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Monday, 27 January 2025

Demoniac, A Balancing Act


Written by Mathew Naismith

Night and day is a balancing act that promotes natural fertility. The Earth itself flourishes when there is a balance between night and day, meaning, night and day are not of extreme temperatures like on other planets within our solar system. The more balance there is within night and day temperatures, the more fertile the Earth becomes.

So what causes human consciousness to become more fertile, resulting in further conscious growth?

Demoniac relates to a frenzied state of consciousness, a state of consciousness that refers to a consciousness that is out of control. Demoniac also makes reference to a consciousness or soul that is possessed by demons. Out of control makes direct reference to an energy flow that is imbalanced, just like if our own nights and days on Earth were not in balance to create fertility/growth. You may think this is incorrect, that an imbalance like this leads to significant growth, in that it seems that anyone who becomes apart of this demoniac state of consciousness benefits the most, their fame and fortune grows exponentially, like in the western entertainment industry. Too often is the demoniac mentioned and expressed by people in the entertainment industry these days. This type of growth does not lead to fertility, also, the growth is one sided which directly relates to an imbalance.

Imagine what would occur if we had only one hour of sunlight every day of the year, or, that night time was that bitterly cold that plant life died off, this demoniac state of consciousness is just like this. Look at how the lack of Co2 will lead to further plant loss. Have you noticed that any sense of decency today is being excommunicated, driven out of society as an undesirable, like truth and honesty? The replacement to what is decent, truthful and honest is of a frenzied state of consciousness, and probably of demonic possession because once you have hijacked people's emotion, you can often use them a you want, like Adolph Hitler did. Hijacking people's emotions to use as one likes is very much like demonic possession, as the emotion of people are now not of their own.

Something of an imbalanced demoniac state of consciousness simply refers to a distorted state of consciousness therefore reality. Look at the reality that so many young people today are in due this distortion, imbalance mind set. I think Ireland now officially recognises 72 genders!!

By knowing what causes a state of infertility and a reverse in conscious growth through distortions caused by significant imbalance, we should know what causes a state of fertility and growth.

What if I told you that the existence of excessive imbalances and distortions creates a reality of fertility and growth for all!! So why is this not occurring within our reality? Because this New World Order and everyone it has emotionally hijacked is out of control and most dominant. If humanity was based on wisdom, wisdom would tell us not to go down the road of demoniac possession, we would have a reality based on perfect balance but that is not the case. As mere human beings, we need the existence of this demoniac state of consciousness to keep us in conscious balance and in perfect harmony with our environment.

The existence of the demoniac was meant to keep us in balance, a warning to not become too imbalanced with our surrounding environment, however, many of us have chosen to go down this road, especially the people who have power over the rest of humanity. Yes, I relate emotional hijacking to demonic possession. Any energy of this kind of distortion was meant to be a warning to us, to keep us in balance, this simply has not occurred mainly because we have had our emotions hijacked to one degree or another. This demoniac type of consciousness could be our best friend, a friend that keeps us on the straight and narrow, sadly, it would seem too many of us have abused this friendship.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Illnesses of Malign Energies

 Written by Mathew Naismith

Sorry for not posting in recent days, especially considering the numerous shifts that are presently occurring in the world. You should not force this kind of writing, it should come freely and unimpeded otherwise it's only a distorted reflection, and we don't need to distort consciousness anymore than it is already being distorted. I started writing the following some weeks ago, it just was not happening freely enough.

Before I continue, I think it is important to recognise and understand the energies at play or in motion at present. Benign energy is simply an energy that is not distorted, which means malign energy is distorted. Which energy lies and deceives therefore distorts reality, consciousness or any energy within it's influence? Considering that benign energy is not dangerous to mental, physical and spiritual health, an energy pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence, it is unlikely it is benign energies that are of distortions.

What energies makes a person or a society abusive/corrupt, consciously ill? As soon as I sit back and observe an unimpeded abusive and/or corrupt occurrence, I know for sure some kind of imbalance of energies has occurred. As soon as energy becomes imbalanced or unstable, the energies in question become distorted, in the process creating a reality that is also distorted. Imagine if the sun became unstable, what this would do to the rest of the solar system especially Earth, the distortions would be significant, consciousness works the same way.

The presence of malign energies is inline with the abuse and corruption present, an energy flow that has been corrupted from a source of energy that is within itself distorted and imbalanced. It is right inline with a persons psyche being imbalanced, an imbalance that produces a distorted reality. The western psyche at present is showing significant signs of an imbalanced mindset, a mindset influenced by a collective malign consciousness like the New World Order. This NWO is excessively abusive and corrupt, in other words not benign but malign.

By being aware and talking about malign energy creating more of the same? So many people think this is the case, so talking about malign energies is simply negative and should be avoided so the same is not manifested even more so!! So if a child is ill, obviously suffering from a negative, we should ignore this, also, taking the child to a healer of some kind will only manifest the illness even more!! Active malign energies is an illness that should be dealt with before it becomes terminal. It is not within the expression of a illness that manifests the illness, it is within the ignorance of such illness that does. The presence of malign energies is simply an illness, as any illness is a distortion of energies from a healthy state of wellness.

It it is not if we should deal with this degree of social illness or not, the trick is in the way we react to this illness. It is in the way we react to malign energies. If I was to ignore this illness, I would then be helping this malign energy flow to manifest even more so, which a lot of people have been duped into doing just this. I just can't imagine myself ignoring an obvious illness in fear of manifesting even more of the illness. Living in fear of manifesting more of this illness by reacting to it is within itself manifesting more of this illness.

It is in the way we react this this kind of energy. By seeing this malign energy as an illness is a good start to better health, as of ignoring any illness like this will manifest this illness even further. Just don't ignore illnesses like this people in fear of manifesting this illness even more, we have indeed been duped to do just this by this malign energy flow.