negativeness, you can only suffer from what you don't learn from. As soon as spiritually aware people talk of and avoid what they have judged as simply negative, people like me know this is a sign they are in all honesty still suffering from the truth, in the process replacing actual truths with desired truths.

I wrote the following separately to this post but realised it was of this post.

Proficient Mind

People like me love philosophising. To a lot of people, people into philosophy think more when in actuality it is the opposite.

Philosophy: The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.

Any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation.

It is not that philosophers think more, it is that philosophers think differently, imagine for one moment extracting irrational thinking from the mind!! You are actually thinking more proficiently and effectively because the philosophers mind has extracted irrational thinking from the mind to one extent or another. As present circumstances have proven, irrational thinking abounds in human consciousness, of course it is the irrational mind that is the easiest to scam and control!!

And yes, the irrational part of our minds often takes offence to what the rational part of our mind is thinking. Why? Because the rational mind is not of desired truths but of actual truths. Today, it is obvious that desired truths are far more desirable and acceptable than actual truths, to a philosopher, this is disheartening. Why is it disheartening? Because it is a sign we are becoming more irrational, cluttering our mind with irrational thinking instead of uncluttering our minds with rational thinking.

And yes, the irrational part of our mind will see the rational mind as being too busy and complicated when in actuality it is the other way around, for a very good reason, the thinking process becomes less cluttered therefore more proficient and effective for the rational mind. No, I am not totally proficient in thinking totally in the absence of irrationality, probably never will be and this is the actual truth rather than a desired truth.

The mind is only as proficient and effective as the environment the mind resides in........Mathew G

Yes, it would seem the irrational part of our mind will suffer the most because it learns the least from suffering and judged negatives. And yes, the irrational mind may feel good within it's desired truths, but this state has always been finite in nature!!

Saturday, 29 June 2019

This Is What I Am Seeing

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, how many different and numerous desires are out there at present, from materialism to spirituality? So which ones should control and replace all other desires? Of course the answer is my desire should....!!

What we desire the reality to be at present and in the future, is often in contradiction to the natural cycles at play. Basically, our desires represent the small picture and natural cycles depict the big picture. It is natural for a consciousness that lives in ignorance, especially in deliberate ignorance, to be destructive and chaotic in the absence of love. This simply depicts the abuse of energy. 

In saying this, it is also natural for a consciousness that is aware to be constructive and harmonious in the presence of love. Within this, one works in harmony with all energy, be it perceived as negative or positive. Certainly not in deliberate ignorance of one undesired energy in favour of a desired energy.

Even though there are a lot of people still primarily focusing on their own desires, probably more so than ever in human history, there are a lot of people who are aware how to work in harmony with all energies in the absence of bias (desire). I predict the next evolutionary human conscious cycle will be of working in harmony with all energy. Often at the end of each cycle, parts of the next cycle are present at the end of the previous cycle.

Yes, we often desire positive energy to negative energy, which is like and in line with separating parts of consciousness we desire to be of, while discarding parts of consciousness we don't desire to be of. The division of consciousness simply serves to control and replace undesired through domination of the desired. This doesn't sound too much like the next predicted cycle that human consciousness is suppose to evolve into. Look at how Iran and Russia are being singled out, deliberately separated from the rest of the world controlled and dominated by lustful desiring people. I think if Russia in particular can hold out against such lustful desires, evil if you like, the next evolutionary cycle of human consciousness will occur.

We often look at Russia as being evil, when they are not the one's trying to dominate the rest of the world based purely on self-serving lustful desires. So it is less evil allowing the people of Yemen to be purposely starved to death, or, allowing the harsh persecution of Palestinians under a Zionist controlled regime. I find it far more evil when people deliberately ignore the negatives in the world to become and stay positive, especially to simply fulfil their desires.

We will in the end enter into the next cycle, be it at a much later date in time it would seem.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Awareness, Full Stop

Written by Mathew Naismith

 “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Lao Tzu.

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” James Thurber

Here I was with a secondary lung infection trying to keep house still. I was physically impaired but still highly spiritually unimpaired/heightened. This is what you get when you don't base your positive attitude on the absence of negatives. I could have become totally physically undone through simply being unaware, nothing to do with positive or negative energies. People like yourself make people aware, which has nothing to do with the endless battle between negative and positive energies. People like you are more important to the people than they know, at present.

The above was in reply to the concerns of a good internet friend of mine in relation to my present physical health, Carolynne Melnyk.

