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Showing posts with label possession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label possession. Show all posts

Monday, 27 January 2025

Demoniac, A Balancing Act


Written by Mathew Naismith

Night and day is a balancing act that promotes natural fertility. The Earth itself flourishes when there is a balance between night and day, meaning, night and day are not of extreme temperatures like on other planets within our solar system. The more balance there is within night and day temperatures, the more fertile the Earth becomes.

So what causes human consciousness to become more fertile, resulting in further conscious growth?

Demoniac relates to a frenzied state of consciousness, a state of consciousness that refers to a consciousness that is out of control. Demoniac also makes reference to a consciousness or soul that is possessed by demons. Out of control makes direct reference to an energy flow that is imbalanced, just like if our own nights and days on Earth were not in balance to create fertility/growth. You may think this is incorrect, that an imbalance like this leads to significant growth, in that it seems that anyone who becomes apart of this demoniac state of consciousness benefits the most, their fame and fortune grows exponentially, like in the western entertainment industry. Too often is the demoniac mentioned and expressed by people in the entertainment industry these days. This type of growth does not lead to fertility, also, the growth is one sided which directly relates to an imbalance.

Imagine what would occur if we had only one hour of sunlight every day of the year, or, that night time was that bitterly cold that plant life died off, this demoniac state of consciousness is just like this. Look at how the lack of Co2 will lead to further plant loss. Have you noticed that any sense of decency today is being excommunicated, driven out of society as an undesirable, like truth and honesty? The replacement to what is decent, truthful and honest is of a frenzied state of consciousness, and probably of demonic possession because once you have hijacked people's emotion, you can often use them a you want, like Adolph Hitler did. Hijacking people's emotions to use as one likes is very much like demonic possession, as the emotion of people are now not of their own.

Something of an imbalanced demoniac state of consciousness simply refers to a distorted state of consciousness therefore reality. Look at the reality that so many young people today are in due this distortion, imbalance mind set. I think Ireland now officially recognises 72 genders!!

By knowing what causes a state of infertility and a reverse in conscious growth through distortions caused by significant imbalance, we should know what causes a state of fertility and growth.

What if I told you that the existence of excessive imbalances and distortions creates a reality of fertility and growth for all!! So why is this not occurring within our reality? Because this New World Order and everyone it has emotionally hijacked is out of control and most dominant. If humanity was based on wisdom, wisdom would tell us not to go down the road of demoniac possession, we would have a reality based on perfect balance but that is not the case. As mere human beings, we need the existence of this demoniac state of consciousness to keep us in conscious balance and in perfect harmony with our environment.

The existence of the demoniac was meant to keep us in balance, a warning to not become too imbalanced with our surrounding environment, however, many of us have chosen to go down this road, especially the people who have power over the rest of humanity. Yes, I relate emotional hijacking to demonic possession. Any energy of this kind of distortion was meant to be a warning to us, to keep us in balance, this simply has not occurred mainly because we have had our emotions hijacked to one degree or another. This demoniac type of consciousness could be our best friend, a friend that keeps us on the straight and narrow, sadly, it would seem too many of us have abused this friendship.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

That For Which Seems Lost

Written by Mathew Naismith
 To lose something that you never
had to lose in the first place to be lost!!

Sounds funny doesn't it? To lose something you thought you could lose if lost. Think of it this way. A couple are married and one of the couple believes the other partner is as deeply in love as they are. After awhile this turns out not to be true. The question is, can one lose someone's love that never really existed before hand? It can if the partner believes their love was reciprocated.

In all honesty though, you can't really lose what you never had to lose in the first place, even when it feels you have lost. In all practicality you had nothing to lose in the first place. It is handy to think philosophically like this when you feel a loss in this way, "I didn't have it in the first place to have lost it"!!

I actually go further with this, in that material life itself isn't something I have or own to be able to lose in the first place, therefore life itself can't be lost to me.

So why do we feel a loss even when we didn't really have the loss to lose in the first place?

Possession = The act of having and controlling property, and, Anything owned or possessed

The feeling of owning something has to do with control. In relation to love, an expected or desired return of love to the same degree. Sadly, often marriage is seen as an ownership so expectations become of desires and of course our desires often have control of over us. It would seem control gives us something to lose even when we don't have anything to become lost in the first place.

How many people today think they have to take control? In this case there is always someone else trying to take control by controlling you, leading to a vicious endless cycle of ownership of control.

Yes, I can feel a material loss, but I know that no material possession really belonged to me to lose in the first place. Sadly, love is often treated as a material possession or something expected or demanded from others. Do I expect to be loved by my wife? No, my wife's love is simply something given by her but not owned by me, it is simply a blessing.        

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Demonic Possession of a Collective Consciousness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

How ridiculous is it to even consider writing about demonic possessions, especially of a collective consciousness.

Consider this, how many people in the world today are possessed or obsessed with materialism, where materialism even comes before the love of their family members? In truth, material wealth and power even comes before the health of the environment we rely on for our existence. To someone like me, this is astounding that such a self-proclaimed intelligent species could act in such a way.

To be of a demonic or evil energy force, such a consciousness needs to live in ignorance and the more ignorant the consciousness is, the more demonic or abusive this kind of consciousness will be upon other energy forms. Considering that a lot of the elite of today live off of sick dying people, or, people they have enslaved to the current system through dept, it is obvious to people like me that the collective human consciousness is indeed influenced and controlled by demonic or abusive energy forms. Demonic to someone like me simply means a consciousness that is highly abusive to energy period. Indeed, how many of us are possessed or obsessed at present, to the extent of accepting that other people in power make other people sick to live off of? When it gets to this stage of the evolution of a consciousness, where the people being abused accept being abused in almost every way, there is only one way this kind of collective consciousness can go.   

