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Saturday, 31 August 2024


Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine an energy that is self-sustaining, an energy source that does not rely on other sources of energy to exist or sustain it's existence. A type of existence that causes energy to continue without a need to replenish exhausted or depleted energy, a self-perpetuating or propelling energy source.

Is the dark side of human existence self-perpetuating, the side to human life that accumulates energy through abuse and oppression?

Yes, the light side of human existence, the side of human existence that does not accumulate energy through abuse and oppression, is in actuality not of the accumulation of energy to start with, simply of the absence of accumulating energy through abuse and oppression. Of you look upon human society, especially the affluent side of human society, it is all based on the accumulating and expenditure of energy through abuse and oppression of energy sources.

Our present human societies are of the system of expenditure of energy, usually an expenditure based on abuse and oppression. For a society to be sustainable, we are fooled into thinking that we need to expend energy in this way. Do the affluent know any other way than of the accumulation of energy, energy often accumulated through abuse and oppression? The affluent only think of accumulating energy, not of being the energy they are trying to accumulate.

The light side of human existence is not of the accumulation of energy, especially energy accumulated through abuse and oppression, but of being energy itself, a self-perpetuating energy source.

So what is a self-perpetuating energy source?

To put it simply, a source of energy that is of the absence of accumulating energy especially through abuse and oppressive means, really, it is this simple. Of course there are a number of labels this kind of energy is called, depending on the beliefs and culture one is conditioned to, but no matter what this type of energy it is called, it is of the absence of accumulating energy especially through abuse and oppressive means.

To anyone who is accustomed to accumulating energy in a dark manner, the presence or even the awareness of the existence of a self-perpetuating energy source is going to seem like a huge threat to the affluent. I said seem like a threat because this type of energy does not take energy away from an energy sources, it is simply of the absence of the dark side of human existence.

Will people accustomed to the dark side of human existence want to embrace this kind of existence, even though they won't lose their accumulated energy, in fact be of an eternal energy source? The answer is no as it is very hard for anyone to give up an existence one is accustomed to. Yes, many of the affluent are fixated to accumulating energy in a dark manner, actually, many of the impoverished and traumatised are fixated to this way of life as well.

I know this may sound strange, but we need to be gentle and very understanding in how the light side of human existence will seem to the dark side of human existence, an existence that has been the integral part of human existence for a very long time.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Humanity-A Distinct Species Arising

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the west, the middle income is falling while in countries like China and Russia the middle income is said to be on the rise, by no mistake. This seems to be the same in the west in regards to people of decency and indecency, remembering that humanity has seemingly always been plagued by people of indecency. Could I today cheer on while men, women and children are fed to the lions in Roman arena's, or gone along with the obvious indecencies of Nazism?

There seems to have always been two distinct species of human beings but this is not so, this is mainly due to most people being in the grey area, not necessarily of total decency or indecency. As people in this grey area seem to be becoming more indecent, other people in this grey area seem to be going the way of decency. A lot of people today are seeing for themselves how incident the indecent side of humanity is today.

Is there now two distinct species of human being in relation to decency and indecency? No one can answer this question for someone else, each must find their own answer to this, in the process determining for themselves what is decent and what is indecent. I can't determine for other people what is of indecency and what is not, but for myself, I look at indecency as being in line with the abuse at hand. I could not imagine myself abusing the rest of humanity for my own well being for starters, I certainty wouldn't profit or support the present Roman style arena's like in Ukraine and Gaza. It must be entertaining for the truly indecent to watch and profit greatly from the show in these arena's, not saying the pandemic and proceeding so-called vaccines were not an arena on a world wide scale, an arena event orchestrated by the true indecent members of humanity.

The indecent members of humanity feel negative vibrations from people of decency, I mean in a real sense. Decency to these people is the worse feeling anyone of abuse can feel, as to the decent, indecency is the worse feeling anyone can feel on the same scale. What irks the decent people in relation to the indecent, irks the people of indecency in relation to the decent, be it for very different reasons.

So what seems to be occurring is that the indecent side of humanity is trying to get the people in the grey area of indecency/decency to become more indecent, while at the same time persecuting anyone who is of some kind of decency. To people like me, we would rather be persecuted for being of the human species of decency than being a part of the human species of indecency.

To people like me, there seems to be a great shift in humanity, and about time too. There certainly seems to be another evolving human species on the rise, remembering that this indecent side of humanity has always plagues humanity. In other words there is nothing new here, what seems to be new is the awakening of the plague upon humanity, an awakening that looks to be creating a more aware human species, an awareness that the indecent side of humanity is doing everything to stop.

So you must ask yourselves, would you rather be persecuted, by the indecent side of humanity, for being of some kind of decency or take the easy road and go with indecency? You must also know that a lot of people in the grey area who are more incident don't see themselves as being indecent, in fact will often only want to see the decent as being indecent. It makes sense, decent people put out negative vibrations to the indecent!!

In all, I don't think anyone with some kind of awareness could refute there is not some kind of conscious shift occurring.

Sunday, 4 August 2024

Upside Down Wold Conformation

Written by Mathew Naismith


I know this post goes into the personal aspects of peoples lives, but believe me this post will assist many to comprehend the present circumstances going on in the world, I hope.

My wife and I are supposed to be indecent and mentally disturbed and when you look at it, it is only because we don't want to live by lies, like with anyone. The lie could be of a personal nature or of living a government/MSM lie or both.

I read something a few years ago about an upside down world, I see it more than ever these days.

The upside down world refers to when bad and lies become accepted, while good and truth become not just unaccepted but treated with utter contempt.

If you unintentionally used someone's portion of land as your own and you found out it was not your land, your own sense of decency would impel you to straight away apologise for this mistake. In our case this was not forthcoming from the very same people who accuse my wife and I of being indecent and mentally disturbed. It was a shock to me that this whole family could be this indecent, as it would be a shock to so many today to find out how indecent humanity has become.

I think in an upside down world, being accused of being indecent and mentally disturbed is actually a good thing, it actually confirms that you are not living the lies other people seem to be living by. In actuality it is conformation that you are of decency.

Is there a link between living by lies and indecency?

I think in regards to world wide lies, people are being duped into living these lies, which doesn't mean these people are indecent, just mislead. In our case, the personal lie lived by this family is intentional. A person who was deemed not having an aggressive bone in their body and can only see the good in everyone, would instantly apologise for their mistake. I mean really, a truly decent person would apologise instantly. I know a person living by whatever lie could not see this, but a person of true decency would apologise straight away as my wife and I know we would. The neighbour next to us replaced their fence, in the process mistakenly giving us some of their land. As soon as I found out about this I pointed this out. I had to mow around a caravan that was unintentionally parked on our land, no apology has been forthcoming after confirming it was our land, and my wife and I are indecent and mentally disturbed in some way!!

It was really difficult for me to see the lie I was also living as of this whole family. I tried to ignore the obvious because of our close connection to this person and their family, but the lie became too evident to ignore to keep living by. No, you can't reason with a lie lived this intensely. I certainly could not speak to them about this.

Is this the same with world wide lies, that people will eventually become aware of the lies they have been duped to live by, no matter how attached they have become to these lies?

Like I said, the lie became too evident to ignore, in our case........