Don't underestimate what awareness not in the absence of ignorance can create. Only a fool living within their own ignorance will state that awareness is of the absence of ignorance, for to state so is of ignorance!!

What is awareness in the absence of the ignorance of unawareness? What are you aware of, awareness or awareness and ignorance? If I was to say, "Only can I be aware of awareness for to be aware is in the absence of unawareness/ignorance, is this of awareness when in deliberate ignorance of unawareness?" As to be truly positive, being aware isn't of the ignorance of unawareness but an awareness of all without bias or desire.

How many souls at present are experiencing a lesser aware state?

It is often thought today, to change the world, we must lead by example, this means primarily focusing on oneself to change the world around us to the same manner as ourselves. The rest of the world will simply follow by our example. Of course to lead is to control.

The small pictorial view is, to improve on yourself, lead by example to what you desire everyone else's pictorial view to be like. The big pictorial view is, to influence those who want to be influenced, leaving all other people's own pictorial views alone. The big picture shows me that all is worthy, as our own souls obviously think being less aware is as worthy as being more aware. My own recent unawareness in relation to my own physical health gave me more awareness, for to learn from suffering is wiser than to still suffer from suffering.

How many centuries of control has the collective human consciousness endured, where a person or groups of people lead by example?  The continuing trend of consciousness is to lead by example, in the process influencing others to follow your own depiction in what you desire the world around you should be like. To do this of course is in deliberate ignorance to anyone else's pictorial view. It is as if all journeys are to be of the same, which to me takes a huge amount of control of other people's views and desires to do, very simular to what the multinationals are presently doing. It is the same old consciousness expressed in a slightly different way, as, being positive takes to be in deliberate ignorance to the negatives. How many multinationals are deliberately ignorant to what they are doing?

The people who want to lead by example simply want to control their environment; this is instead of simply experiencing their present environment.

Simply experiencing an environment doesn't mean you can't try to influence this environment. Often an environment will call out for change or act in a certain way that will lead to change on its own accord, often unaware of what the environment is leading to. If you are unable to influence the environment, let it go, for to control how other people's pictorial view should be like, is a continuation of a consciousness that refuses to evolve any further.

If you are simply aware, not just of a desired awareness, the present environment is calling for change, not by taking control but by its own accord within its own deliberate ignorance. As one cycle will naturally lead to another cycle, especially without being under control, so will human consciousness. At the end of each cycle, a little of what is of the next cycle becomes a part of ending cycle, thus influencing the present cycle to enter the new cycle.

As a baby comes closer to its next cycle of birth, how much is the unborn baby changing form is influenced by the next cycle? This is without controlling the unborn baby by leading the baby down a certain path, for example, the mother takes drugs, so does the baby!! Has the mother the right to influence the baby away from drugs by not taking drugs? The mother is simply taking away the influence of the control of drugs, not influencing the unborn baby to its own kind of intoxication. Why then influence other people to our own way of life by leading by example through control?  The drugs the mother takes is of control. Not taking drugs is releasing the baby from the control of drugs, thus allowing the baby to live within its own pictorial view, to live its own journey, not someone else's journey of control.

Simply, release yourself from taking control, especially of other people's lives through your own personal desires of what life should be like. In other words, in the absence of leading other people to your own desires of life, just simply be aware. Of course I am aware that the ego in control can't leave it at that.

For human consciousness to evolve into a completely different cycle, the adage that we should focus on ourselves above all else is completely of the present consciousness. If you are still unable to give up your most desired desires, for example, being of love and light, enlightenment or materialism, you are still preventing human consciousness from evolving any further.

This is funny. Anyone truly of love and light or enlightenment, would at any time give up their present euphoria's or state of being. How many souls have done this to start with, to experience human consciousness as it is, not how the soul desires it to be?  But to the human conscious, anything that gives us euphoric feelings isn't just embraced but often becomes one of our most cherished and lavishly indulged desires. In another words a fixation often expressed to a major extent.

To experience a pure sense of awareness in the absence of all our human desires is beyond words. Yes, beyond love and light and even enlightenment itself, for a true enlightened one doesn't seek enlightenment or the euphoria's of enlightenment.  An enlightened one simply extracts itself from all that is desired, in turn, only allowing a pure sense of awareness to influence them by.

Are my writings, as above, popular with the ego in control? They were never meant to be.......

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Defining Unconditional Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

In truth, are we becoming more unconditionally loving or less? To answer this we must first define what unconditional love is, I hope the following does just this. I recently found the following in my research on this topic.