I recently watched a classic movie with Gregory Peck playing the main part in the movie Mirage. In one seen they looked down upon the people as being like ants or cattle, to be used and abused at will by people in power. This is nothing new in human history, which shows how far we haven't evolved or become aware from a state of ignorance. This is the way energy works, ignorance creates an abuse and destruction of energy where awareness creates quite the opposite. Make no mistake though; awareness can indeed be used in ignorance, where awareness can be used upon itself through deceit and manipulation. Look at how religion and science have and are being used, usually to serve the elite resulting in the endless abuse of religion and science, in fact the abuse of isms and ideologies period. I would myself, in this case, call a consciousness this abusive to energy period demonic or simply ignorant to itself.  

Extract: Obsessions and possessions of the devil are placed in the rank[further explanation needed] of apparitions of the evil spirit among humans.[further explanation needed] It is obsession when the demon acts externally against the person whom it besets, and possession when it acts internally, agitates them, excites their ill humor, makes them utter blasphemy, speak tongues they allegedly have never learned, reveals allegedly unknown secrets to them, and apparently inspires them with obscure knowledge of philosophy or theology.[A 1]

Obsession; where the abusers of energy are an external force to what is being abused, this is until the abused or obsessed become possessed themselves and become abusers of energy themselves. In this case possession becomes an internal influence, not an external influence such as in obsession. The funny thing is, in psychology all our demons comes from within, even though a lot of our demons come from external influences that cause us trauma for instance. Yes, any demonic possession is of an internal occurrence but often influenced by external sources. Either religiously or psychologically, we allow these demons to control us from within in relation to possessions. This of course often occurs from being obsessed, an external influence, to being possessed, an internal influence.  

Extract: To condescendingly think that we, as modern-day, rational people, are too sophisticated to believe in something as primitive as demons is to have fallen under the spell of the very evil spirits we are imagining are nonexistent. What the ancients call demons are a psychic phenomena which compel us to act out behaviors contrary to our best intentions. To quote Jung, “…the psychic conditions which breed demons are as actively at work as ever. The demons have not really disappeared but have merely taken on another form: they have become unconscious psychic forces.”

“Possession,” according to Jung is “a primordial psychic phenomenon” that “denotes a peculiar state of mind characterized by the fact that certain psychic contents, the so-called complexes, take over the control of the total personality in place of the ego, at least temporarily, to such a degree that the free will of the ego is suspended.”

Considering my own limited experiences in this area, where exceptionally abusive energy sources of conscious energy indeed exist. If anyone was to experience the full energy field of this kind of destructive energy source, your hair would instantly go white, what ever age you were.

Is this kind of source of energy this frightening? Not at all, in fact all I can do is smile. Like the multinationals, the only energy demonic entities can harness is through us, we are their energy, take that away, they have no control and power. I also laugh at any energy form that is so ignorant; for only through ignorance can such an energy form exist. Yes, this kind of demonic energy lives off of any form that is of awareness, unless that awareness is beyond their control and manipulation. This is why a true sense of love and light, unconditional love, faith in God/Jesus, etc, is often out of the reach of this kind of demonic or abusive energy.

However, what would a demonic energy source want you to do in relation to energy period? Stay ignorant to anything remotely negative or threatening to ourselves feeling good!! Any true positive person, unconditionally loving person, a person of love and light, etc, would face the negative face on without fear and not only desire to be of what these demonic energy sources have created. How many people in the world are now obsessed by what materialism has created for their pleasure? How pleasurable has spirituality now become to a lot of people today? Of course the only way to fulfil these pleasurable desires is to stay ignorant to anything remotely deemed negative. At all cost stay ignorant to the negatives in the world, through this a reality of love and light will be created!! Nothing that is abusive to energy through ignorance will manifest a non-abusive reality.

My advice in this case is to stay away from anything that influences you to become even more ignorant, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become abusive to energy. Make no mistake; this kind of demonic or abusive energy source is highly manipulative and deceptive. If something in this reality, controlled and manipulated demonic sources of energy, fulfils all your desires, please think again. Anything that makes you even more ignorant to the present circumstances is, in my mind, demonic or abusive to energy by nature, try to avoid this at all cost.

How do people like me cope in facing the so-called negatives face on? We simply stay connected to a truer state of awareness, this can either be through the perception of love and light, God, Jesus, certain kinds of science, quietness or stillness or what ever, as long as it is about being aware in the absence of fear and bias. As I have explained before, stillness, where the motions of desires and ego are absent, is of a pure aware state, of God if you like, for only through unawareness, a less Godly state, can motion exist.

Note: I usually don't call these highly absuive energy sources demonic, for within this explanation of this kind of energy source they gain so much power from. Yes, they want to be put down and denounced as being negative as any negative source of energy does. By simply avoiding or staying ignorant to this kind of energy, gives this energy more power and control over us, not less, as our present circumstances are proving. This kind of energy is simply an abusive energy living in ignorance to itself. This explanation works really well if you are particularly aware of your whole self in some way. They don't like this explanation of themselves one bit.......                                    

Extract: Yet today, Gallagher has become something else: the go-to guy for a sprawling network of exorcists in the United States. He says demonic possession is real. He's seen the evidence: victims suddenly speaking perfect Latin; sacred objects flying off shelves; people displaying "hidden knowledge" or secrets about people that they could not have possibly have known.