I tend to go off course like anyone, in this case writing for other people instead of writing for myself. Tried to write a post for three weeks now until I realised why I am having such a hard time of it. I simply allowed myself to be distracted by the environment around me.
I am writing on the following topic for my own realisation.
As it turns out, the most valuable gift I have bestowed on my wife is not love but encouraging her to become a truth seeker, today's conspiracy theorist. What we are aware of is beyond words, as of any truth seeker as you would expect. The truth seeker is the balancer of life.
Balancer: An acrobat, in our case a truth seeker, who balances themselves in difficult positions.
So why do I say the truth seeker is the balancer of life, a person who seeks balance/truth within themselves and their environment in life instead of imbalance?
Yes, I equate balance with truth to start with.
Have you noticed that it is harder to hijack the emotions of a truth seeker than people who don't seek the truth, people who are often living by other people's lies, emotions and desires, often without knowing it. Adolf Hitler was one of the great emotional hijackers of his time, today he would be classed as a mediocre emotional hijacker. This is what truth seeking looks like.
A truth seeker does not determine their truth in accordance with emotions, lies, desires and various other biases, the truth is determined in the absence of prejudices and biases like these. I should say tries to.
A good example is the so-called Ukraine/Russia war. The truth seeker is quite aware that this is a war between the true aggressor, NATO, and Russia. The truth seeker looks at who is the real expansionist here, in other words the true aggressor. NATO is still trying to expand on it's influence. Look at how NATO used the Nazi tactic of emotional hijacking, making out that Russia wants to invade Europe, while the true expansionist/invader is the true aggressor here, that wants to fund this war to no end, another Nazi tactic. And Donald Trump is the supposed Nazi!! In saying this, Zionists are far right wing which Trump is supportive of.
Why would the people in Donbas Ukraine want to be under the influence of this kind of aggressor all over again? Actually, the truth seeker asks why would any European country accept going down this path again, a path that could lead to a far more devastating war than WWII? But they are and the truth seeker can see exactly why, it's to do with emotional hijacking. Were a lot of Germans aware of their own emotional hijacking before and during WWII? Some were, most not as of today.
Can you see the balancing act going on here in regards to the truth seeker when faced with a difficult position/situation here, were the truth seeker is attacked for being a conspiracy theorist and even a terrorist. Trying to stay balanced in a world full of people who have had their emotions hijacked is quite difficult, but a far better option than just going along with having one's own emotions hijacked and used to persecute other people in the world, like Russians.