Extract: "Conditional love is a polarised emotion, meaning that it has an opposite emotion. The opposite extreme of love is hatred. Conditional love comes from ego and generally focuses on someone (like romantic partner, child, parent, friend) or something (like a house, a car or a job). When we love someone conditionally, we tend to want them to look, act and think in ways that fit our own paradigms and expectations.

Unconditional love is a neutral and has no opposite. The source of unconditional love is Spirit; therefore it is available to everyone without discernment, and there is absolutely nothing we need to do to qualify for it.

Indeed, conditional love has everything to do with fulfilling our desires to feel good or feel better and better, there seems to be no end to fulfilling our ego desires. Are multinationals happy with owning millions of dollars worth of assets? No, it has to be billions and even trillions. Do we not also use spirituality to feel good or better and better? Lets be honest, the feel good industry that serves our desires is growing at an alarming rate. If it doesn't make us feel good, it's a negative, I am flabbergasted (astonished)!!

I am flabbergasted because I can't see how we have evolved any further in consciousness from thousands of years ago. Is trying to escape and/or showing an obvious disdain for humanity a show of unconditional love? If you can face the so-called negatives face on as you do the positives, this is a sign of being unconditional within your consciousness. Unconditional love is a consciousness of the absence of conditions period, how many of us separate what makes us feel good to what doesn't make us feel good? We often do this by judging what is and isn't negative and positive to start with. A separation of consciousness by the ego to fulfilled its desires!! A consciousness of unconditional love has nothing to fulfill, there are no desires therefore nothing to fulfill.  

If people like me were all about feeling good and fulfilling our desires, we wouldn't be telling the truths in the way it actually is, we would instead tell the truth in accordance with ours and other people's desires. I certainly don't desire to tell the truth in the way it is as it doesn't make me feel good or bad and this is where the neutral comes into it. It's a con by the ego, way do we have to feel good or bad, negative or positive? The strange thing with not always trying to feel good by separating consciousness into negatives and positive, bad and good, it does make me feel good by simply being neutral. Being neutral isn't a fulfillment of a desire; it's simply being of a neutral consciousness between what's desired and undesired. Being of a neutral consciousness, a consciousness of the absence of conditions depicts a consciousness of fewer motions. It's understandable that the fewer motions we express, the more truly unconditionally loving our consciousness will be. So many spiritual practices depict just this but are we truly listening?

In a time of insurmountable deception, chaos, mayhem and destruction, it is understandable and natural for the ego to desire to escape from this by any means. Be careful though, is deceiving yourself to an existence of unconditional love, when this existence has insurmountable conditions, not of the deception therefore a creation of this ego controlled existence? It is advisable to never create another existence from the same energy that created the previous existence; this kind of consciousness will never truly evolve in this manner. Any separation of consciousness naturally creates an existence based on deception and self-deception. Separating consciousness by any means will only lead to deception and lies or half truths!!

My advice to any spiritually aware person is to desist in any program, (ideology or ism), which leads to the separation of consciousness into negatives and positives, bad and good, black and white. Try to become more neutral and the more neutral you become, the more unconditionally loving you will become without effort. Are people like me truly unconditionally loving? No, we are of no conditions, this simply means to become unconditionally loving hasn't the conditions of not being of desires as well, just being simply aware is all that is needed, aware of our neutral being/existence. Remember, to try to be the opposite of desire is still of a desire, simply be as neutral as you can be without desiring this state too much. Go with the flow, not against it.......                             

Friday, 2 February 2018

Acquiring Spiritual Wealth

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I have illustrated in the below image, to desire is to separate oneself from what one doesn't desire, for example, material or spiritual wealth is desired over being poor or non-spiritual. Within this process, we have either knowingly or inadvertently separated ourselves from an undesirable.

What this is saying in regards to spiritual wealth, is we shouldn't desire to take or obtain/acquire spiritual wealth. Yes, material wealth is always taken or obtained/acquired, this is the only way to obtain this kind of wealth, but spiritual wealth should be acquired void of desire. The reason for this lies in that any desire of spiritual wealth negates spiritual wealth within its own actions, this is because spiritual wealth is the culmination of everything, not an anticlimax in regards to everything.

 How is one to experience an anticlimax in regards to spiritual wealth if we have separated everything through our desires?

Spiritual wealth can only be acquired, a true sense of spiritual wealth isn't even obtained, it's simply acquired. Obtaining refers to seeking. To seek one must have a desire in what one is seeking, one can't seek void of desire, seeking is simply desiring. Acquiring spiritual wealth is allowing the wealth to come to you, not you going to it.
To seek out any wealth is exactly like seeking material wealth; it's all based on desire.

So if we meditate or shut ourselves off from all human distractions, like through being a hermit for example, is this not based on a desire to obtain a higher degree of spiritual wealth?

All what one is doing when shutting oneself off from human distractions, is to allow the life force of wealth to come to you, you are not seeking, you are simply allowing this wealth to come to you void of as many desiring distractions as possible. You are also allowing everything to be as one void of separation, this is spiritual wealth. It's not spiritual wealth when taken or obtained through desires.

Human consciousness desires, spiritual consciousness doesn't, for the only wealth that is truly of wealth is spiritual wealth and that comes free of charge to everyone. In a true sense, wealth taken or obtained through desires isn't a true sense of wealth for it is finite in nature; it's limited to the desires desired. The reason for desires being limited is simply due to desires naturally separate one from the other, in turn, limiting ourselves to what we have separated ourselves from.

It came to me recently that multinationals have no true wealth, for all wealth has to be taken or obtained. Imagine not having to take or obtain wealth, having wealth given to you freely through free will. Any wealth obtained through desires isn't given freely or by free will, it's taken or obtained through various means.
Finally getting back to this post again after a couple of days, I have had some interesting times recently which I am thinking of talking about in a video, maybe. As of our dreams that can be three dimensional, the three dimensional mind relates better to a three dimensional videos than to two dimensional writings. It's important to awaken the three dimensional mind to other dimensional aspects, even through three dimensional means. Comprehension and then understanding!!

Getting back to the main topic, so it would seem that we shouldn't desire!!

Not at all, being of human consciousness is of desires; this is one of the traits that make human consciousness human. What I am saying is, moderate our desires so they don't become a major part of our lives so we are able to acquire spiritual wealth. Desires simply erode away our ability to acquire spiritual wealth, the more desires our lives are based on, the less chance of acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth.

Imagine being of love void of having to first feel love!! Of course love isn't just of love; a true sense of love is based on a true sense of acceptance, compassion, a balanced mentality and so on. Love is not the be and end all, this is desire/lust, everything as one is, this is why this state has no labels. The trick is, be love, which basically means observe love void of being predominately a participator of love while being also aware that all participation is based on desire; it's really this simple.....                

While we are predominantly being a participator, acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth will always elude us or be hard to acquire, being that participating is based on desire, it all makes perfect sense. Let go......  

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Easing the Pain

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are many ways to ease the pain of our present environment, religion, materialism, Wicca and new age spirituality of love and light are but a few ways of easing the pain. It is wise to be aware that none of these are right or wrong, they are simply ways of easing the pain. Is religion wrong or negative to a religious person? Is atheism wrong or negative to an atheist? Yes, to anything not of our desires can be seen as wrong or negative, within this perception, only the negatives of an undesired will be observed, this is human nature.

How negative is religion to atheists and visa-versa? How negative is everything else to a new age spiritual person that is not of love and light? Of course the extremism involved determines how negative everything else will be that is not of our desires or vibration.

People like me are simply into wisdom and awareness, this is not usually determined by what we desire but of what actually is, of what we observe in other beliefs and ideologies, not of what we only participate in that is usually governed or controlled by our desires.

Participation; as opposed to observation, is easy to recognise, it's usually linked to a desire rather than to what actually is, for example, God is depicted as a man. Atheism; the mind (consciousness) can't exist outside the human brain, or, there never was or ever could be a God or divine presence. To a person into wisdom, what would we know to be so absolute, but we are because of our desires?

Observation; doesn't work on desires but what actually is. Desires simply don't take part in observation, however, when we also participate as well as observe, we quite naturally express desires therefore create reflections or bias perceptions of what isn't desired. The trick is, try to observe yourself while in participation, yes, observe other people and your environment but be primarily observant of yourself within a particular environment. Most importantly while in observation of your own participation, stay way clear of wrong or rights, negatives or positives as these reflections simply denote a desire and an undesired. Don't judge yourself too harshly for it is natural to be desiring while in participation.

Easing the pain void of desires simply takes one to also observe, especially our own participation, of course as of always, this will be seen as negative to anyone of a desired belief or ideology, this is human nature. What we desire is simply finite in nature and transitory in it's easing of the pain, especially on a collective scale.

One more thing, what you desire creates pain for someone else's desire, avoid this if possible.